Can't use words like rape or triggered anymore if you want ad revenue

>can't use words like rape or triggered anymore if you want ad revenue
>or words like depression and childhood abuse
>said he doesn't care, YouTube can do what they want, it's their website
>fastforward one day, half his shit is gone
>panic mode video reminding people of his Patreon lul

Is this the end for Boogie? games

Other urls found in this thread:

TFW I reported all of this fatty's videos for triggering me

>Its another E-celeb thread about them not getting money for whoring out 10 min videos to run 3 ads at once with curse words in their click bait styled titles


> half his shit is gone
As in deleted?

>can't use words like rape or triggered anymore if you want ad revenue
>or words like depression and childhood abuse

If anyone said this would happen to youtube 6 years ago I would have laughed at them.

Remember when Youtube was good? Fucking Jewgle.

>half his shit is gone
More like all his shit is in a bag!

>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

I assume it was only demonetized

This guy makes me furious.

He's such a massive, massive helpless pussy. 'I have a panic disorder yet I make tons of youtube videos, ablublub i can't lose weight because muh disorder.'

'Don't feed into people who live off stereotypes'
>His entire fucking claim to fame is parodying neckbeard stereotypes and making fun of the sad sack of shit he is part of.

>Tries to peddle shitty lootcrates every other video.

>Sits on the fence about everything to maintain his income.

>Looks like utter, utter shit with each video that passes, closer to death and his hugbox fanbase just pat him on his XXXXXL back instead of trying to drill him to action.

What the fuck is this guy even doing

stop being jealous of youtubers faggot. most have them have made more money then you ever will in your life so any complaining is just drama

got any proof on that? I love reading that type of shit on people.

Even fat golems like me think he's disgusting and pathetic. The retards that support him are even worse. Pic to keep it vidya

Wait, what?

let's see how long this cowardly retard sits on the fence before he's pushed onto a side.

>protip: you cant use those words as tags or in the title

wow its nothing, stop making these threads

So is it the video itself having non-ad-friendly talk in it that causes a block? I thought it was an automated system that is simply looking for keywords in titles and/or category tags.

>Remember when Youtube was good?
No, Youtube was always shit.

no bux


I'm sick of seeing this fat fucks face on Sup Forums.
I watched one of his videos and he was as annoying as he looks.

Why do people watch him?

Dumb cuckposter.


>shitty faggots can't no longer maintain their millionaire status with stupid vids targetted towards lowest common denominator


YouTube came out and said there have been no policy changes, they only added a better notification system of demonitization. Demonitization has aways existed. This is all retarded shit for views, even this thread.

found the pleb

first three or so years or youtube were godlike

>literally any movie pre year 2000 free streaming
>'ecelebs' were genuine because there was no real money in it
>layout was better
>no copyright shit

It was the best thing on the net for a long while. Then it went to shit after 2009 or so.

>closer to death and his hugbox fanbase just pat him on his XXXXXL back instead of trying to drill him to action
This makes sense though, they are his fans not his friends and as we know all fans are completely retarded.


Holy god, I want to impregnate her so badly.

pretty sure its just tags at the moment. Pretty sure Boogie said his vids with rape etc in the titles got rekt, and so they should. Can't see another way of a bot doing it, with people having different accents etc.

what's good, youtube

This. YouTube is awful because of the cunts making shit videos and claiming it's a hard job.

u hope you're on a no fap lmao GL to this

>I love getting paid for this hobby
Youtubers are cancer.

TFW even a salty retard like LTG is less pathetic then Boogie

i hope*

>mfw u and i are right next to eachother

nice keyboard design u cucks

The real problem is that YouTube has a monopoly, so they can force arbitrary rules on everyone

Even fucking Phillip defranco and h3h3 pointed this out.

This whole "I'm scared they are going to get me waah" is just to get more views Ron al sides ESPECIALLY the ones that want them to get taken down.

Are those cuts all over her body?

Anyone have photo of his wife? Or is she in his videos?

*more views from all sides
Tired as fuck and shall not use my computer.

She's gorgeous beyond belief. Holy shit!

watch boogies newer video

>first video he's like meh me and youtube are buddies, i just sit on the fence
>next video he is having a nervous breakdown because a bunch of his vids got cucked

Also in the video he says 'if i can't swear in videos, then i'm fucked' so not sure how he can monetize it :>)

Why is Sup Forums considering this a bad thing? All this talk of e-celeb cancer, and YouTube brings the chemo. It's your prayers answered.

Monetization ruins any community-driven enterprise.

Is this all?

I don't know why but that actually looks cool. Almost like bodyart, horrible painful bodyart.
Gonna have to tell the couple cutters I know to go big or go home.

no one is clicking on your shit nigga, so is THAT all?

The policy has literally always been this way, boogies feelings changing because now the notifications finally showed up as intended when those videos where always demonitized doesn't mean anything. Like holy shit, 12 videos out of fucking how many? You are trying to tell me they are going to go after him for cursing when they demonitize only 12?

>it's another rerun of the "censorship is ok if it happens to people I dislike" holiday special

she's probably insufferable and refuses to date anything under a 9 even with all of that shit on her body

Is this the end of DSP?

what kind of games does this fat fuck play?

Reverse search the image, that link is the second result.

Stretch marks which means she used to be fat as fuck

It's still good you just can't make money for being a lazy bastard

I'm all for killing ecelebs

his most popular videos are muh childhood and muh abuse and he swears a bunch in francis videos which got raped yesterday or whenever for being violent and aggressive. Educate yourself on the topic a bit more please, people are getting fucked, stop assuming you know everything already when it sounds like you haven't been on youtube in days.


Just hope it stays out of the modding community. Or what's left of it after the fo4 console shit.


>removing ads from videos

Confused Looking Anime Girls With Interrogation Marks on Their Heads.jpg

They got demonetized because of the tags and titles, not because of the content of the video. Educate yourself.

>That necklace

nice move of the goalposts, good we can agree now at least


I also hate increase in video frequency and quality, and someone getting paid while it costs me nothing to watch their videos

It is truly horrible, death of capitalism

stop samefagging your fat girlfriend, she's a 7, grats

>haven't been on youtube in days
Nigga it sounds like you don't even use youtube. The nigga said 12 got hit. I don't give a fuck that your favourite fat fuck that tries to get sympathy isn't allowed to make money off of said bad topics. Yeah it's totally smart to put am ad for chili's while he taks about how he got abused, nothing lights me up more after listening to a fat fuck cry like chilis. The videos where always demonitized. H3h3 had the same fucking thing happen to him, they just didn't set up a notification process.

What goalposts? I'm just saying you have no idea what the situation is.

This is the biggest issue I have with him.

I'm pretty centrist but even I can pick a side most of the time. He'll just talk and talk for over 10 minutes without saying anything and then end without a real conclusion.

He's as much of a waste of time as he is a waste of space

Imagine if your boss said you don't get paid today because he felt like you don't deserve it
You are not fired, you just have to work for free on some days

I wonder how'd you act like

What did he mean by this?

stop replying to me you fucking moron

>my thread is boogie is getting cucked
>boogie is in fact getting cucked
>you come along
>well hurpa derpa durp its always been this way

No one cares, everyone is suddenly fucked and talking about itmr expert so go fuck yourself.

what games does he play?

it mr*

Hungry hungry hippos

>getting cucked
he literally just has to not tag his shit with this stuff anymore and he'll get money.
don't make threads about shit you don't understand you fucking mongoloid.

Fat Princess

Youtube isn't a job in the tradional sense. It's like contract based non-unionized labor


Now imagine your boss is yourself, and your job is begging.

Now imagine that begging actually means eating a delicious cheeseburger. But wait, the cheesburger is shit. You're eating shit and calling it a cheeseburger. How did this happen? Hitler is the waiter, and by accepting his food you are now a Nazi.



Video monetization was a mistake

I just hate youtubers in general. There are some good channels out there, but the fact that some fuck can just sit there, play games or talk about stuff without actually going anywhere, and make millions is infuriating.

Off-topic rant, but the poorfag in me had to sperg out.

as i said, stop replying to me, you have no fucking idea what you're on about faggot. It's not just tags and titles, people can mass report you for example talking about rape and if you are, you're fucked. Go watch some videos and educate yourself. I have 12k subs by the way, you fucking random nobody.

This is a joke, right?

Really laws should probably be changed to put rules and control over huge private corporations who have way too much power. Retards here always go "lol it's their product they can do what they want, capitalism will fix it XD" but the abuse they're doing is getting worse and worse over time with no sign of stopping.
Hell if Google wanted to they could remove every pro Trump link, shove pro Hillary videos to everyone on YouTube, send emails to every gmail user to vote for Hillary, push notifications to every single Android phone to vote hillary, and put a nice big banner on the front page of google search saying go vote for Hillary and it would be perfectly legal.
Now obviously that's the extreme and they wouldn't jump straight to that but they are moving towards that and cutting off people with "offensive" opinions using arbitrary rules is another step to that.

what annoys me even more is he will make an impulsive video going hard as FUCK to one side, a few people post negatively about it, then he deletes the video or renames it, whatever, and apologizes. He has the spine of a jellyfish. If you're going to sit on the fence, just sit there. Don't fake being a hard cunt and then back off every time as soon as you get some heat.

Disgusting >as i said, stop replying to me, you have no fucking idea what you're on about faggot. It's not just tags and titles, people can mass report you for example talking about rape and if you are, you're fucked. Go watch some videos and educate yourself. I have 12k subs by the way, you fucking random nobody.

If any of the people making these drama videos believed what they were doing was important or worthwhile they would keep doing them.
If they were as anti-censorship as they claim to be, they would continue to do them, so their voices can still be heard.

Announcing that you're just packing up, ranting and leaving means that you KNOW you were nothing other than a clickbait cunt, in it for the money.
They know they make indefensible garbage, so they're out. It's not exactly an artist fighting for their message to be heard under a cruel dictatorship, is it?

They'll pack up and go somewhere else not because they think it's the moral thing to do, but because they're after those faggotbucks.

I would love if they all left youtube after a big rant, and then youtube went back on their word and offered DOUBLE pay for drama/offensive videos.
How many of them would stick with their "fuck youtube" rant? How many would come running back like rats?

These faggots are fucking scumbags and I hope they lose every cent.

>waaaaa waaaaa why can't I profit over mental illness and abuse stories??? feed me mommy

What if someone said your job isn't a "real" job, only doctors and lawyers are real jobs, and this meant they can do whatever they want to do to you, because it is not a real job?


Not enough MILKY in the world

Get a job boogie

it's a privately owned website. People wouldn't give a shit about this if there wasn't any loss of money involved.

No it's not, censorship can be employed by anyone

>using arbitrary rules
Nigger, all they're doing is telling advertisers what they're advertising on
Do you really think most companies want to be putting their ads on shit like h3h3 or this fat faggot
This isn't censorship, it's corporations being prudent

>meanwhile a 12yo brat curses like a lorry driver and a good chunk of his groupies are giving him blowjobs left and right
>yet you can't curse on jewtube cause they will remove your ad revenue

Seems logic

I've seen boogies house, he even bought a wife. He has every console, a monster PC, goes on vacations, even if it ended right now he should be ready for it. His wife works full time anyway from memory.

He said he wouldn't go anywhere if he wasnt getting paid anymore from youtube but thats bullshit. He would at least have sponsors or something otherwise he'd be gone like the wind.

And there's nothing wrong with that. Time is money.

So companies not trying to advertise a restaurant in a video about rape is somehow having your rights taken away?