> new mass effect, now with 500% more mass
The future of N7
At what point do we create an XCOM do deal with Bioware?
What training did they pass? How to become fat and ugly?
>Perfect score
They removed the physical evaluation?
I mean, I'm pretty sure something horrible is growing inside that creature on the right.
Knowing Bioware, it's a social justice test.
Is that a neverwinter t-shirt?
Has she even played the game?
clearly an butter eating contest
Seeing that beast on the right makes me understand the genophage.
>how to google image search
>how to apply color filter on photoshop
>"do you wear glass"
>Describing the bechdel test from memory
"Mass" Effect
I wonder what it would be like to lift up the udders of the hog on the right and get a whiff of the fungus and sweat accumulating under those massive mammaries.
goty incoming desu senpai
White people? Perfect score? They must've cheated.
What the fuck is N7?
How is Bioware still alive?
Why should I care?
They got a maximum diversity score.
FInally a true MASS effect experience
Haha, she's a krogan
They're too white. Why is Bioware so fucking racist?
Don't you mean shadowrunners?
In any case, I think OP's pic is hilarious.
>all those questions about how did they pass and what training and bioware dont want to answer
is this what darwin had in mind on a societal level when he theorized natural selection?
That's not funny, OP. Body shaming is gross and doesn't belong here. Take your goobergate shit back to pol where it belongs.
Why wouldn't she? NVM had fucktons of women playing the persistent server. I know 'cuz I've seen them stream it.
>Go to a predominantly white country
>Wow, why are there so many white people?
I bet he'd be dumbfounded if he went to Africa or Asia.
probably black or muslim boyfriends.
You can taste the balding poo in loo's furious misery at being born an ugly shitskin.
You just made literally the same joke as OP
Don't be that kid
>Work at Bioware
>feeling thirsty so head to the water cooler
>get sucked into Alayna's gravity well
>get called a misogynist
>get fired
Such is life.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you silly goose.
The one on the right is actually an albino nigress transman.
what happened to grandma face?
That sounds horrifying
Being born white is truly the greatest gift. Look at his fucking envy lmaoing at his life
Ah yes, Curry Thunder. The Nom De Guerre of of a troubled mudslime.
Hairy Manqueer.
I wish I could say this post is bait, but fuck its probably true.
what kind of name is manveer?
sounds like a weird mix of manuel and queer to me
underrated post
What's it like to be a straight white cis male working at Bioware these days?
fucking savage
this man is untouchable
Like this.
Really digging these new Alien designs they came up with.
Jesus fucking crist
My gf is a huge fan of the ME series but I really don't want to give any money to Bioware. I hope they won't put denuvo in it
>body shaming is gross
No, being fat is gross.
Thats hot
holy shit what's the source
why is canada's asshole always gaping wide open for the progressive cock?
>I hate them but still consume their product like gift of god at ALL COST
you are the problem.
im not gonna lie i would suck the milk out of the right one's tits
maybe let her sit on my face if it wouldnt crush my skull too
It's literally from Bioware, I wish I was kidding.
Don't know the source though famalam.
Their whole culturue is
>We are not the US.
Which company is more cucked, Bioware or Gearbox?
It's becoming more and more acceptable to employ anti-white racists
>im not gonna lie
you just died, liar. Not sure what you think this validating shitpost will win you, either in short or long term
What the fuck is this
Is it like a fetish video or something?
Funny, I don't think you'd be laughing if someone shamed you for something you have no control over. Ugh, kids these days.
Takes two google searches to find it.
Because it's like America's premature baby brother.
>you just died, liar.
>I am womyn, hear me roar!
>those posts were written by an adult
you're already cucked, might as well go invest in bioware stocks
>I hope they won't put denuvo in it
This means he wants to pirate it, retard.
Seriously they fucking love that shit. It's like the horses of stay at home moms who play wow or other mmos.
Reminder to never buy a Bioware game.
>We hiring landwhales now
Can't we just nuke America and be rid of this degeneracy?
Looks like a trans version of that big guy from Disney's Recess.
Not only that, they had to make the one white guy they reluctantly added a bearded nu-male with geek glasses even though none of the actual members even had a beard.
Not gonna lie, Bioware is the only gross thing in the picture. I wouldn't think twice if I saw either of them, except probably the chick on the left 'cause it looks like she's wearing a Neverwinter Nights shirt and I would say "HEY, NEVERWINTER NIGHTS!" and then we would be the best of friends until she tells me about her erotic fanfiction.
i keep scrolling down the front page and seeing that morbid fucking collosal fat whore and its making me angry t bh
Fuck off back to Facebook, normalscum.
hold shift and click it.
They don't see it as racism, it hilarious too because they think based on their gender or preferences gender they can't be.
She has the exact same body shape as fucking Smough's armour.
Way ahead of you pham, I've NEVER bought a bioware game in my life. Never even played one
>reminder to read the thread
It's a comedy sketch
KOTR was great
Women can lose weight, men can't gain height, yet it's normal to make fun of manlets but unacceptable to make fun of women's weight.
i thought liberals didnt buy this since post ww2?
i'm erect`\
this guy is right though
you know who the vast majority of the SJWs are?
white males
I'd still fuck them.
>she replies to the wrong account
Every tiem
Literal racists now run bioware.
What a time to be alive....
Lack of control isn't "no control."
manlets btfo
Indeed, the cuckening comes from within
Except that Smough could move without a mobility scooter.
Jesus, lose some fucking weight. The right one could pass for a fucking miniboss.
How does someone with a job have the time to give a shit about nonsense like this?
I go to uni and work, so it always baffles me the amount of fucking protesting that gets organized on my campus. How do these people find the time.
What happened with Hamburger Helper by the way?
>Indian American whining about whites
Anyone mind posting the stats again showing that Asian Americans are the highest paid races in the USA. Getting real tired of Asians thinking they're disadvantaged in the same way Blacks are.
Well at least she can stand, we don't know but I am sure she doesn't need a scooter.
Why don't people just accept that post-KotOR Bioware is for fat, retarded women and move on?