Play Okami they said... It's a good game, they said

Okay, more seriously, I am enjoying this game a lot, but whoever designed that side quest deserve a dedicated circle of hell just form them.

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Wait till you have to do the final block dudes

That was an easy side quest, only blockhead grande is tough

A block seems more manageable than a ball.

Is Okami Den a good sequel?

It's okay for a DS game, but don't go in with high expectations.

try the play the wii version where you can't strike the name of the bandits and have to do it 12 times to do it right

Fuck Blockhead.

I literally don't even remember that sidequest so it cant have been very hard. The only one I remember spenidng some time on was the final blockhead, and I didnt have a camera or anything to cheat with.

The bear is easy compared to Blockhead.

You know the final boss may be easy but it sure as hell gets you pumped up.

blockhead you can cheat with a camera

there is no fucking trick to rolling those balls up the hill, only hours of torment

For that matter, drawing a bridge with a thumbstick... No, drawing ANYTHING with a thumbstick and the Square button is a pain in the ass. Still, good game.

drawing mechanics were fine

you just have malformed flipper hands or something

I am playing the wii version.

Had no issue with straiking their name, though.

all in all, I feel this game is better designed forthe Wii U. The only issue I have is with the camera control.

I am so used to hit the z button to readjust the camera when I play zelda that it get me everytime.

>I literally don't even remember that sidequest
You might have simply not have done it. it's easily missable, if you are not a completionist.

That's why I enjoy the Wii version. it's like it was done for that console.

Is it available on the eshop?

>all in all, I feel this game is better designed forthe Wii U
*for the Wii

Timed Simon Sez says different.

>Timed Simon Sez
Is that some youtube personality or is the blockhead game similar to a simon sez game?

At lest you can cheat a bit with that, Not with ppushing the beehive.

I didn't have too much trouble with that but the later iterations of THE WALL had me stuck for a good while.

The worst part is that during day-night transition, it didn't pause the ball.

At least, using the overview camera make things easier.

I got confused a little because I thought you need to draw a line passing by the two points. Turned out you just have to draw on the dots itself.

Easy with the Wiimote.