Why havent you bought this yet?

Why havent you bought this yet?

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Because 3D Land is a shit game.

Because Sega does what Ninten'don't.

because of scalpers

why does every picture of a new 3ds makes it look so tiny?

I own a 3ds, I own Super Mario 3d land.

Because I already have 3 3DSs.

I love those snes buttons.

Was there a new redesign annouced in the direct?

its not like this is hard to find in stores.
I was in Target today and they literally had a shit ton of these crammed in the 3ds case.

It's the regular size new 3DS that Reggie was too much of a fucking cuck to give us when it came out.

Because I've already got one with CFW.

Have this plate on it.

I did, for my gf. Got her Bravely Default for it too, and some plates that aren't ugly as sin.

It's a nice little thing. I would want one if I didn't already have an XL.

are you serious

target's website is out of stock and apparently there's none within 100 miles of me

and everyone on ebay's selling em for like 200 dollars

i guess it depends where you live then. westcoast fag here.

i want to say there was at least 20 of them in the case. most likely its their last shipment of them.

fucking hell im living in the bumfuck southwest

those shits better restock and not be limited edition crap that nintendo absolutely loves doing

i just want a cheap new 3ds

check here

use: 207-01-0111

Because I bought it when it first came out in NZ in 2014.

It's a tad closer to the native resolution than on a XL.

Because Nintendo thinks it's smart making it exclusively to Target.

holy shit, apparently there's 2 in stock at the target closest to me. ill have to stop by tomorrow

thanks a bunch user

Because post-90s Nintendo doesn't appeal to me anymore.

Because I have a hacked XL and I'm selling a Generations XL

I can't explain it, but new Marios seem so boring and generic compared to this

I did, I bought it on sale for $150 and let it sit in my closet for a couple months and then gateway finally updated to be able to use on it and it was worth it for MH4U 600 hours and also Pheonix Wright, haven't beaten anything else really, played a few others god addicted to Theatrerythm for a bit, meaning to play Bravely Default one of these days though but DQ7 is out so soon so I'd rather play that instead for now.

these supposedly come with firmware 10.7
put a cfw on it and sell the game

I already have a 3DS and SM3DL.

Also, I prefer my games physically.