Set up extensive backstory and lore

>Set up extensive backstory and lore
>Establish dozens of characters, each with their own personality and visual design
>Every character has their place in the world and a thought out relationship with other characters and factions. Even voice lines are recorded for when the characters interact with each other.

In game:
>LOL! Let's just have every character kill each other. Who cares if they are best friends in the story? Let's just have this guy team up with his arch nemesis!
>LOL! Let's release joke skins that have absolutely nothing to do with the character or their personality and completely ruin their original design, so you'll never actually see the character's original appearance.

If you wanted to play something for its lore and story you should have picked something with a singleplayer campaign.

gameplay > story

they're called video GAMES for a reason

>He doesn't realize Overwatch is the shattered remains of Titan, the failed "next WoW MMO" ergo all the backstory
>he doesn't realize they just salvaged ship and crammed it into a shooter at the last minute

VIDEO games. They're playable movies user

Blizzard's name is the only thing that's keeping this game relevant.
If a literally-who studio released it, it wouldn't fare any better than Battleborn.

Did they scrap it because WoW is pretty much humans vs robots at this point anyway?

IT's because Overwatch WAS going to be an MMO but then Blizzard couldn't decide if they wanted to kill WoW yet so they took what they had and made it into a team based shooter.

Wait till you play fighting games.

I'm betting they'll do something with the story eventually, they've done way too good a job with it to just let it be a backdrop and they know it.

Who fucking cares, TF2 has its story in the form of comics and animated shorts as well and has the team murder each other for no reason despite the RED team doing some secret mission to get Australium back for the Administrator.

Probably scrapped it because MMOs don't really turn out very well now, with few exceptions.

Also, it would be stupid for them to make an mmo that would potentially complete with their own, already established mmo.

I'm not saying I always prefer story over gameplay. I only think it's silly of game developers like Blizzard to develop and put effort into making an extensive story and background to a game, and have the gameplay completely contradict pretty much all story elements, like character relationships for instance.

So you'd prefer if certain characters are barred from being on the same team due to lore reasons?

It`s shit because 95% of the budget went into the marketing, like all Blizzard games it only succeeds due to flooding the commercial market to such a point that legitimately good games such as Battleborn get choked out, the way WEEDS will choke out flowers and nutritious vegetables.

Blizzard is the WEEDS of the PC platform.


I'm only reflecting over why Blizzard even put effort into developing the lore and story in the first place.

The story was most likely done before the game even became a shooter. It was all left over from project Titan that blizz repurposed into overwatch.

Overwatch is future WWE. Everything is staged, all the lore available to the player is the narrative of the show.

TF2 did it better. Make a game with absolutely zero story then make up a story over the years with updates, comics and shorts.

>legitimately good games such as Battleborn get choked out

It's time to stop posting Randy

Beacause they want people to get attached to the characters so that they'd be less inclined to abandon their games. Also, creating a coherent lore (unlike mess that is LOL) allows them to pursue more business opportunities in the future:
-Overwatch media (comics, cartoons, movies)
-Other games taking place in Overwatch world (for example a single-player FPS starring overwatch characters)

Have you seen the tumblr fan art? Lore and characterization attracts people who aren't that into pure gameplay.

That's literally what OW is doing too. When they announced it, they just had a premise.

All Tumblr cares about is shipping and gay shit.

OW overall is very much a TF2 ripoff

>Also, it would be stupid for them to make an mmo that would potentially complete with their own, already established mmo.

I dont really know what they were thinking there. Has any other company made 2 games of the seam niche that competed with each other simultaneously?

>I'm only reflecting over why Blizzard even put effort into developing the lore and story in the first place.

You might not like it, but it has certainly helped the game. Characters having backstory and relationships and flavor allows for people to pick their favorites from more than just gameplay styles.

It's not any different from fighting games.


Overwatch's story has literally nothing to do with the events in the game. Blizzard even said that the game is classed as non-canon and you should look at it like a metaphor for a kid playing with action figures.

same shit with dota or league
if you want a story based game go play one, but the lore is extremely welcome even though the gameplay is not canon

League's gameplay was canon until around about 2013

couldn't you pick the same hero in both teams then?

Have you never played a video game before? Go play Euro Truck Simulator if immersion breaking is an issue.

>Has any other company made 2 games of the seam niche that competed with each other simultaneously?
Nintendo does it all the time

>make a bunch of unique characters all with their own personality
>have tons of potential for entertaining character interactions between them all
>barely make them interact in-game
>characters who don't already know each other in canon won't even acknowledge each other barring 1-2 exceptions

Goddamn would I love a Rainbow Six Vegas 2 like game starring S76.

The game itself isn't canon

The characters in overwatch are bland as shit tho, even for blizzard standards, hard to believe people are invested in them. Tf2 did this waaaay better and its characters are also actually funny and clever

Honestly this bothers me a lot more than I'd like to admit.

It started out with how TF2 ended up turning a fucking carnival. I loved the artstyle in TF2 and it even inspired me on the stuff I draw and shit. When hats started fucking up (almost instantly) the entire game I knew the shit that I loved was over.

When Overwatch was just about to be released I barely knew anything about it but decided to watch all the little movies to see what the fuck was this all about. I was immediatelly hooked.

>cool ass samurai robot ninja
>brothers summoning dragon
>girls with huge asses
>cool robot monk (jesus christ Zenyatta is so cool)

When I loaded up to see the skins and I saw all that garbage I felt the same feeling I had for TF2.
What I'm trying to say is that after this point in time all Multiplayer game is going to be riddled with bullshit like this.

>barely make them interact in-game
>confirmed for not actually playing the game
you are so wrong here to the point where it's actually a problem
a lot of characterization boils down to "hey look at me! i'm this character!" despite this there are plenty of interactions that are more natural, and those tend to be the best, like mei calling winston cute.

>tracer: whoah it's me. is my chronal accelerator malfunctioning again
>another tracer: i was gonna say the same thing! spooky

I grew up tired of OW characters even playing only the beta, outside of their design they are dull and plain as fuck
>Pick the egyptian samus
>All her lines are about protecting the weak and Justice
>Pick Mei
>All her lines are "I-i gotta help the others...!" style
>Pick the gorilla
>All his lines are about "I need to research this!" because HE'S A SCIENTIST GORILLA LMAO YOU GET IT?

And even some of the character designs are cliche as fuck:
>Clint Eastwood
>Cyborg Ninja ala Gray Fox / Maiden
>Literally a dwarf from WoW
>A scientist ape
>An innocent robot curious about life and nature (Wall•e, Iron Giant, ...)