>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
>Pop a boner mid-fight and have trouble
Truly the apex of monster design. How can Capcom top this?
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
>Pop a boner mid-fight and have trouble
Truly the apex of monster design. How can Capcom top this?
Stop triggering me.
how do I lance gun
>Tempted to either replay a few games, make more of a start on MH3U, or hunt with Sup Forums more in MHGen
>Can't make up my mind and waste time
Every time
>most leviathans are males
>finally make a new leviathan
>pink, cute and pretty
>its a male
Try attacking and then blocking.
Alright thanks I'll give that a go
Fuck you
I prefer hunting Hyper Pickle over regular or Savage Pickle, because the former can't get tired and therefore can't do the Defense Down drool.
Does that make me a scrub or a better hunter?
Why is it that Sup Forums is pure cancer and has so many minmaxing faggots when you can just suit up in whatever looks [adjective] and do comfy huntan? These threads never seem to contain fun
Most rooms from what I've seen don't give two fucks about your setup, provided it isn't overly terrible.
I've always wanted to be a Wizard/Magical Girl with the Magia IG/HH and Chameleos armor.
My problem is just nobody really wants to fight Chammy.
1 slot cause I just left
That's because the nigga steals everything
Only ever played once with people from the threads and it was all right. I'm mostly on about people always going on about muh charrrms and how you NEED sharpness +2, critical eye and atk xl or you're shit. Ruins the fun of lurking threads completely.
Spam shell until red
Wyvern fire
>Build an Ioprey Armor Set in 4U to deal with Chameleos, combining Anti-Theft and Negate Poison.
>People kick me because the defense "sucks."
It was more than sufficient.
Is every MH fan a furry?
remove the gun part
Threads are ultimately all talk. Generic turns rooms on Sup Forums go pretty smooth regardless of skill level and outfits, most of the people mutually understand that they used to be shitty at the game at one point and fuck up every now and then.
It's probably the one game series where playing with Sup Forums is actually a good idea. Fuck randoms.
Who knows
Gobul is designed like a female Anglerfish
>go back to 3U
>pick up gunlance
>it's actually pretty fun
>go back to gen
>play gunlance
Whose idea was it to make you pretty much unable to use Wyvern Fire unless you are at red?
Chammy is a boring fight, and it's frustrating to cut his tail off sometimes. At least in 4U he had some great G-rank weapons/armor (his IG was the fucking best for poison), but here...well, you can see why nobody really wants to farm him.
Sure, mitzsune is cool but gammoth is on another level of design.
Rather than just being another wyvern the dude is a huge fucking mammoth, it's just a literal monster. The design is cool as fuck too and I feel the first time you meet him is the most wtf moment out of all the flagships (in my opinion)
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
i miss snek
why arent there any fuck huge monsters in gen
Given how the porn thread on /trash/ only has a measly 17 unique posters with some of those likely being the same people under different IP addresses, not really.
>make a DLC room for Events
>some guy joins
>same HR as me buy 50% less defence
>still using LR gear
>don't care this isn't a serious room
>I post the 3 Rathian DLC
>he's Aerial LS
>he hardly contributes apart from constant trapping and mounting
>fast forward his turn to list
>he lists the triforce one
>Gammoth, Malfestio, Brachy
>we're 2 man
>hope he brings enough potions
>I cart to Gammoth because I suck at bringing Cleaners
>he carts too
>Sub quest is to mount 3 times
>he is about to die
>Lifepowder him
>He finishes through sub quest
>mfw alone with a gathering cat
>still solo Malfestio and Brachy, barely
Thanks for the help Riku!
>I cart to gammoth
Sounds like he was your perfect match in shit.
>turns room
>pick quest
>HR 7 guys cant join
>change quest to something from 6 star
>6 star quest has hr 8 + requirement
fuck your fucking system capcom
pls no bully
one mistake as a lancer against dumbo means carting or all health lost and I got cocky so combo'd me hard
I hate dumbo so much
use blast dash until you get bored of it and then switch to a weapon that doesn't constantly get fucked over for seemingly no reason at all
Just stab his anus. Even his big AOE only does one chunk of damage before sending you flying, and it sends you so far he has no way of getting to you.
you do know that in nature it's more common for the male of a species to be more flamboyantly designed in order to attract females
female mizutsune probably look like shit
I did, I broke both his back legs so I figured hey, let me focus his front now
pls no bully
>really getting into adept Dual blades, dodging shit like a motherfucker and hurting them at the same time
>friend wants to do DLC quests
>a lot of them have "Mount X amount of times"
>forced to use Aerial IG which I'm trying to get away from
I hate that I'm good with it
Yeah, I know. Happens a lot with fish and birds.
>female mizutsune probably look like shit
Now this is what I want to see unironically.
>Ducks with their bitchin emerald head and blue stripe on their wings
>Turkeys with their huge amount of plumage and neck things
>Peacock as you already posted
Birds are the realest fashion lords.
I'll assume you caught his stupid for a brief moment then.
no bully pls
any rooms?
you should only focus on her face when you have the opportunity to, as being anywhere near that actually makes gammoth dangerous.
Knock her over, trap her, whatever.
If it makes you feel better, my first failed quest was to Dalamadur because I had no idea what was going on.
if you really want to get into it, look at Pigeons. Although at this point they are basically the dogs of the bird world considering they were just about one of the earliest domesticated animals to this day
>mfw a SNS user shield bashes everyone and doesn't even try to go for the head
>Adept SNS was the choice back in the hall
I mostly use guild but now I'm just giving those guys room to attack like a Switchaxe and Charge Blade user.
I was not dissapointed.
why do birds like doing this
Bird's live for themselves.
The design is cool but the fight is just shitty.
He also has the best Fated Four theme
Oh god. Pelicans should be purged from Earth.
There is nothing wrong with stretching your mouth sac over your body.
>almost 2017
>still no pelican monster
There's only like 2 actual bird monsters and Malfestio is one of them.
2 and a half if you count R.Ludroth's eagle screech
Are there any mosswine jerkies in this game ? That shit was great in 4U especially in G Rank where everything just oneshots you for 80% damage
post lobby
i just want a lobby, i don't even have hermitaur armor
cooked fish heals red HP
So how do you exactly get hayabusa feather?
Pretty much
Then you have to kill a solo Jho and a dual Narga/Tigrex
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.
>playing MOBA-shit mobanations
capcom, MOBA skills
What are you hunting?
What are you making?
I main Gunlance and use fashion set with it.
Bully me.
What kind of fashion set?
Hot monkey dicks.
One fully upgraded version of each weapon, for the achievement.
Currently at 12/14, working on the Rajang LS, then all I'll be missing is a CB.
You're already bullying yourself why would we do it
Something like this.
Silverwind Narga like everyone else. Really liked the hunting horn so I'm willing to go all the way to max it out.
A little slutty but the color scheme is great.
working through long line of quests to unlock shinobi
Everything not checked off.
What skills/pieces/talisman?
I'm not sure if I should use the generic HayabuSol mix for GL.
Shame the entire fight can be fought at the ass and you'll almost never get hit.
No innate skill at all. All skills are acquired from talisman/decoration/head piece. Depends on how good your talismans are, you can get artillery expert/load up/WE or crit eye+2/razor sharp/WE. I myself am using crit eye+2/WE/resuscitate for additional damage.
This is only for casual hunts, though. For serious hunts I use the usual silversol mix.
"kelbi bow was OP in 3U, let's nerf it"
>Kama Sedition
"we went a little too far with steve weapons, nerf them"
>Teostra Bow
"Sharpness is a little too OP in this game, we will nerf it"
>Crit Boost
What the fuck is wrong with capcom and meme sets ? In 4U every fucking one had that meme daora/rajang meme set with honed blade and challenger +2 and more retarded skills, and now it's even worse since there is now only 1 viable set which is silver sol
>one viable set
>people do naked runs all the time
Silly user, time attack is for fags.
every other weapon:
>hmm people don't use _____
>well lets buff ____ so they'll actually use it then
>hmm people don't use ____
>well lets reduce its damage and then force people to use it anyways
why is it like this
What is that Silver Solar mix that everyone says is the best endgame set? What do it give?
Hayabusa Feather
Silver Sol everything else, except for the waist
Vaik Waist S
With a Sharpness+5 OOO charm, you can get Crit Eye+2, Weakness Exploit, Crit Boost, and Razor Sharp.
Neat. Seems like a pretty definitive endgame set. Though I'd still like to make some of the variant armors for fun and style.
This means, if you're not a scrub, that every time you hit, you have at least a 70% chance of doing 40% more damage. Take it to 100% if you use SnS while you're not KOing the monster
Dreadking is of note because the best yet ugliest GS in the game has one slot whereas the endgame for most other weapons is Hellblade stuff that doesn't have any slots, so you can gem in Focus with a good talisman
>Shittiest fight of the Fated Four
>Furfags and shitters eat it up.
Mizutsune is trash dude.
>best yet ugliest gs has one slot
But user, Impudent Cheda looks great.
>have solod G rank several times
>have only failed a quest once over the course of many games
>don't even mix set or anything
>get decent times on almost every monster
>still struggle with Jho to this day
I don't know why, I think it has to do with his legs being my only target. He is so elevated, even Glavenus doesn't do anything for me compared to Jho. Yet everyone says he is the easiest monster around.
music video
>Play solo LS Adept, get to HR 7 offline
>Play someone's Hellblade I I soloe'd already
>Buy Felyne Insurance so I don't inconvenience people in case I scrub out
>Some faggot with no active skills actually dies 4 times
>Online is actually full of people surprisingly worse than me
What's the point of getting carried in a game like this?
And by the way, how do I know I'm staggering people? Supposedly my weapon does it a lot but no one ever said anything.
if you see them visibly fall over from your attacks thats you
>What's the point of getting carried in a game like this?
I'm assuming they want to show off their rank and get past any sense of work towards it. If they fuck up they can leave and enter another room to get carried further. Nothing it really stopping them if a decent enough team comes along.
I'm guessing "tripping" other hunters but usually you know if you see a couple of players moving in and you do a fade slash or something and you see them fall back or something which causes them to mess up their attack. Most of the time it's a clusterfuck for me and even if tripping happens nobody really complains since you can easily get back up, at least to my experience. The worst you can do is Switchaxe upswings, GS upswings, SNS shield bash, Gunlance shelling, or Lance charge since they fully knock over players.
Silver narga slut gear, love me some crits.
Stuck on level 5 though since no one is playing the now.
Do you know what should I do to avoid tripping them? For now I just avoid using Spirit Sword / Fade Slash whenever they're cutting the monster close to me, though due to camera I can't always tell if they aren't coming and I don't trip them from behind.
Which variant armor is best for LS? I've heard Dreadking, Hellblade, and Silverwind.
wait, WE gives 40% affinity? I heard in a previous thread it was 50
>shittiest fight
That's Gammoth, you can't even defend Gammoth as a fight.