The protagonist(s) of the last game you played has now come to protect you for unknown reasons...

The protagonist(s) of the last game you played has now come to protect you for unknown reasons, but you soon find out that the antagonist(s) from the second last game you played has now come to kill you.
What are your chances of survival?

Dawn and Lucas from Pokemon platinum

Isaac Newton


Wilhelm Strasse in his mecha suit

Dragonborn vs Mehrunes Dagon


>King Harlaus and his butter knights
>VS the entire monster hunter lineup
there's gonna be a hell of a feast afterward

XCOM operatives are coming to protect me from... feudal lords and their retinues?

So basically, can 6 modern super-soldiers beat 600~800 medieval warriors?

>Valkyrie, fairy with a minigun crossbow, fucking DEADKNIGHT, furry with a glowing sword and half naked chain wielding fire sorceress against comical sci-fi super villain Dr.Nefarious
I think I'd be fine.

Guts from Berserk vs Ape Titan
.. Fuck id like to see that

the fuck is the first game

all things considered you should be fine if your soldiers can hijack some horses

Depends on how mobile they are. Holed up in one building with infinite ammunition? Not likely.
On a truck? Sure, why not.

Rean "Coldsteel" Schwarzer is defending me from Haltmann Company.

He could probably take the president, but if we get Star Dream involved then it's all over.

Odin Sphere, Vanilaware 2D hand painted fantasy murderfest.
There was a remake for PS4 and Vita.

>OG XCOM rookies

Nope. Not even gonna bother remembering what the second game was, I'm already fucked

>Strelok has to protect me from Rimanah

I'm fucked

>OG Doomguy vs Nu-Spider Mastermind

H... how the fuck?

Reimu is gonna protect me from... Uh
The guy that throws tetraminoes I guess..?
How the fuck is that going to turn out? I wouldn't mind a 2hu x tetris mix

>Bunch of spacecraft with merc captains&the supercaptain with maxed skills (starsector)
how do I do this?

Vito versus your wifes son in fallout 4

>Amaterasu vs. Merkabah/Lucifer
Depends if Amaterasu knows all the brush skills or not. She's good at laying the smackdown on mythological entities, and the way the angels keep trying to cheapshot a different Amaterasu and other Shinto gods throughout Megaten, taking the Shinto gods out of the conflict before the game starts on a regular basis, implies that Merkabah recognizes that some threat comes with the name. Because Ammy ends up sharing a game with Dante from the Devil May Cry series later on in the Marvel vs. Capcom series, and Dante is also a major threat in SMT Nocturne (aside from his lack of Pierce, but guess who doesn't Resist or Null Phys anymore!), I'm going to put my odds at 50/50. Especially because IV is the easy mainline.


I'd say Ness wins, and I die like a fucking idiot

A swarm of geometrical shapes
A whole cosmic fleet

If the shapes are perfectly flat you might have a very bad time, since they can cut through spacecrafts like butter and also incredibly hard to hit

I'd play the fuck out of that

Kagutsuchi or possibly Lucifer from SMT III is coming to kill me.

My protector is pic related. A small, frail child whose only noteworthy power seems to be dying easily.

I don't think it's possible anyone could have worse chances of survival than me.

what game?

>The entire cast of Overwatch

Well this should be interesting.

IV is the only SMT i've played, that start was hard.

If you call it easy I must check out other SMT, can you do some recommendations?

Alex Mercer vs the Borgia family
ebin, truly

>cooking mama has to protect me from the pope from night of azure



>The Turing Test

Jensen gets sent to Europa (the moon) to investigate the disappearance of the crew sent there. Instead of solving puzzles, he just breaks down walls until he gets to the center and figures it out.

Alex Mercer protecting me from the entirety of the New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty?

I like them odds.

I dunno. the main ship I have is a battlecruiser packing capital-class weapon package while speeding at the mobility of a cruiser.

how exactly strong are the shapes in the io. game anyway? I can't guess.

"Lt. Priboi", of a STALKER SoC mod, vs the antagonist(s) of Dead Space... Would that be the Church of Unitology, or Markers, or just tons of Necromorphs?

Because either way I think Not-Strelok could throw down with Necromorphs and Markers and win. Monolith, Mutants, and The Wish Granter are basically less dangerous versions of Unitologists, Necromorphs and A Marker respectively as it is.

Did Issac Clarke ever throw down with invisible slashers or snipers with railguns? While armed with nothing but an Over-Under shotgun and a scoped mosin nagant? That's a normal day in Pripyat.

Rose and the Old Castle of Twilight.
It's bretty gud. Reminds me of Limbo, but I prefer this game's aesthetic.

They are not exactly strong. They could cut through ships simply because they are flat. And by cut I mean slice through molecular bonds of steel plating on sub-atomic level

The more I think of that, the more terrifying it gets

I'd want to see that.

>Gundam Breaker 3

>Earth Defense Force 4.1

well, at least it's going to be interesting

>Bucky o Hare

Fuck me, I'm dead

Because of the extreme thinness of the shapes, it probably wouldn't actually interfere much with the bonds between atoms/molecules and pass through harmlessly.

It wouldn't even be like getting irradiated, because the shapes are necessarily zero thickness and even a monomolecular edge would have to have nonzero thickness. The shapes would be unable to do damage to things. They wouldn't even be able to meaningfully interact with things.

youre gay

what if I hit them on the flat side?


Get a 00 Qan[T] and win over the Ravagers with UNDERSTANDING.

That's looks like the Tokyo demonica in IV, used by the black samurai

Nigga you don't have to physically touch things to damage then. Just by passing through an entity they would cause abnormal behavior within molecules. Ever heard of atomic force that keeps shit together on that level? By disturbing this force by simply bypassing NEAR and not nesseserably through objects, these shapes would basically bring chaos on the molecular scale.

Enough to wreck shit

>My Hunter from Bloodborne
>The entire nation of Kolechia from Papers Please

Hope you've leveled up your ARC and BLT, you Kolechian dogs.

Last character I played as was DMC4SE Lady.

She has to protect me from some Aragami from God Eater.

If Lady had access to a God Arc she would be able to handle this no problem because she definitely has the skills. With her conventional weapons though I'm not entirely sure. If Aragami can only be defeated by God Arcs the battle would only last as long as Lady can dodge it or keep it at bay. I might eventually be fucked but at least I got to spend time with my waifu before I died. It will be a hollow victory for the Aragami. A man who lived his life to the fullest can die happily at any time and in those last few moments I was already in heaven.

I guess you meant the side that is actually visible and looks like a sprite, right. If yes, then I guess you could destroy them. The problem is these shapes are coming at you with the line like side

How do I even english

im probably gonna go smash some old beer bottles on my balcony i was so mad at your post

you did not even read my fucking post you piece of shit

>something with necessarily zero thickness being made up of atoms and molecules, which have necessarily nonzero thickness

you're in for a treat

The dragon commander


The desire sensor. Or Narkarkos.

Adam Jensen
Master Hand

jensen for smash when

"Adam Jensen gets what he asked for!"

What I'm implying is that if these shapes name any mass (which is probably true) then what we both described is what they are capable off. So chill, I just forgot to mention the whole mass thing

>if these shapes name any mass (which is probably true)
it is necessarily false that a 2d shape can have mass in a realistic 3d space made up of atoms. fuck you.

Fallout 4 protagonist
The Covenant and Prometheans from Halo

Ha haaa, I'm fucked.

[Speech 100/100] The Great Journey is a lie, kill the Prophets and go home.

Oh wait, Fallout 4 has no skill checks...

Are you even trying you mong? While you're right about the whole 2d cant into 3d thing, we are talking about a scenario where 2d objects actually CAN exist
And if they do, they necessarily have to have mass,no matter how flat they are. AND they have to have volume to sustain the said mass, even if the said volume is ridiculously close to 0

If you're going to insist on your shit then try to explain exactly how are these shapes going to even EXIST for the sake of this thread

>While you're right about the whole 2d cant into 3d thing, we are talking about a scenario where 2d objects actually CAN exist
and if they must exist, they must exist outside of the atomic model

kill your self

Answer to my question at I'd like to see you at least try

>M22 Locust vs Adolf Hitler

it wasn't my hypothetical; the burden of explaining it does not rest with me

doesn't change that there's clear issues with taking a 2d object into a space that subscribes to normal atomic models though

sorry about your dogshit american education, yankee

kill yourself for trump

The fact that you are still implying that 2d objects can exist and substain any sort of stability withing 3d space without any sort of physical qualities makes me think that you are the one with a yankee shitposter degree.
When did I ever say that these 2d shapes have to have molecular structure in the first place? All i said is that they have to have the qualities of at least remotely solid objects such as bass and theoretically zero(ish) volume to at least EXIST for the sake of the point of this thread.

I have a faint feeling you are not from here. I'm not gonna point my finger at plebbit but judging by your behavior it is pretty obvious you are either not from here or have some sort of disability that doesn't let you change the worldview for a second to have fun in a retarded videogames thread or even at least to try and understand exacltly how certain things like perfectly 2d objects would exist in 3d space for the sake of education

Take your pills and go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow your head will cool down or at least forget this thread even existed
Do it for your mom at least

Pretty sure Link could easily kick Dr. Wily's stupid ass.

>When did I ever say that these 2d shapes have to have molecular structure in the first place?
by interacting with atoms and molecules and the weak forces between them, they must have some kind of similar structure

atoms and molecules don't stay together by tiny little ropes, it's a gravitational force. you don't stop having gravity exerted on you just because there's floorboards underneath you instead of the earth.

or better yet, imagine a pair of magnets that attract eachother. slip a piece of paper inbetween them, and they still attract to eachother. why would an object even thinner than the thinnest paper stop similar forces? fucking moron. k i l l y o u r s e l f

Link has to defend me from the combined anger/hated/misery of all of Humanity.

I'm not saying he can't do it, but man, that's quite an ask.

>Geralt vs Risky Boots

Does dlc count? If so, the guy from Furi will be protecting me from Dettlaff. I'm really not sure who would win that one.

While I can agree with most of this post,you keep forgetting that the whole squabble is hapepning withoin the subatomic level. Try to remember the physics classes you used (?) to have. Weak forces are the forces between atoms (let's forget about the whole electron shit for now) that keep them at the mostly FIXED distance from each other, depending on their structure. While they are similar to gravitational forces, they actualyl work BOTH WAYS. And if they didn't,the whole cosmos would just shrink into a tiny black hole

Let's imagine 2 planets circulating each other. Obviously,they are attracting each other. BUT they are not crashing at each other and moving at somewhat predictable orbits because there is a force that balances out their gravitational pull (you know the one, it is based on relative speed of the planets and the accuring circular acceleration, I don't know how to call it in English. F=m*V^2/R, basically)
So,because of these 2 forces that cancel out each other, these 2 planets keep circulating each other without neither crashing into each other nor drifting away in different directions.

BUT THEN the 3rd planet pulls in. It has a mass comparable to other planets, it has a volume, so the forces i described earlier are still valid. What happens then?
That's right. The balance is disturbed. The original 2 planets no longer have predictable trajectories of movement and start behaving in a way that they either crash or drift off from each other.

Now imagine a whole cosmos of these planets that existed in relative balance because there were no things to disturb it. And that is the simplest model I can propose to you, with the first and second planets being to random molecules close to each other and the third one being a flat object that,because of its flatness, can get clsoe enough to these molecules to disturb the piece

>inb4 outward weak forces are not fixed.
That is true, they can change to restore the balance. But they won't do much

>Jebediah Kerman

Jeb, take me to space, he can't get me up there.

how the fuck did this thread turn into a science class with 2 retards arguing over nonexistant shit

Poo in loo infantryman from BF1 is protecting me from Oryx

>the crew of Space Station 13 vs Bob Page
I guess Page buys out the station with his obscene amounts of cash and has everyone kill me.

Ask the admins to make this the next round.

>El Presidente vs Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal


I'm sorry for being the source for this shitstorm
all I wanted to do was to talk about games and opinions and then suddenly fighting

Not sure in which order I played, so it's either
>My D2 Bonemancer
>The Icon of Sin

>Doomguy w/ full gear
>Diablo, Baal and Mephisto

the sanctum 2 crew
the legion from new vegas

>Jeb, take me to space

I hope you like exploding

Lightning (LR)
Stalker (warframe)

I should be fine

Better than being cleaved by a dinosaur with a sword for a tail.

I'm not sorry for prolonging this thread, I jsut love the idea of applying common sense and science to stupid things like vidya.

and so you know, , there is no beef between us so calm down a bit. I know it sounds retarded since we're on Sup Forums but still. Besides I had fun memorising all the stuff I studied and using it for debating

King Ragnar of the nords
Attila the Hun

My DaS3 Xanthous Scholar


A USMC colonial marine fully equipped with a Pulse Rifle, a Smartgun, a flamethrower, a grenade launcher, a minigun, a Anti-tank rocket launcher and a jetpack


Providence from risk of rain

I'm probably dead but the battle would be pretty cool

HM2 protags


Robots from MvM, TF2

>The Yokai fuck brigade of the Nioh beta along with The Strongest Samurai in the West



>The Vampire Counts (Helman Ghorst as supreme commander) from TW:WARHAMMER

>The might of the Terran Republic from Planetside 2.

Undying horde of magic skeletons and monsters vs respawning hordes of space shooty mans. I'm dead either way

Sims 3 guy with max martial skill and max athletic with a glock 17 in his inventory


Soldier from arma3


sim wins :^)

>The entire roster of Smash Bros for Wii U
>Whoever the antagonist of the first Dragon warrior monster is.
I'm near the beginning of the game and have no idea who the final boss is going to be, but I don't think I should be worried.

franklin from GTA V


Paul Prospero from Ethan Carter

I mean it would be pretty lame and all

An 32 person battalion of WW1 soldiers VS. either the Illuminati or Bob Page

Random person of Zombi
Alma of FEAR

Well, Iam fucked

God Eater crew
Hector Lemans

That would be weird

Hatsune Miku versus the TF2 mercs
She can make them dance I guess but thats about it

>tetris blocks vs Hot Coldman's AI robots
I win