You saved me, right Sup Forums?

You saved me, right Sup Forums?

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Of course.


Posting this before the Janefags even arrive

I didn't, and when I found out Jane lied about the baby I felt ashamed. Still went with her because going alone felt like the worse of two evils.

I guess the "Janefags are retarded"-meme is true.

Why do people side with Kenny? Jane was right in most of her assumptions.

>Everyone who rolls with Kenny ends up dead
She's not wrong.
>Kenny is a psycopath
Again not wrong. Kenny had no hesitation in suggesting to kill Larry in Season 1, or any remorse for beating up Arvo even after realizing Arvo was telling the truth, and didn't flinch or give any remorse to Carver at all when bashing his skull in. He even literally loses it and tries to kill Jane in the end, instead of running out and trying to find the baby.
>But Jane provoked him for no reason!
The reason was to make Clementine (you), realize what a mess Kenny was and how you shouldn't trust him with a child let alone yourself. She was right when at the end, Kenny went berserk and literally killed Jane if you didn't intervene.
>But she put the baby in danger! Bad writing!
If you saved Jane, she literally admits it was a bad idea in hindsight. You can choose to forgive her or not for doing it. But she went with a plan and didn't deviate from it. It's hardly bad writing. At the end she was correct too in leading you back to Carver's compound, since you found food and formula for the baby there, just as Jane said you would.

>Everyone who rolls with Kenny ends up dead
>She's not wrong.

Well to be fair everyone in season 2 was a drooling retard and probably deserved death. Also Kenny seemed to be living it pretty comfy and not-dead in the Ski Lodge before Clementine brings the retard squad there and fucks up his life

Season 2 was so fucking bad outside of Kenny

Kenny literally did nothing wrong.

>She's not wrong.
That can be said about Lee and about Clementine as well.
>Again not wrong.
He wasn't suggesting that they kill Larry. He genuinly thought Larry was already dead and made it clear that they don't want to be caught in this room with such a big zombie. He beat up Arvo because he tried to rob and possibly kill them and when he failed, he became a whiny little bitch that took his opportunity to shoot Clementine the first chance he got, no matter what choice she made earlier nor whether or not she had protected him from Kenny. The man saw what that Russian boy was capable off and beat the shit out of him for it. Carver deserved it, don't even try to justify anything else. A lot of us would have done the same without any remorse. Of course he loses it when a woman who has been an utter bitch to him from point A to point B fails at the one task he trusted her with and kills a baby he has grown fond of in the process.
>She was right when at the end
Except she wasn't. If you let him kill her, they find the baby unharmed and then if chosen, go on to find the settlement further up North where Kenny willingly sacrifices his own safety to save both Clementine and the baby. Thus, Jane was proven wrong in all regards.
>It's hardly bad writing.

>playing through season 2
>thought the writing was pretty shitty and the characters suck
>motherfucking Mike shows up
>has a sense of humor and sees pretty chill and is actually helpful fuck yeah
>starts being sympathetic for Arvo out of nowhere
>eh whatever I'm sure he'll come around
>starts shit talking Kenny
>ends up basically stealing the car we fixed and is running away with Arvo and fucking Bonnie and plans to leave me and a baby and some other people to fucking die

What the fuck happened?

The writing in general is fucking stupid. Why anyone would side with a raging dumbass like Kenny makes my head ache.


Kenny is a retarded, rash, ill-tempered, low-IQ, self-loathing, mentally unstable bull. It does not matter if people drove him to kill, because in the end Kenny is still the one who chooses to be goaded into killing.

No wonder people wanted to get the fuck away from Kenny even if it meant betraying the group. Mike just wanted to survive and he's caught between a pissed off irational retard with child issues and a edgy social pariah who distrusts everyone but are somehow only listen to a little girl.

Anyone who sides with Kenny is a literal retard, and Jane is only slightly better just because being pragmatic in a apocalyptic scenario is the fucking norm.

At least Season 1 gives you the ILLUSION that your choices matter and fucking last until the end of the episode.

Second 2 just fuck up your choices the fucking moment that you select it, within 5 minutes or at the end of episode.
Every character is a cunt who can't think for themselves and they have to rely on a FUCKING CHILD (Clementine) to get their fucking answers.
I'm still mad at the dogbite.
>trow her into the barn, with no one looking out for her instead of just keep her inside and tie her like a sausage so they know if they are right or not.

I'm not hyped at all for Season 3.

He already got the dollarinos and thats probably the only thing he cares about

As much as I don't like Kenny, he should hvae been the main character of S2

Super Human Clementine takes me out of the game too many times, and if we're not contriving a situation where she's the only one that can get something done, everyone is talking to her like some sort of otherwordly being that can do the impossible....unless they get mad at her, and start shouting WHAT YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU'RE A LITTLE GIRL YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH SHIT FUCK YOU

Guys no matter what side or ending we chose, can we all agree that the writing in season 2 was fucking terrible?

Why the everloving fuck did everyone go to a little girl for all the hard decisions? They treated Clem like a literal adult in these situations over and over again.

If this was a good game, they would have Clem pulling the strings in the background but still remaining naive on the exterior. Clem's maturity wouldn't be shown so blatantly, but she'd urge others to make the choice she wanted. You know, act like a FUCKING KID THAT SHE IS.

FUCK this game.

My biggest problem between seasons was this

Season 1:
>You are a pretty strong guy and have to do a lot of the work in your groups because you are able-bodied and always one of the strongest available. Logically it makes sense that you would make a lot decisions and do a lot of the work in a leader-like role.

Season 2:
>Constantly a group of several able-bodied fucking adults (that have presumably survived the zombie apocalypse for YEARS themselves) turn to an 11 year old girl to make all their decisions and to do everything

Like come the fuck on

He is the Main Protagonist of Season 2 we needed, but didn't deserve.

Fucking oath Kenny.

The psychotic bitch left a babby sitting around a place filled with walkers because bitch brain reasons.

Fuck her hard.

Go back to /vg/, faggot.

> completely fuck up Season 2 with an anticlimactic villain arc that gets wrapped up far too early, leaving two episodes to try and scramble something together
> fuck up developing the new characters so hard due to putting all focus on Kenny that your originally intended conflict ending probably wasn't going to be as much of a 50/50 split as you thought so more scrambling is done
> Bring back Jane, a character who was popular in Episodes 3 and 4, as a last ditch attempt to make the final conflict mean something, albeit basically having to essentially write her a new personality to make it "work"
> throughout this all time, just kill off all the new characters in a way where it's clear that choices matter even less
> ending is so forced and stupid that you start to wonder if Season 1 was just a fluke in quality

> nobody criticises it because they're too busy arguing over which colour button they picked when selecting which ending they wanted

i killed kenny and refused that bitch. i am a gangsta, i don't give a fuck about anyone.

They should have kept Carver in all the way through.

Carver was barely a villain imo

>caring about a baby in the zombie apocalypse
Babies would get you killed sooner or later
Jane did literally nothing wrong

>Jane offers me her nail-file before she leaves
>I have to choose whether or not I take it
>"why the fuck wouldn't I take it?"
>refuse it just to see what would change
>in the situation where you need the nail-file later Jane has already joined back with your group and has it if you didn't take it


S1 > michonne > shit > rest

yeah, I didn't exactly trust the "I got you pham, let me just abandon or pretend I abandoned a baby in a zombie apocalypse" lady

I like how Jane went through this complicated murder scheme just so she could play sister pretend time with Clementine

Kenny isn't perfect but I don't know how anyone reasonable sides with Jane in that conflict

Nah i killed him because he was insane, but then took the baby and left Jane on her own.

T'was the only reasonable thing to do, imo

>>Everyone who rolls with Kenny ends up dead
>She's not wrong.
Except that Kenny had saved Clementine's life on numerous occasions. And would rather give up his own life to save hers. Which he has actually demonstrated before.
>Kenny is a psycopath
>Again not wrong.
Not fair. Sure Kenny may have been varying degrees of crazy. But he has mostly been desperate and burnt out. But case in point, Kenny wouldn't be so crazy if he was actually a psychopath. All the bullshit he's gone through, including what he had to do, is part of why he's so burnt out to begin with. But he also never wanted to Clementine or someone else do those things in his stead.
From his perspective, it would just be better if he continued to bear the burden himself since he was already damaged and didn't have much to live for anymore to begin with.
>But Jane provoked him for no reason!
>The reason was to make Clementine (you), realize what a mess Kenny was and how you shouldn't trust him with a child let alone yourself.
Except that she only showed what a complete and utter mess she was. Yes Kenny was a mess too, everyone knew that. Clementine knew that too. Even Kenny knew that. But at the very least Kenny had shown multiple times that he put others before himself and would without hesitation put himself before danger before those he wished to protect. Unlike Jane who purposely endangered a baby just to prove an unnecessary and flawed point under the lack of information and insight. In addition to how she had also showed herself to have a very weak sense of loyalty, seeing how she had not only abandoned Clementine's group in a time of need when they all needed her assistance once before, but how she had also apparently abandoned the group she was travelling with prior before meeting up with the current group. In comparison Kenny fought for his groups prepared to face death, not only once but multiple times. Even if he may not have always made the most rational decisions.

I didn't because you lost Lee and Clem the farms safety in season 1. Wish I could finish off Jane too though.

>She was right when at the end, Kenny went berserk and literally killed Jane if you didn't intervene.
She wasn't right though. Yes Kenny killed her and yes Kenny is a fucking mess. But it was hardly unprovoked not did it even discredit Kenny's loyalty to the group or Clementine either. If anything it just further solidified the fact that you shouldn't mess with Kenny's group.
>But she put the baby in danger! Bad writing!
>If you saved Jane, she literally admits it was a bad idea in hindsight.
Exactly. She is right you know. But her realizing it doesn't make it any better because she is still right. She's fucking dangerous.

Kenny might have been dangerous and somewhat unhinged. But he was loyal, and would never deliberately harm his own group or at the very least Clementine. And would instead put his own life at risk to ensure their safety if necessary. Something which really could not be said about the selfish and cowardly psychopath that Jane was. I certainly know who I would feel safer with.

>Sup Forums shits on uc4 being an interactive movie despite clearly being a game
>Sup Forums loves telltale games despite them actually being interactive movies


They're interactive novels. Or actually, scrap the interactive part. They're just fucking VNs. And they're presented as such, marketed as such, and sold as such. And that's fine.

Actually. Interactive movies are fine too. Really. But don't sell your interactive movies as if they're """""games""""" when they're so clearly aren't.

Kenny was a flat out loose cannon. I wouldn't have been a bit surprised if his retard hulk powers made him randomly lash out at clem and fuck her up. Sure, he'd be sorry, but Kenny's m.o. is dicking everything up all the time.

Jane wasn't much better, but at least she was a fairly logical stone cold bitch. Interacting with her felt like interacting with someone who had seen so much shit that she could only trust herself and so she pushed people away. Interacting with kenny felt like interacting with the turboretard from Of Mice and Men, because he couldn't actually be reasoned with

>Remember how Kenny was literally just as reckless, single-minded, and angry in the first season, but they tried to pretend it was some new cliff he'd walked off in the second.

Kenny has always been an asshole. It didn't stop him from sacrificing himself for Ben in season one. That's what made Jane's argument fall so flat. He isn't becoming more and more unhinged. He hasn't actually changed at all.

Telltale games are like lite point and click games with good writing. They don't get half the praise Naughty Dogs games do, so I guess people also feel the need to call others on undeserved hype and praise Uncharted and TLoU get. Neofags call ND "Naughty gods" for fucks sake.

Also they were doing point and click, those story heavy games way before indie shitters jumped on the bandwagon with their gone homos and whatnot. UC4 and TLOU are just another third person shooter and a zombie game in a sea of third person shooters and zombie games.

>Kenny was a flat out loose cannon. I wouldn't have been a bit surprised if his retard hulk powers made him randomly lash out at clem and fuck her up.
No. Nothing in his characterization implied that. He'd lash out at anyone else sure. But he wouldn't harm Clementine.

>they have to rely on a FUCKING CHILD (Clementine) to get their fucking answers
>adults argue
>both look at Clementine
>gets butthurt when a child sides with someone
This made me mad.

>tfw killed kenny because of his slightly racist remark in season 1
I guess you thought I forgot, huh Ken?

>That's what made Jane's argument fall so flat. He isn't becoming more and more unhinged. He hasn't actually changed at all.
He became more unhinged when his family died. But that was in the middle of season 1. It's true that he has been fairly static since then. Only growing more depressed, but otherwise he upheld himself more or less the same. With all the same flaws. But no reason to think he was no longer trustworthy.

I really find the entire argument weird to begin with and really wonder whether or not the new writer even understood Kenny's character or even considered the events of season 1 much.
Yes it may be true that just about all the characters were a mess. That does include Kenny but it also includes Jane and just about everyone else. And that was always true since back in season 1. However in spite of the characters being a mess
Kenny showed himself to be trustworthy on multiple occasions over both season 1 and season 2.
Jane showed herself to be untrustworthy bitch that would regularly skip out to save her own skin or even worse pull crazy stunts to endanger her group. Be it in season 2 or the events implied to have transpired prior to the events of season 2.

The fact that Kenny despite all the things showed himself to be trustworthy on multiple occasions is really quite something.
While Jane never once showed any signs to make her come across as trustworthy. Unless one was to trust wholeheartedly the fact that she all of a sudden was tired of being alone and thus would no longer backstab her group even though she's done so multiple times before.

It is incredibly poor writing because the two of them were never on equal footing when it came to trust to begin with. Jane had literally nothing go for her and instead lots of things going against her. The only way the whole conflict would even remotely make any sense, would be if you had already forgotten half or more of Kenny's characterization at that point.


It seemed like Telltale took the approach where if they repeated it enough, players would believe it. Which seems to have worked, to a certain extent. You hear people echo the "Kenny is losing it" sentiment all the time. But it isn't reflected in what's actually happening. It all feels so contrived.


Maybe i read it different, but there were a few times in season 2 where kenny was out of control and seemed on the edge of lashing out at clem like he did the others. The problem for me wasn't "is he always dangerous", it was "how close is this halfway nuts, ptsd'd dude with anger issues to that one time his control slips and bad things happen."

Jane might leave you in a ditch if shit turns real sour, but she wouldn't put you there either.

At least Kenny gave a shit. Jane will fuck off if shit's inconvenient for her.

Yes, I saved you. From your suffering.

He's still the hero he's always been.

>but she wouldn't put you there either
No she'll only leave a baby out on its own surrounded by zombies.

Except Kenny isn't unpredictable at all. He's the easiest to predict character in the group.

Kenny was always aggressive. Even back in season 1. Both before and after the death of his family. But he never hurt his own. Sure he was more than prepared to hurt anyone else. But he didn't hurt his own.

I can admit that Kenny may have seem a lot more unpredictable to most of the group of season 2, since they hadn't known him for very long. But for Clementine it was just same old Kenny going through even more bullshit yet again and responding more or less the same yet again just like he has several times before when they were travelling. But he stayed trustworthy back then, and knowing that there was really no good reason to all of a sudden discard that trust.

If anything Kenny was really less trustworthy in season 1 because you didn't know him as well back then. Sure he had been through less shit, but you really didn't know his character all too well at first. But throughout all the events of season 1 and then the events of season 2, Kenny stayed trustworthy in spite of the shit. So to have the character with the least trustworthy track record, all of a sudden try to pin Kenny down as untrustworthy is really quite weird to be honest.

Jane didn't say she killed the baby to save herself. Its a zombie apocalypse, shit happens.

Nope, she just refused to give a straight answer and then escalated the conflict by drawing a weapon.

Because she was right in her assumption that Kenny would kill somebody over an accident.

What the fuck are you talking about? There was no accident. From the very beginning, Jane was acting suspicious and evasive. Then she drew a knife and slashed Kenny. At no point did Kenny indicate he was trying to kill Jane until she drew blood. At which point it became fight or die.

No she didnt, Kenny attacked first. Rewatch the scene dumbass. Kenny takes a swing at her AS she says it was just an accident, and THEN she says she'll defend herself if he attacks, and he doesn't give a shit. Idiot.

Oh, and then she PUTS AWAY her weapon, and then he attacks, and thats after she just said she was going to defend herself if he was going to try and kill her.

Yes, she claims it was an accident after acting suspicious and being evasive. It turns out that's not a compelling argument, especially when you have a known history of abandoning those who might slow you down.

And yes, Jane escalates it into a lethal conflict. You made the claim that Kenny would kill her over an accident. The fact is that Kenny doesn't try to kill her until she's slashed him and they are fighting outside.

>after acting suspicious and being evasive

Go away Kenny. You didn't even ask Jane what happened. At all.

Kenny literally fucked everything up in season one I have no reason to be attached to him.

Kenny was my boy for seasons 1 and 2. I did like Lilly as well though, until she killed Carly. I liked Jane too until she attacked Kenstar.

Literally the first thing he asks after asking if she's okay is where's the kid. She sits there trying to come up with an answer that doesn't make her sound guilty as fuck and fails.

>was right about everything in season one
Fixed that for you

Saying a kid is dead is hard to say, keeping silent for 5 seconds is more believable than instantly spouting that you tripped or something.

No. Why? He's done enough, he needed some rest. Ditched the butch bitch Jane ASAP, though.


She doesn't say it like it's hard to say, she says it like she's a liar. Because she is. How you can side with someone who is very intentionally trying to push someone until they snap so they can murder that person with the excuse that it was all self defense, I've no fucking idea.

>A big reason people hate Kenny is because he isn't a passive bitch boy

When the feminism got you so hard you see masculinity as an illness.

You all realize that it doesn't matyter what kenny and jen did right? Their irrational shit is just an artificial way of the writers to make you choose one of them. Jen shouldn't have risked the baby's life and i bet there is some weird out of character shit kenny does before so there's no "wrong" option and let you choose.

Her way of "pushing" someone to snap is to have something bad happen in a zombie breakout. If someone is going to snap over that in that situation you should stay far away from them.

RIP the only cool new character in the main S2 group.

RIP Alvin too, even if we was a cuck.

Never kept him alive, isn't he infected?

>You saved me, right Sup Forums?
What? No
That dumb bitch pulled a knife on Kenny and he still won
Kenny is too much of a fucking legend to need saving

It still blows my mind 'tough survivalist abandon everyone you meet gurrrrl power' Jane, in the prime of her life and with a knife, managed to lose to a half-blind, injured man who just single handedly fought off a horde

It doesnt count as pulling a knife on him if he knows she has it when he goes to kill her.

Nope she very explicitly told Clem that it was all part of her plan. She intentionally "loses" the kid and intentionally gives a vague and evasive account of what happened and intentionally pulls a knife all because her intent is to murder Kenny.

She could have not manufactured a scenario with the intent of killing someone. At any point she could have simply left. But that wasn't her goal. Her goal was kill Kenny.

Pete dies in Episode 2 no matter what from his bite.

Alvin dies in either Episode 2 or 3, either from being executed or being brutally tortured and then shot.

Does that make it any better? She still had a knife and he didn't

>kenny would lash out at Clem
Pffff no
Only Jane does that

I don't think she went into that scenario intending to hurt him seriously or kill him and by the time she realized Kenny was going to actually kill her, it was too late.

What she did was wrong, but I don't think she deserved to die for it. Still chose Kenny, but he's been slipping deeper and deeper.

but what about the bridge scene? does the guy in the cabin still gets shot?

Then what was the plan?

Nick is a retard regardless, yes.

The fuck was the entire point then? To make him mad?
If she didn't want to kill him, why not just stop the fight by telling him it was just a prank?

I didn't, Kenny.
How the fuck was I supposed to know that the baby was safe? You wanted to murder someone who never hurt us. She never hurt us, Kenny.
Kenny, if it's anything, I left her.
I'm sorry Kenny.

if you save Pete is Nick still alive?

>The reason was to make Clementine (you), realize what a mess Kenny was

I was already aware of that. Jane decided to prove what I already knew and dug her own grave.

The last Telltale game that Sup Forums praises unanimously was Walking Dead S1, where everything was new and everyone was hopeful they would improve on the flaws with the sequel. You can see how that worked out for the rest of their games.

Yeah I think she wanted to make him angry and show Clementine that he was dangerous/unhinged and she shouldn't be with him.

She tried previously to convince her of the same thing in different ways.

I think she expected to get hurt/have to hurt him, but not for Kenny to try to kill her or to have to kill him.

Everything has already been said about S2 being a complete waste of potential. Kenny vs Jane is the final decision so it's natural people would discuss it a lot

>ooo man what if I goad Kenny for an hour, telling him that it's his fault his family is dead
>then kill the baby
>what why is Kenny punching me? better slash his guts open
>what why is Kenny trying to kill me with my knife? Clem help
Jane is the worlds biggest glass-eating retard
Even if what everyone says about Kenny is true, he would STILL be a better option and less of a liability to Clementine

>Trying to goad a crazy man to get angry
Why would anyone do this at all?

it was just a prank bro
left a baby alone in a blizzard in the middle of a zombie horde but, you know
at least she didnt get upset over it

To show a little girl that you're a better companion for her

And why would anyone choose to side with a crazy lady crazy enough to do such a thing?

>> ending is so forced and stupid that you start to wonder if Season 1 was just a fluke in quality
Don't they have different writers?

She's not necessarily wrong about him. She just gravely misjudged the situation and how Kenny would react.

Clem would be a lot better off with neither of them because they're both train wrecks.

Kenny is way too quick to anger and prone to making rash decisions, and Jane is too naive/stupid and selfish.

If only Lee was still alive.

> "We will raise this baby right."

Kenny is a sperg

>do whatever i can to save him
>he just drowns anyway
i am still fucking mad

>Jane confronts Kenny for whatever crazy reasons she's got
>Kenny is all like, where's the baby? What the fuck did you do to the baby? We're the only ones around, and aside from myself you're the oldest with Clem still just being a kid. What did you do to the Baby?
>And I am also like, yeah Jane, what the fuck did you do with the baby?
Did she really think leaving the baby alone in a car would fly well with the rest? People bitch about Kenny a lot but I really doubt that stunt would have gone over well with the average post zombie apocalypse group anyway. How stupid could she be?

This game fucking sucked.
I played season 1, and it seems like I made all the wrong choices, so my choices didn't matter
>Choose to save Shawn, because that's the guy who's place we're staying at
>He kicks us out, Kenny gets pissed
>Kenny is pissed off at me, side with Larry
>Don't give girl gun, she grabs gun and kills herself anyways
>Decide not to kill Larry, apparently I should have sided with Kenny
>Kenny kills Larry anyways
>Decide not to leave Lilly on the side of the road, because the guy I was with killed her dad, and she killed someone else, so it balances out
>She asks me if I want to join her
>Finally a chance to leave Kenny
How the fuck was I supposed to know that despite being given seeming options, the only option is Kenny

Kenny would in no way make a good parental figure in his state, fortunately he makes the most important parental sacrifice early in the baby's life.

You bet I did!