Is Sean officially on suicide watch yet?

Is Sean officially on suicide watch yet?

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When it gets to battleborn levels of players he will be

This is the fastest a game has ever died on Steam that doesn't involve some sort of external issue (eg. servers shutting down, Valve pulling the game, etc).

It's truly amazing how many players quit after the first day alone

don't want to sound like an edgy cunt, but i really hope his life gets fucked
it's people like these guys who are destroying the video game industry and think they can get away with this
this game and it's failure should be a prime example to anyone who plans to dupe their customers and expect to run off scott-free

What does it matter how many players a SP game has?
Did all these guys not playing get a refund?

Still more than Battleborn

Has Hello Games said anything at all in response to the negative feedback? Anything?

No, he'll probably wait until the class action lawsuit before he goes full an hero.

They hired a guy and they'll make updates. That's it.

>implying he cares about who is still playing after they bought the game
He's rolling in money and laughing his way to the grave nigger.

>Is Sean officially on suicide watch yet?
Why would he be? Thousands of people bought his game, why would he give a shit if they aren't playing it anymore, he still has their money.

they were a small team
they had a small budget
they didn't need to sell that many copies to make insane profit
they are not in trouble

they're just going to be a one "hit" wonder
they definitely sold like a "hit" regardless of the quality, because preordering consumers are fucking idiots
the people that bought this will not learn their lesson either

>what are refunds

even if 1 person bought it he won


It's possible he could go into debt if enough people refund the game. We could legitimately ruin his life.

>they had a small budget
They were backed by a AAA company.

90% of purchases have been refunded

lets see a source

I seriously doubt that even a quarter of people across all platforms refunded NMS. Refunds are great but the average consumer is far too lazy to bother.


>I'm not playing a game anymore, therefore I refunded it
That's not an indication of refunds

>8k people in 24 hours played this
>almost 5k in the last hour
What the fuck is wrong with these retards?

Agree. He should not get away with deceiving people like he did.

>200k initial surge
>5k average now
That doesn't seem that bad. Isn't battleborn still much worse?

95% of statistics are pulled out of peoples asses

He should learn how to clip his toe-nails

same desu, This game is borderline scamming.

Dropped from 200k~ to 8k daily in less than few months seems reasonable enough to consider that there was tons of refunds

Game like Fifa and Call of Duty with their annual releases and in-app purchases and DLC are ruining the industry more.

But in a weird way this was an irrelevant indie developer trying the same strategy - releasing fuck all for the full retail price of $60

Hope his company will go bankrupt - but he properly has some rich parents which can bail him out

>less than few months
More like less than ONE month

Not even close

5k playing when over 700k copies were sold on steam alone. That's less than 1%.

They made millions from having a full-priced million-seller with a dev team of less than 20. I'm sure he'll cope.

Anyone who wasn't a total retard knew before the game wouldn't deliver on the dumb hype. People on this board were shitposting about it for months before release.

>preordering consumers are fucking idiots
That's a given, but anyway even hoping a tiny developer could live up to the hype of some kind of Elder Scrolls in space was deluded

can't believe how many people owns the game. it shows that anyone can create a shitty game and get away with it

>post yfw you didnt buy no mans sky


>Not growing your toenails so you can stick them between your fingers and fingernails
...What's wrong with you?

Just proves how stupid the common man is.

His act with being seen as this "sweet friendly developer guy that just wanted to create an innovative game" - clearly worked.

You're retarded.


What's wrong with this?
I have the same length.

>$45 000 000
jesus christ is that just Steam

I never understood the appeal.

>Awful artsyle
>Looks like Minecraft with nothing to do
>Probably repetitive as fuck and lacks the dynamic gameplay and unpredictability of Minecraft

It never looks revolutionary or "emotionally powerful" like some people thought it would be.

Yeah true - it makes me sad, because this shit will just create reasons for other crappy games from 10-man indie studios to follow along.

Oh noes, look at all these people who cancelled their sub to NMS! Oh wait...

im sure you do. you properly also preordered the game

Bullshit, Fifa and Call of Duty don't scam you nor lie to you, they are being honest about what you are getting and should expect.

"Hey, new COD is coming out, by the way, if you want remaster of your favorite one you have to buy this one"

Sure it's a shitty move, but there is no dishonesty. It isn't illegal.

NMS is a scam.

No bully senpai.
I've never touched it.

I feel the same way. Buying Assassins Creed you know what you get getting into. At at least they have some kind of gameplay in place.

No Man's Sky is just a hoax. Sean Murray did a fantastic job pulling money out of stupid peoples asses


Holy shit that's a lot of money

>Is Sean officially on suicide watch yet?
He's hanging in there with his new motivational mantra, "At least I'm not Randy Pitchford, at least I'm not Randy Pitchford".

but at least you don't show your toe-nails during an interview (i hope).

plus now he can afford going to the nail-salon to get his toe-nails fixed

>he probably saw this and decided it was time to an hero

And that's on the deadbeat secondary platform, imagine how much it earned on PS4.

He sold his house to fund the game. now he can buy a mansion.

honestly, not shocked it was a complete disaster, anytime a game or a dev markets with the phrase "you can do anything" it's very clearly shit and should be avoided.

Even after the refunds, which only affects Steam's cashflow not his, he is still rolling in the dough. He scammed everyone and got away with it because video game journalists are limp dicked numales.

>not growing your toenails so you can grow shit under them and then eat it


He updated his Twitter about page to write:

"founder, creator of Joe Danger and No Man's Sky... programmer. The Susan Boyle of videogames"

I find that somewhat insulting comparing himself to Susan Boyle. At least she had a talent and could sing.

Who would have thought that the player numbers of a singleplayer game would decrease some weeks after release? Wew.

His career as a video game developer is over, right?

yeah but his life as a rich man begins now

In another universe perhaps, but it wouldn't surprise me if he it weren't - in this universe motherfuckers like him rise to the skies of the gaming industry

Yeah, he retired rich.

I wasnt hyped in the slightest.
>tfw i had to explain to my normies friend that a game like no man's sky can never have multiplayer a couple weeks before the game released.

I agree, but it won't. Damage has been done.
>212,321 copies sold minimum
>12,737,136.79 revenue
If he pockets 10% of that he will be set for life. The lesson here is hype the fuck out of your game and promise the moon, and you will become rich

>No update since the 18th of August

Why? He's bathing in millions. Expect another Nu Man's Scam in 2018.

>clock in the photo does a meme arrow

he dead

hes too busy snorting coke from high class hookers asses right now.

I'm sure we'll see him working with EA at some point.

meant to quote

yeah a clear indication that he knows he fucked up and are avoiding any confrontation. it's the classic politician trick - stick your head in the ground and wait for the storm to be over

>No Man's Lie 2
>promise to include all the features 1 was supposed to have
>hype train starts again
>doesn't deliver in the end, again


oh god, what did he do?

too busy snorting coke, smoking pot, and waking up surrounded by 10/10 expensive prostitutes

all these stupid fucks here this guy wipes his tears of joy with all the money he got and nothing else.
but the refunds! barely anyone refunded cause they are lazy fucks
a man who is now free from money slavery should be on suicide watch I mean how retarded someone can be to believe this
also that the games dies so fast is another plus point since why you would create more patches/content for something which barely anyone plays anymore anyway
but enjoy your 5 minutes of joy for such poor and shady guy like him retards

nah he seems pretty autistic and gay to me. he's at a hotel room wanking off to his "masterpiece" of a game

Sadly, that's how the vidya industry works nowadays.

Couldn't even keep people interested long enough to be called flavour of the month.

>tfw you didn't refund

>1.2 million
>set for life

Nah. He'll be good for quite a while but that's not much long term.

Randy? Oh he is enjoying a new music career.

I just finished watching it.
The greatest thing is it was posted by Ian Miles "TurboFemChing" Cheong, who is admittedly not as bad as he used to be, but the irony is still incredible.

tfw you didn't buy


I can't believe anyone would work for that idiot. He's a career breaker - the game doesn't even look good or plays good. So it would be the worst reference on the CV ever

>lazy fat autistic fuck made a game with more depth and replayability with fucking Java

It's actually really sad that they managed to make notch look like an impressive game dev in comparison.

he left EA user
EA doest hire traitors again

What is Sean Murray's favorite game?

>first heard about it from normie friend saying it looked amazing
>watch a 2 minute video
>it's obviously gonna be fucking shit
>you say that about everything I'm buying it anyway
>turns out it's shit

Every time

Say what you want about Minecraft, but even without mods and community made maps, it's a pretty great game even though it's fairly simple.

I feel like we should get the band back together, and write and record a response. Something similar to the Anthony Burch song.

The average person is very likely not going to learn from this.