I'm confused. I need a PS4 to use PSNOW, right? It just streams my PS shit to my PC, and not from a server?

I'm confused. I need a PS4 to use PSNOW, right? It just streams my PS shit to my PC, and not from a server?

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Yes, you need active PS4 and account with PSn subscription

No, you don't. You're thinking of the remote play which is different from PSN now.

PSN now will stream from a server, not a ps3.

PSNow requires nothing Sony other than a basic PSN account. You don't even have to use a DualShock, you only need that for motion controls on some games. You do have to use a controller of some kind though, there's not mouse/keyboard support.

you also need brain damage to use PS Now

So I can play playstation games (the ones on PSNow) if I sign up with just my PC and a PS4 controller?

how the fuck do they still think streaming a game was actually a good fucking idea? Fighting games online still have a distinct online playstyle vs offline yet these fuckers think the current generation of tech is able to fluidly stream a game?

Yes. PSN now is a monthly subscription service and you can use it on pc with just the psn now software. It's all just ps3 games though and only a select few. Some big titles like mgs4 are missing too. So keep that in mind.


So this is like OnLive from Sony? If so, more power to them. OnLive was pretty cool. I could play Splinter Cell Blacklist on a fucking netbook.

It's literally OnLive. Sony bought their patents when they went out of business.

Cool. Let's hope they price is competitively and we might have something interesting on our hands. It is far from anything close to replacing a nice PC, but with fast-speed internet becoming more and more ubiquitous, I could see a lot of people using it on the go. Also those who can't afford a PC, but would rather opt for a monthly subscription that they can cancel whenever they want.

Sony already owned Gaikai which was the same thing. I think this is what PS Now is based on. They probably just wanted to put any competition out of business, not that Onlive was doing particularly well.

I thought Onlive worked pretty well for the most part, 60fps with minimal lag on pretty much all games. It was tolerable even for first person shooters. But the business model and games selection was pretty poor. They actually expected people to pay full price to "own" games that you could only play by streaming.

I've just finished my week's trial of PS Now and it was okay. I finished The Last Of Us which was noticeably laggy but mostly playable, and Resistance 3 which felt a bit more responsive. The problem with streaming PS3 games is so many of them struggle to run at even 30fps, which can make the added input lag intolerable, case in point Killzone 2. It was just unplayable. God of War 3 was probably the most responsive one that I tried, as it frequently runs at higher than 30fps.

I used 2 days out of the 7 day trial and realized streaming games is fucked. I really wanted to play a couple of them but fuck that.

I'm broke as shit. What is the best free game on PS4?

It's $19 a month. Or you can get 3 months for $45. No idea how much onlive was.

Demon souls is the only game I really want to play.
Are there any other ps3 games that are must plays, before I check the console off my list?

It's a bit odd that they don't stream it at 60 FPS. I understand that some games would have animations and game speed bound to FPS, but surely not all of them.

Not ps3 exclusive but Catherine is really good and it's on psn now.

i think demon's souls is oddly one of the games that isn't available on psnow

PS Now is a load of PS3 games, streamed to your PS4/PC by Sony's servers. You have to make sure that your connection is great otherwise the input lag is unbearable.

All this because Sony are retarded and had to make the PS3 it's own special child.

My understanding is that the stream is an 60fps capture of the game output, regardless of the internal frame rate. You can definitely tell God of War 3 was smoother. I meant to try some truly 60fps games but ran out of free trial time.

You're right. Demons souls isn't there. MGS4 isn't there. No Yakuza games either. Other exclusives are missing too.

You'd think they would have all the ps3 exclusives as a priority as that's the only reason why i'd pay.

Wouldn't DeS be a bit difficult to play while streaming? I remember having some issues playing FPS like FEAR 3 on OnLive. It seemed to be better suited for more methodical games like the stealth genre.

OP here. I'm interested because I only have a gaming PC. 1070 and i7 so i can play anything, but I want to play Ni No Kuni, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Games I can't emulate.

There's no PS2 games on PSnow? Fuck that

>WiiU is already dead
>Sony still supports PS3 and now lets PCfags play PS3 games with week long free trial

Why do we hate Sony again?

Because they're games are so good, some are indistinguishable from movies. Or something.

their* tired

On this count at least, I don't know. Sony have always been excellent about long term console support.

>5mbps or greater internet connection

RIP australia and me

What's the difference between this and remote play?

This streams from Sony servers, remote play streams from your PS4.

Who cares, you can just emulate those games.

Better them telling you outright than letting you pay and find out it just doesn't work because it's too fucking slow.

What the fuck? You don't even get 5mbs down there? I remember calling my isp to complain because I was only getting 60mbs as opposed to the advertised 100.

My internet connection is 600kbps

>tfw 300mbps for $60 a month in bumfuck nowhere USA

yeah but it's ps3 games

Does streaming games even work at all?

did they actually fix it?

How come Eastern Europe has better internet than the first world?

>pay for 300mbps
>get 380mbps on speedtest

Comcast does a lot wrong but at least they don't short you on internet speed

Yeah, if you have a decent internet connection, it's pretty good, but there is a little bit of lag, so it's not for fighting games or anything where even a little lag would kill it and it's limited to 720p.

>requires a sound card

lol wut

They did eventually but I had to call like 3 separate times and be put on hold for a million fucking hours.

Wait, so they actually have entire rooms full of PS3s streaming games to people? Or are they using computers?

That would be interesting to see.

>what are servers

>Hello I'm retarded

MGS4 and the HD Collection were on PS Now for a little bit, but it got taken out.And you know how Konami is with Metal Gear

Do they have GoW 3?

I played the PS2 and PSP games already.



It's probably being emulated on Servers

Jewing apart, why the fuck are we forced to use a ps4 controller for ps3 games?

Most of these are already available on PC.

Where is the list of Playstation exclusives that are available through PSNow?

Pretty sure you can use any controller.


Just control f for an exclusive you want and see if it's on there.


PS4 Remote Play requires you to have a PS4 and is free

PS Now is a subscription service that does not involve a PS4


Why not just buy a PS3? It's cheap

This is more convenient than having another console taking up space.

At least for me anyway.

I can see that. With this you play PS3 on your netbooks.

Still useless for me. I rather get myself a PS3.

I don't want to pay that much for the two games I want to play.

Newly set up internet wires and shit

What about just connecting the controller via bluetooth?
I hope they don't actually require you to have their bluetooth dongle when it works fine with any.

it cost a lot less to stream than port every fucking ps3 game to ps4 or pc

ISPs prioritise speed test traffic.

A bit like how Nvidia and AMD have both been caught tuning drivers for benchmarks.

It's custom PS3 hardware that can house something like 8 machines per rack.

they live closer to the cern