ITT: THAT enemy

ITT: THAT enemy

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fighting the Chozo Ghosts in Life Grove
>Not R-Jumping back up to the ledge you came from to avoid the encounter

Acceptable for a first playthrough, I guess

>That's a lot of Macca you have there, shame if anything were to happen to it

Can we post fighting game characters? Well I'm posting fighting game characters.


Well, every final boss fight in every fighting game ever then



Mothman endured

To this day I have no idea when I'm supposed to shoot them.


wad up

>when u in the the middle of a sick ass air combo and one of these niggas slaps your chain on the ass


I remember as a kid practically shitting myself when they first showed up, eventually I manned up


>that fucking animation when you kill it in the water in MHFU
Remove fish

>tfw trying to do a no load playthrough


I really like it when guys of different ethnicities make these kinds of racial skits together. Like fuck SJWs and other PC cucks, this kind of "inappropriate" stuff is the greatest form of different people coexisting. Embracing our differences and seeing what unites us are one and same thing.

shouldn't you be shitposting on Sup Forums, Sup Forumstard?

Post the webm of fine African Americans jumping into a pool to save a guys nike

And what kind of pronoun should I use to address you?


Those fuckers scared the shit out of me as a kid. I never finished the game because i would always quit and restart from the beginning when i got to that part.


I prefer thon/thon, thanks for asking.

That's a nice looking party you have there, Faggot

So glad these annoying fuckers didn't return in the sequels especially since spiderants fill the same niche but are way better designed

I hate these cunts, not because they are hard; but because they fucking ruin the momentum of combat and it's flow.

>that one level in Bloody Palace that has these assholes, and the spiders

he always ruins my special boss runs. Him being the last fucking dickhead out of the pile of cocks and grapplers doesn't help. All that hard work dashed in an instant right at the end.

Forgot pic

>obligatory territorial oak post

>look at map
>run back to last paddle gate
>klick the shit out of that button





Does this one count?


Does my breath smell bad to you?

>breathes right in your face.

really? of every Pokemon that's the one you struggle the most with?

The biggest fucking asspull Nintendo has ever done to me ever.

>mfw minions are hyper aggressive again in Generations
At least mercy invulnerability after standing up is something they've implemented after MHF1 and never removed it.
Lack of super armor on some things (hi hammer) is still horseshit though.

Pretty sure that's in Mystery Dungeon.

so many good runs ruined by this faggot

They don't even have a special intro to differentiate them from the already hard Grace & Glory, so they just fucking rape you while you're thinking why the fuck is witch time not working.

This game makes me love and hate Kamiya constantly, but fuck its so good.

Is there a pokémon that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Drifblim? Let alone defeat him? And I’m not talking about Aftermath Drifblim. I’m not talking item holding Drifblim either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Ominous Wind Drifblim. I'm not even talking about Drifblim at max stats. I'm talking about PMD Drifblim with the Minimize buffs and Unburden (with no held item and being capable of both Gust and Shadow Ball), at quadruple speed from Unburden Ominous Wind, equipped with his Breeze Scarf, a Draft Ring, control of the IQ Skills and Quick Striker for a quad hitting normal attack, with stat drinks and Life Seeds implanted in him so he has 999 HP and 255 in all stats and can perform Ominous Wind spam while being an expert in shrinking and evading attacks, while also having an immunity to Electric and Ghost attacks from the Sky and Nether Globes, and also being permanently at double speed due to the Sky Gem, and having every beneficial swap item in the Treasure Bag for a grand stat total of 275 Attack, 269 Defense, 295 Special Attack, and 281 Special Defense, after using Ominous Wind enough to hit +10 to Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense.

____ _____

the regular grace and glory are the funnest enemies to fight in the whole game, removing witch time from them makes them wayyyyy less fun


more like they abruptly kick your crutches out from under you

>giving that psi reflector shield for the whole party
>watching them kill themselves by getting hit with their own starstorm four times

That's what Brainshock is for

this nigger right here

