Shout-put to Midna

>Shout-put to Midna.
>She's hot!
>She's on a different list for me...

What did they mean by this?

Benis in vagina

>Open's OP's image
>see's subsctibe button
>click the subscribe button
>it does nothing

Top 3 Zelda girls you'd assume as a reasonable person.

3. Busty bartender from TP
2. Older farm sister from MM
1. Princess Zelda from the very first game

Well the woman says it, so vagoo smoochie smoochie vagoo

>Neither list has Zelda 1 or 2
>both have Skyward Sword

Gotta shill them E-shop releases I guess.

3. loli princess ruto
2. bombers (all at once)
1. epona

Translate the image.

literally who

most of it is just sound noises like 'slurp, hah, splish
otherwise link just says 'Epona!' and 'Drink my spit'

Shot-put to Midna? That's quite excessive.

even women like short-stacks.

I'm sure if you twist your wrist as you throw her, you could get quite a bit of a distance. Aim for a spiral.


Midna is short. And thick and curvy. But she is not stacked. In fact her chest is almost flat.

any lewds of right? any feet?
the awkward sexual tension between them (especially the first treehouse stream)

the sexual tension was between the two guys

Still sad Erik left. What is he doing now?


I like in WA near Nintendo how do I benis in her vag????

I want erik :3