So what's Sup Forums's opinion on F4 story DLCs? Which one is better? I think storywise both Far Harbor and Nuka world are shit, but NW location is more interesting, however loot is better in FH. What do you think? pls no fallout 4 hate here
Fallout 4 DLCs
Fuck off with your shill thread m8, this is now a Fallout New Vegas thread.
>New Vegas
Buggy as fuck, and with so much cut content it's not worth playing vanilla.
>So what's Sup Forums's opinion on F4 story DLCs?
I think it would be FH for me. There was a much better atmosphere in it, and the storyline reminded me more of the older Fallout games. Nuka World was pretty good, for the stranger locations, and the amount of pre-war stuiff in it.
i like you
I don't think I'll even put in the effort to pirate nuka world.
I think I'm done with Bethout in general. RIP in peace, at least we still have the black isle/obsidian titles. Even Fallout 3 was more enjoyable.
>loot is better in FH
What does that matter? What value does this loot have to you?
Maybe he likes using it to build things? Or maybe he's talking about the armour and clothing?
Are you new to vidya?
He might be referring to the degradation of unique pieces as a result of the legendary system. Coming across a unique piece in 3/NV or hell, even completing the Smitty Special was noteworthy. I'd Stash/Display it with pride if it were unique. Carrying that same spirit into 4 is hard when your uniques become a randomized adjective dropped by legendary creatures. Unlike the previous games, loot has become trash seldom worth the effort to even pick up. Once you get your plasma infused X or double shot Y, finding new stuff ceases to mean much when the odd truly unique item can be trash in comparison, especially at Far Harbor's typical cost of 10k+ for pieces you might actually be interested in.
It's unfortunate that 4's economy has worked out to be one where you've no need to spend cash until you run into a dissonant piece/set of equipment that runs you most of your caps.
I haven't really had this experience. Most of the legendaries I come across are trash, which I sell to save up for the one I want. Sometimes there's something worth keeping and displaying, but those times have always been few and far between for me in Fallout. I can't think of anything in 3 or NV that I did the same with. Maybe alien blasters?
Nuka World > FH by so much.
All i've wanted is to be a raider and this sort of lets me do that.
There's still too many "essential" NPCs for it to truly be possible.
Beth needs to fucking STOP with having so god damn many immortal NPCs
Fallout 4 is shit, so why even discuss it
Well personally I'll keep everything that's unique in 3 and NV given that a randomized tag won't replicate it's effect and NV uniques actually have custom textures.
The borderlands tier system that replaces the above by chance both makes money sink tker weaponry obsolete and fails to deliver what a premium piece of equipment in NV found in GRA did, an end game sink with entirely unique offerings.
Lazy fucks at bethesda could have made interesting quest to deal with raiders instead of literally kill em all.
>Beth needs to fucking STOP with having so god damn many immortal NPCs
But user, how else will you be able to experience full extent of deep, emotional, award-winning writing by Emil pegafagulino
You people dick sucked the Silver Shroud so hard when the game came out and he wrote that too.
Lazy fucks at Obsidian could have made interesting quest to deal with tribals instead of literally kill em all.
absolutely horrible dlc and game overall
take this as someone who liked fallout 3, i don't know how they fucked up so bad with this game
Khans, Kings, Boomers, and White Gloves all have quests that aren't kill em all.
Other than some extreme cases of scavenger hunting deluxe, the exploration and the areas was pretty good.
The quests however, not so much. A couple of sidequests was fun, but the mainquests are all quite boring.
Also some lore oddity in here. Why is there an X 01 suit of PA locked in a prewar exhibition??!
Why is there hubologists here? They belong in California.
Really hoped this would be a wacky Far Harbor like questline with all kinds of options and nonsense.
It is not. Kinda disappointed.
Since Harold, Captain Crunch, and the Brotherhood of Steel managed to cross the wasteland coast to coast, now it's not much of an accomplishment and anyone can do it if they try really hard.
He's talking about Honest Hearts DLC, I think.
Honest Hearts is the worst NV dlc hands down.
more like so much cut content the game is tsill exelent and fucking better than F4, even with both expentions, I'm not sure Fallout 4 has as much quests, weapons and outfits as New Vegas without dlc
I'd say Old World Blues gets that honour. In fact..
>more like.. [fanboy defense]
Vanilla NV is just an expansion pack for FO3, and a buggy, nigh-unplayable one at that.
Far Harbor still the best one to be honest.
Shame Nuka World is the last one though. Guess I will wait for a decent quest mod.
Comparing launch vanilla to patched vanilla is a bethdrone meme
>Vanilla NV is just an expansion pack for FO3
Of course m8, its not like New Vegas had an actual faction system, a real fucking skill sytem and not the abortion of a perk system they use un f4, keep dreaming m8
btw, poeples actually report better performances when runing Fallout 3 trough Tales of Two Wastelands than playing the actual game, just sayin, moreover, New Vegas has real fucking mods like New Vegas Bounties, not a bunch of weapon and companion mods anyone could shit dayly.
>an actual faction system
Which didn't work.
>a real fucking skill sytem
A slightly better one than FO3, which i'd expect from an expansion pack? Yes.
>poeples actually report
haha, awesome.
>New Vegas has real fucking mods like New Vegas Bounties, not a bunch of weapon and companion mods anyone could shit dayly.
There are fucking thousands of awesome mods for FO3, what are you talking about?
>implying patched vanilla does anything about the fucked factions, getting stuck in rocks, shonky as fuck combat, god-awful texture pop-out or lazy-ass DLC
It's time you stopped posting, NVfag
>people actually praising FO:NV's faction system
Looks like we have some smiling troublemakers in here!
I just want the chinese assault rifle
how many hous do you have to play to get it?
Didn't imply most of that, but playing on console and being unable to tcl is player error. What it does do is make the game crash less frequently while fixing some bugs and scripting errors.
For everything else mods either take care of it, it isn't enough of a problem to stop the game's praiseworthiness. I don't say that to write off it's issues, yes, it's flawed, but still manages to deliver an experience worth debating and discussing unlike other game's who's conversation only kick up once DLC content releases before dying again.
>lazy-ass DLC
Workshop content was in Fallout 4, you're getting mixed up friend.
What's the problem? Most annoying thing to me was Ulysses not accurately responding to your faction choices.
About one depending on play speed. Just reach Nuka World proper and buy/steal one.
>chinese AR
Loses it's profile without the dust cover. Why would they remove that? There's even more of a reason to have it now given the environment.
>not being able to circumvent poor game design is 'player error'
Congrats. Now I really have heard it all.
because the handmade assault rifle isnt the chinese assault rifle
it's a home-tooled gun based on it
>Far Harbor
Far Harbor was empty as fuck, non of the potential it had for atmosphere was ever used and the story was yet another synthfugee thing.
>Nuka World
Beginning with what felt like the 10th trap course the game had, get to bumpercar man, kill him in 3 shots, immediatly lose any interest to play further.
Fo4 was best when you first started it, knew it wasn't a rpg anymore and you totally ignored the main story.
I paid 15 bucks for the season pass and feel ripped off.
All this bullshit about biggest landmass they ever produced and yet Harbor felt smaller than Dragonborn
There's no reason to rush for it.
It uses ammo that only drops/can be bought in Nuka World
>play Far Harbor
>suddenly Minecraft: Hacking the game
fuck this
i hope they'll tone down by several notches the building shit
Playing a game based on Bethesda's shitty iteration of gamebryo is a mistake one experienced with 3 should foresee. It's a shame beth only gave them so little time to fix their mistakes and dragged their feet when it was their responsibility to player test. Armed with this knowledge, the fault is of those who knew better than to play the game on console.
>There are fucking thousands of awesome mods for FO3, what are you talking about?
Can you link me some good mods? I pirated the game yesterday but I didn't get any mods yet.
Fallout 4 is not an RPG.
Even with New Vegas having so much cut content, it still has more content than Fallout 4
Not even shit-posting, look it up. New Vegas has more:
>Quest (Also better quest)
>Enemies (Fallout 4 cut out so many base enemies from the game, such as ants, centaurs, and robobrains)
>Items in general
why is her face glowing
NV is the best fallout.
That aside, I liked Nuka World a lot better then FH, it was just funner. The paddle ball and thirst zapper are really fun to use, and it's fun to piss off Preston while raiding settlements.
FH seemed like it was taking itself way to seriously. Everyone was just pissed off or depressed.
It had just started raining. This was a few moments before.
Far Harbor and Nuka World are the most underrated dlcs. No one seems to give a fuck about the beautiful soundtrack, dark atmosphere and the factions in Far Harbor. And the highly detailed environment in Nuka World.
I think Bethesda's content and story through exploration method is failing. People expect good dlcs to hold their hands from start to finish. They don't care about the freedom and exploration.
>Although Bethesda would never admit it, Fallout 4 was released to compete with New Vegas after attempts to make a better game had failed
anyone managed to get fallout 3 running on windows 10 desu? it keeps crashing when i select new game
In this post MGS5 world, the freedom meme is dying in critical (Read: Sup Forums) circles and the tighter crafted narrative experience + illusion of freedom is in vogue.
it's god awful and shovels more settlement shit down your throat, it's unfinished garbage and the perpetual focus on it for the entire game has ruined the whole experience more than the voiced protagonist or removal of skills
Would Sup Forums a Sierra Petrovita?
Sup Forums eats up illusion of freedom like candy. Which is a shame because I'm sure it never used to.
FH legitimately made me think that they had learned from their mistakes with the base game.
NW proved they hadn't.
What? Sup Forums is hypercritical of illusory freedom. It's the mainstream audience that's taken in by "le you can go anywhere, do anything".
>ammo crafting mod
not a problem
Fo4 hate is evidence to the contrary. They're more concerned about narrative foible than being given any type of freedom to explore, which Fo4 has in fucking spades.
You weren't here a few weeks ago for the 'I can't believe I bought no man' 's sky' butthurt?
so i killed all the raiders in Nuka World because raiders are scum.
anyone else do the same?
No, the idea of just me killing all the raiders was a bit weird so I'm keeping them under control from the inside.
>find out I can get Grognak's armor and axe
>torrent fallout 4
>spend around 40 hours just fucking around, didn't do the main quest beyond getting to diamond city and recruiting piper
>apparently the torrent came with some dlc, didn't realize Far Harbour was dlc content
>it was pretty good but the mirelurk queen absolutely destroyed me and my retarded full melee build
>had to resort to using a mini nuke
>my aim has always been terrible and I didn't know the branches had collision in this game
>fire nuke through a patch of trees, assuming it will hit the queen
>proceed to blow my own arms and legs off since it hit a branch 5 feet in front of me
I like the game so far, besides the fact that they throw companions at you like it's going out of style. New Vegas felt like I had to explore a bit more to find people and items in general. Piper is fun to adventure with too, but the chem junkie girl is just gross. Is Piper the only decent waifu without resorting to mods?
>Is Piper the only decent waifu without resorting to mods?
Curie is ok
I was here for the
>people fell for no man's sky meme
A few idiots are inevitable, but the response to the title was generally poor and it was likened to Spore.
I take that to mean the variety of freedom provided by a fallout game is understood and written off, as veterans know what to expect and barring unenforceable improvement or a step back beyond daggerfall, what freedom would be presented would be no source for surprise.
The narrative was appropriately the matter to be concerned with as coming off of New Vegas, there were questions to be raised regarding whether it's graces would be considered and improved on or not.
you can fix the chem girl so she doesnt do drugs
u can romance a robit that gets moved into a synth body
curie a best.
No, i dunno how u can tolerate her "yahoo" every time
anything is better than Presten's "is this a good time for that talk?" bullshit.
>I feel justified writing off the good points of a game because I want to complain more than I want to enjoy video games
>tfw games feels choppy even at 60 fps with stuttering here and here
ENB didn't help either, fucking gamebryo being shit even in Fallout 4
I felt the same way about nv. They had all the chances in the world to improve on fallout 3's engine, instead they fucked it
No, it's like talking about whether or not there'll be an open world in GTA. Of course it's going to be there and it'll probably be fine. It's not worth talking about, but hey, let's talk about these story snippets and see what they could mean.
Write off might not have described my exact meaning, it's just expected to be there and not in such a way that it's worth dominating conversation. Besides in Fo4, there WAS talk about it's freedom in terms of map size for a good long time before more details than map leaks came to light. The conversation was had, it quickly reached it's conclusion, as more information came out people were quick to take up discussing how the new tidbits would fit into the story.
>enjoy video juegos
There was nothing to enjoy at the point I had in mind. I'm thinking of leading up to release. Post release, aside from some grumbling about map size and time to traverse, people rightfully moved on. It wasn't worth talking about. It was "written off".
And shit like this is why Sup Forums is no longer a decent place to come to. Among friends, and dare I say people that actually like games, opening week for FO4 was great. We all talked about the places we'd found, and the story from terminals, and the pre-war nonsense we'd stumbled across. it was great. Electric.
But on Sup Forums? The tyranny of high expectation. Why talk about the exploration, because "Of course it's going to be there and it'll probably be fine".
>Post release, aside from some grumbling about map size and time to traverse, people rightfully moved on. It wasn't worth talking about. It was "written off".
Only on Sup Forums, where the bandwagon of hate was at its most full. All the other people I know who were playing it were having fun exploring, talking about their finds, etc.
If you don't expect to enjoy something, you'll find a million reasons not to.
10 tier cowboy stuff though
Tale of 2 wastelands, Ultimate J sawyer mod, Tale of 2 wastelands unofficial patch.
Lets you play the game with New Vegas perks, items, and balance. It also rebalances the difficulty of the game.
You still have stupid shit like a city being 4 people sitting on a overpass. But it makes the game actually feel playable.
Do me a favor and tell me what we were supposed to be talking about in regards to exploration in our threads of single OP's relaying their experiences through picture, leaked videos, and stealth streams?
Were we supposed to be in awe that "Wow, you guys see that hillock? You can surmount it!!!". I won't apologize for our being more critical than that. Sorry if that's too jaded an outlook, but what do you expect, all of us to go doe eyed at a building being rendered as we drew close? At bombed out houses? A town hall? No, I don't think any of those were worth our awe. I'm glad it still wows you and your friends though.
Once more of us got our hands on the game, then what was there to wow us? Todd's environmental story telling? Oh boy, more teddy bears doing wacky things, more pre-war terminal stories, none of which were worth remembering coming off of a tale like NV's Randall Clarke diary. I'll tell you what seemed to impress Sup Forums, the south west of the map where ground zero was. It was different. It was new. Warped weather and ambient radiation evocative of S.T.A.L.K.E.R or one of the well received weather mods many of us have been playing with for years by then. Outside of that, tell me what was supposed to impress?
>all other the other people
They're more easily impressed, good for them.
>bandwagon full of hate
The title had expectations and a praised prior title to live up to, naturally we were critical. I only wish Fallout 4 would've capitalized on NV and out performed it in our eyes.
>If you don't expect to....
That might be true if I'd never loved something I went in expecting to hate. Great games have a way of defying my low expectations.
>liking Piper
Do peoplr actually do this? Her introduction was so fucking stupid, I couldn't tolerate looking at her.
People retarded enough to like fallout 4 will generally fall for any girl, even shit like Piper.
Exploration in Bethesda games is awful, though. It's just completely pointless loot grinding. Occasionally an area might have some story tied to it, but it's almost always about how someone took shelter only to be killed by some random event selected off the laundry list of terrible things. You can never even interact with these stories, so what's the point?
>there are only two waifus in the game
>the DLCs keep adding dudes and the other female is a robot
There's even a raider waifu in Nuka World but she's a gang boss.
Playing video games is pointless though.
You see, back in the day, on Sup Forums, we had a strong dichotomy between those who enjoyed the game, and those who wanted to shitpost hate. Those who enjoyed FO3 would be showing pics of their characters, talking about the last exploration find, or the last build they made, etc. You know, the same way you might for FO1 or 2 or NV.
Then, I dunno. Something happened. A lot of newfags came in and decided that they'd fit in well if they adapted to the Sup Forums hates everything meme, and now it's not just that we can't even HAVE a discussion about FO4, but that it's not possible, because faggots like you not only don't like the game, which would be understandable, but apparently CANNOT UNDERSTAND why anyone would even so much as talk about it in your presence.
>They're more easily impressed, good for them.
being unimpressed with something means you give it little credence. But you've been here for an hour now, openly crying that people might enjoy it. That's not unimpressed. That's something else.
>capitalized on NV and out performed it in our eyes.
It never will. Because NVfags defend EVERYTHING about it, to the point of absurdity. You're little better than nintendo faggots at this point.
>I went in expecting to hate.
So why should ANYONE countenance your opinion? You're full of low-level confirmation bias.
Why the fuck would you want to discuss fallout 4 on Sup Forums? There are countless other forums to discuss fo4, even Leddit.
This is like looking for food in a lion's den.
Because those of us who aren't fuckstain neo-Sup Forums actually still talk about games here?
What mod for the suit? I need to know
Now you are just implying things.
is that the nanosuit mod?
I could never figure out how to build/obtain it
>It's just completely pointless loot grinding
But this isn't true. They can't have meaningful loot when everything is level scaled and you can do literally everywhere from the first second with minimal effort.
Bethesda games are just pointless nothing.
the belt riding above her tits...what 14 year old designed this shit?
They had no time to
I don't know why you're disagreeing with me while saying the exact same thing.
I've partaken in plenty of constructive discussions about the game despite my feelings about it's quality. As a fan of the series' lore, as much as it as a game, Fallout 4 has still had plenty to discuss and to suggest that I don't understand why anyone would like it would be an inaccurate take away from the time words I've spent in this thread. I never took away anyone else' enjoyment, but gave nuance to it's criticism and defense of the idea that mere exploration of it's world does not on it's own elevate the title when that very exploration being at the very least acceptable was to be expected and not worth as much focus as it's additions to the story and the more significant that teddy bear and terminal narratives it delivered.
>an hour now
What? It's my day off and I'm watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes while refreshing this page occasionally. Who's crying? I'm just postan.
>that's something...
You found me out user. The truth is....the truth is I wish the game were better than NV, but it isn't and that makes me sad. With guarded expectations I looked to find through the trial of my and our collective criticism find a game that would deliver on everything I enjoyed about NV, but it didn't. I'm a spurned lover, kicked aside as the long legged vixens of voiced protagonists, settlement distractions, and plot buoyed by family drama a-la Fallout 3 took up with my beloved series.
Nah, vanilla was buggy, legion was under developed, Lonesome Road maybe should've been less linear, Ulysses needed a medical skill check to diagnose his malfunctions, not a speech check, boone is too powerful/other companions are too weak, the silver rush opening scene is still glitch prone, the tunnel leading to boomer territory has a dead zone you can get stuck in, and more. Great game even taking those things into consideration. Good thing mods fix it.
>So why...
That's best left up to them, not you or I. I'm open to being engaged or ignored.
>I've partaken in plenty of constructive discussions about the game despite my feelings about it's quality. As a fan of the series' lore, as much as it as a game, Fallout 4 has still had plenty to discuss and to suggest that I don't understand why anyone would like it would be an inaccurate take away from the time words I've spent in this thread.
Fuck me and this sentence. This is what an all-nighter looks like.
You were giving it too much credit by saying the loot was worth gettting.
>I've partaken in plenty of constructive discussions about the game despite my feelings about it's quality.
No offense, but the only thread i'm ever going to see you in is this one. The one where OP asks people not to shit on it, and try to talk about the merits of the game, and where you instead decide to shit your own opinions all over it. Opinions which don't stand up to scrutiny because as verbose and entertaining as they are to read, they really do boil down to much at all.
>to suggest that I don't understand why anyone would like it would be an inaccurate take away from the time words I've spent in this thread
Except for when you said:
>Post release...It wasn't worth talking about. It was "written off".
>kicked aside as the long legged vixens of voiced protagonists, settlement distractions, and plot buoyed by family drama a-la Fallout 3 took up with my beloved series.
Have you considered that you're in a minority here? Lots of people, even on Sup Forums, like voiced protagonists, and all the mod creation discussions are overwhelmingly positive in favour of voice the MC in mods. Wasteland Defense and town building mods are some of the biggest and most popular in NV, and the main story in NV certainly isn't much better than 4. I'd probably say it was far more inconsistent and incomprehensible.
>Good thing mods fix it.
So why not engage in FO4 mod discussion, instead? Tales of the Commonwealth is pretty fucking good, imo.
I specifically called it pointless. What are you talking about?
>Except for when you said:
That was in regard to exploration. It's lore contributions had plenty to discuss.
I know why people seem to enjoy it and it's not for the reasons I loved 1, 2, T, and NV. Hell, I even enjoyed 3 more too.
>have you ever considered that you're in a minority here
Perhaps it's a small group who's dedication makes them seem larger, but if "here" is Sup Forums, then the status of the New Vegas Thread compared to the Fallout 4 thread (who's OP's seem to open not with admiration, but critique and for the sake of newer content like DLC releases) gives the appearence that I'm not in the minority. To the larger gaming landscape? Well, those are the pre-orderers and hype crazed that when regarded as a group, I'm in opposition to.
>voiced MC in mods
That's all good for user content, but in general I dislike the resources and restrictions that come with voicing characters in dialogue heavy games. The limitations imposed by the need to book a VA have already limited NV in regards with Veronica/MC/Christine interaction.
>Wasteland Defense
>Town Building
Again, all good for user made content, but I'd prefer development resources go to quest content and new areas that modders can then use themselves. The 3/4 workshop releases constitute a wasted effort when modders might simply do that themselves while developers do things modders can't. It's popularity in NV don't justify it's focus in 4 to me.
>main story
lets not go there, but know I disagree
>Fo4 mod discussion
I was thinking of mods that improve/fix/remove the flaws of a game I loved vanilla, not those that add to a game that disappointed vanilla.
There are a lot of I's and Me's here and I recognize that. Much of this is personal preference, but preference that is indeed shared by many though not entirely by that who feel Bethesda has been hitting the right notes this entire time.
>op asks...
Literally just saw the Nuka World picture and entered the thread