Pick up that box

>Pick up that box

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Haha is this a proptal reference?!

>Female cops shorter than you bossing you around

thats a very cute paintballer

use stun gun and tickle her while she's unconscious

She only look smol cause she is far

>y-yes ma'am... s-sorry

This is the non lethal's cuck response.

pick up box


pick it up and throw it at her



What are the possible interactions in this one

I know in HL2 you can chuck the can at the guard to provoke him or even toss it into another bin nearby

>lethal augs

sick fuck

Is Mankind Divided worth the €59 price?

I was swearing it off because of microtransaction and DLC bullshit, but I love me some cyberpunk. HR just doesn't cut it any more.


I don't regret it. I was gonna get the GOTY edition but nah its great.

Hell yeah, I didn't even know there was a store and the DLC is negligible

You're not getting Pritchard's DLC?

It's amazing right up until the end, almost nothing gets actually resolved. Controls are slightly irritating as well, but it is very good

How big are the hubs? I always found Detroit to be ridiculously small.

Its one big hub so its better. I don't know if their is another hub not that far.

One hub, but it's massive, plenty of places to explore.

Did anyone else find that lab full of gas in the sewers?

You get one hub but it blows the fuck out of anything in HR

Its 2 sizeable areas separated by a subway system with a few extra special areas you go to sometimes.

The hub parts are full of side shit to break into, shortcuts, shops and fat prostitutes.

>not making her horny with casie pheromones and then taking advantage of that
typical of lethal manchilds
dont know how to actually win at life

One final question;
The piss filter in HR made everything blend together into one mass for me, so I never noticed new areas. Is there still a lighting theme that's prominent throughout the entire game, or does it change so that you actually notice new things?


Sorry cunt but aug lives matter.

*holds Q*


No filter but game still has its charm. Mainly red light district.

At one point in the story you go off on a mission and when you come back its night time and new things have opened up or happened around the city.

no piss filter
sometimes its daytime

>Pick it up.

Aight, thanks. Might just buy it now.

H-How is the PS4 version?
My PC is too shit.

No doubt he will damage it putting it back down.

no problem here other than clusterfuck of controls.

Does anyone else feel like Mankind Divided is more like Vampire: Bloodlines then Deus Ex?

nothing against it the scope of the game and how it handles its hubs reminds me way more of Bloodlines

Good. Now pick up that DLC.


>implying you're not into that

Yup. Don't regret one penny the core game is all there.

In what way? I thought people always thought Bloodlines was similar to the Deus Ex series?

How about you pick up my balls, Todd?

My problem is that violence is so shit on in this game. I am literally robot god and it seems anytime I use my power the game scolds me. Shot a guy with a silenced pistol the entire compound goes on lock down. Stun a guy and the entire compound runs to his corpse to give him hugs while you just fuckING waltz past.

And you can't use your fuckING armblades either because Jensen can't be subtle. Why can't I be robot preditor!

Turn on the focus aug, kill everyone before they alert. Or use the dash and become a human chess piece.

I played Monster Hunter with the claw. I think I can handle it. Thanks.

Idk bro finding a path up on the ceiling and LITERALLY taking out 4 guys at once with tesla after disabling the cameras felt so good.

sounds like youre bad at the game dude

Haven't you thought about shooting when out of eyesight/hearing range? Especially around civilians.

I felt Human Revolution was already more like VTMB than Deus Ex in the hubs.

Playing Jensen in Detroit felt similar at times to playing my Malkavian in Santa Monica when stealthing around, listening to NPC talk, breaking into houses.

Going through vents to explore the appartments in MD gave me a strong vibe of VTMB (the part when you explore the Skyline apartments in Downtown)


dawg you gotta stop youre making me sad about vtmb

How do I save koller?

Who has to take a nanoblade to the face?

That made me think Eidos Montréal could make a good VTMB game. The ambiance of Prague at night, the girls in the red light district, all the shady things everywhere.

A Mankind Divided-like game in a 90s city with vampires could be great.

Fuck no, it's worth half of that at most. It feels very unfinished and has that dlc jewery cranked to max.