How do i get my friend to stop doing this autistic shit...

how do i get my friend to stop doing this autistic shit? We play 2v2 against moderate AIs and he gets absolutely rekt in early castle age nearly every time, then if he's lucky he spams halberdiers and skirmishers and a-moves to win
I even tell him what to do and he says he does it, but then I look at his base and see this sort of shit "because it's pretty"
then there's also buying EVERY upgrade possible and complaining about gold
or he's rushing trade carts and gets rekt with 3 villagers on the gold mine in his base
>i'm better at starcraft there's only 2 resources
but then he doesn't play brood war, only starcraft 2.
I want him to get better but I don't even know what he's doing most of the time (I'm preoccupied with doing my own shit), I just hear "help" and I see 4 battering rams destroying his TC

pic related he ran to my base after getting rekt and rebuilt for like 40 minutes, then built a huge army of teutonic knights and didn't help me because "he wanted more of them before attacking" nigga 60 teutonic knights is a force that will tear open and rip apart her majesty the queen's anus then proceed to shit all over buckingham palace

You're playing agianst AI, just let him have his fun.

We're playing against AI but IN PREPARATION for actual multi and this is atrocious

Fuck off, you already killed RTS

Hey, that's a pretty farm!

imo age of empires is for slow playing, I really like RTS but I usually wanna be comfy and not die from anxiety attack like in SC matches or more like I can do that too but only for an hour

You're the reason RTS is dead. I would play with your friend any time.

You can go fuck off.

>haha winning doesnt matter in a game where there are winners and losers what matters is to have fun ;^) im also fully submissive gay bottom

He's just a casual who doesn't understand how to play competitively.

Which is fine because that's fucking AOE2, an absolutely AWFUL game to play competitively. Why the duck don't you play Starcraft with him instead if you want to just be hardcore and not care about stuff like aesthetics or making an epic world destroying army before attacking?

99% of people who play AOE2 play it exactly the way he does, like an empire sim and not an esport. I don't know why you don't understand that. You sound like you hate fun.

isnt the point of rts is building pretty bases?

IIRC you can neatly wrap farms around your TC if you place on directly below it.

I honestly pity you, unable to actually enjoy video games. Thats really just sad.


I only play Age of Empires map builder, because it doesn't limit you with that resource bullshit. I don't have time to farm them to build my base, a simple game against easy AI is above 4 hours, that's ridiculous.

>he just wants to have fun xD
Why is Sup Forums so casual? They are clearly training to play some multiplayer. Don't defend some casuals stupidity.

>that gay projection
So you're just sexually repressed, I bet your friend gets laid more than you which is why you're mad at him.

>He can't win while also making his base beautiful
What's the point of victory if you have nothing but shit to look back on.

intricate base building is half the fun my dude

in all seriousness have they fixed shit like tower rushing?

>They are
No, one autistic faggot with no friends is trying to rope in someone who just wants to have fun.

Playing a game how you want is not casual, its when casuals want a game changed to be more casual that casuals are bad. Not that you would fucking know you underage newfag cunt. Now fuck off.

>i-im OP and i agree with this message!
Jesus dude thats even fucking sadder than bitching people are having fun.

>Which is fine because that's fucking AOE2, an absolutely AWFUL game to play competitively.

I bet you cant even elaborate why its bad to play it competitively.
Because competitive Aoe2 is perfectly fine.

not him but some people understandably find fun in winning or even just playing competitively

you'd understand if you were good at games or play an irl sport, faggot

do you realize that beating moderate AI in this game is no easy task and requires actual strategy? I'm not forcing my friend to play, he wants to but cries every time he loses while refusing to accept my advice, get better and win

nt we're both basement dwellers

this isn't beautiful, this is just autistic.

there are other games/map builder for that

Just let him enjoy the game the way he wants and get another person to play your competitive stuff

>not him but some people understandably find fun in winning or even just playing competitively
And others find fun in doing whatever the fuck they want

Stop pretending your fun = the only fun moron

how can you "fix" tower rushing? It's a strategy like all others. They did fix Teuton TC dick-ass cheese tho

Kill yourself


Dude just use the mills.

Or make fuck off huge farms.

>Just let him enjoy the game the way he wants
he wants to win and complains when he gets rekt. It's either doing autistic things or winning. In-between is something that he's far away from achieving, at least as of yet

sorry op, i aim to win the fashion competition, not the low brow neanderthal violence category.

want to make a pretty kingdom and then maybe later have a fabulous army.

Last time I played it, my patrols were just prancing around the invading enemy.
Was that an AoE2 HD thing? I heard they fucked some things up with the HD edition.

But you are doing the same.

a-move is inconsistent, sometimes your units will just go to that point while stuttering and don't attack at all
generally if there's a lot of units on the map at once the game tends to have massive input lag and the units stutter instead of moving or attacking

lmao did you even read the post i was replying to

the retard user was saying how he pities op because he plays to win

stop pretending OPs fun isnt valid fun you fucking casual baddies

Simple, AOE2 is far too slow to be a good competitive game and also has a big lack of strategic variety.

8 minutes into a game of Starcraft you can possibly have every unit in the game available, and all of them are wildly different in abilities.

8 minutes into a game of AOE2 you can build all of one military unit unless you're very experienced, in which case you can build a small handful of them, none of which have any special abilities or properties other than "hit enemy with some variety of stick".

Yeah, that's pretty much what I experienced.
Bummer, so games against multiple enemies or playing on a big map with big troups are going to be shit.

Is that only in the HD edition or the old one as well?

Play Supreme Commander instead.

When do you think OP will figure out that his friend is much better at video games than he is and is deliberately going full A E S T H E T I C and mismanges shit just because he enjoys laughing at the autistic tantrums this retard throws every time.

Well, he should at least be able to defend his castle. I wouldn't have fun getting my shit destroyed and having to mooch stuff off my buddy.
And it's way cooler to have some troops walking around the town to protect shit anyway. Villagers gotta feel safe.

>playing competitive AoE2
Delete your game.

Also I do something similar to your friend with the farms and always destroy the AI.

But I a friend who
>I'm doing pretty well
>he's doing ok
>gets swarmed by enemy AI, no big deal
>begin to send my soldiers to his place
>sending a bit of resources I can spare
>Player: Friend has resigned

Fuck you, man.

Perhaps buy him something comfy like Banished where he can just focus on building nice wee clachans

I am literally your friend, I do the same shit, never finish a match and always lose but at least I enjoy making my small city.

If anything, retards rushing in RTS games killed the genre because anyone not rushing is called a "scrub, shitter, newbie". Enjoy never getting more RTS games because RTS player are pure cancer alike MOBAfags

I cant have an ugly town, sorry

Not him either, but winning is more fun than losing.
I play puzzle games if I want to have fun, not a competitive game.
Fun fact: only sore losers say "it's just a game". I have never in my life heard a winner say that. I also never heard it being said in the olympic games, just to prove my point.

"More fun" means losing should still be fun. If you don't have any fun because you lost then you have a problem.

Sounds like my 12year old self playing this game on lan. Cut him some slack. Maybe choose a small map with an easy AI and actively encourage him to learn some tactics from you.

>>playing competitive AoE2
>Delete your game.

spotted the shitter
aoe2 against ai gets boring as soon as you get a grip on a solid BO. once you manage to pull of a good flush, fast castle, fast imp and know the basics of booming, the AI becomes a grain of sand trying to kill you from inside your shoe.

aoe2 against other players, especially teamfights, is the most fun you can have with an rts. there are maps for every player, from competitive GA to completely sealed off Michi and a ton of fun maps, one of the most popular ones still being castle blood.

also, a very good map editor. you can even create custom random maps for online play, something that I haven't seen in an rts game so far.

>being competitive in a competitive game is a problem.

for the 1st time maybe, but if you choose to play like shit just because for the looks of your city, you should probably stop playing aoe and start up anno. seriously.

aoe2 is an extreme macro-management game once you start your first fight, be it feudal age or post imp. once you start to focus on unimportant tasks, important tasks around the map (like microing your military or watching idle vills), you will ultimatively lose the game and get frustrated with it.

while you are busy arranging your farms in a certain order, knights are riding your lumbercamp while your arches fight hillside up against skirmishers. you will be wondering how you lost your army and ultimatively the game. and every time someone tells your "it's because you care about useless shit", your will be hurt, because for some strange reason, building a pretty village is what you want to do, not eliminating the enemy threat.

usually, people who play like this, never become good players. they will become good at finding excuses why they are so shit though.

I wonder how much fun it is to get beaten down over and over again. Maybe if you're a cuck, who knows.

>spotted the shitter
I play AOE for the chill city build aspect. I dont need to play some shitters castle rushing or going all out with 9,000 trebuchets and oniggers.

Competitive AOE2 is fun to watch, but if I want to play against people I'll play one of the custom scenarios or custom maps.

>I dont need to play some shitters castle rushing or going all out with 9,000 trebuchets and oniggers.

can you explain what you mean with "shitters castle rushing" and "going all out with 9000 rebushets"? have you even played aoe2 or did you just watch a trailer?
how long have you even been playing aoe2? you still don't know more than city building about this game, which focuses on combat?

>>playing competitive AoE2
>Delete your game.

>I play AOE for the chill city build aspect.

YOU play AOE for the chill city build aspect, I play AOE for its competitive RTS value.

>I dont need to play some shitters castle rushing or going all out with 9,000 trebuchets and oniggers.
This and the exagerration are probably because you're bad at the game and get your ass handed to you every time you try to play the game the way it was meant to be played. As a competitive RTS where you destroy your opponent.

>aoe2 against ai gets boring as soon as you get a grip on a solid BO. once you manage to pull of a good flush, fast castle, fast imp and know the basics of booming, the AI becomes a grain of sand trying to kill you from inside your shoe.

Well yeah you fucking autist, that's precisely why only idiots like you do those things, because it ruins the fun of the game.

Also everything else you mention in your retarded post has been done far, far better in other RTS games and it's obvious as fuck that AOE2 was your first and only RTS.

>This and the exagerration are probably because you're bad at the game and get your ass handed to you every time you try to play the game the way it was meant to be played

not learning how to play a video game is a level of laziness I don't want to be a part of

These posts are so autistic I can smell the neckbeard from here.

He didn't even do it right. The mill allows for perfectly staggered farms. Why is there a space? Mills look better surrounded by farmland

>Well yeah you fucking autist, that's precisely why only idiots like you do those things, because it ruins the fun of the game.

no, that's exactly what kept the game alive for so long, not the morons who arrange farms in rectangle shapes.

it ruins the fun for you, because you are a shit player who never tried to improve. when we would play against each other, I would feel great joy because I love this game, while you get frustrated at your own incompetence because you never learned to win.

well, at least you build a pretty city, you funny little girl. superficial and helpless.

No user, you are the autism.

so is there any depth to this game or is it your average run of the mill 1. get cash 2. spam units kinda deal?

But its is pretty.

I feel sad for you.

Holy shit OP you should check your own autism before you start calling out others.

Your buddy probably is thinking the same thing as to how to stop your autistic shit.

What kind of depth are you looking for in a traditional rts?

Fuck off shitter. I'd destroy you 1 vs 1 with cheats on. Just try me you little shit.


>not eventually just having massive mill farmlands
>not building 3 houses for every 1 barrack so your soldiers have homes
>not planting mining camps in every deposit available so your mining industry can flourish

Literally if you don't do this just fucking delete AOE2 and go play some boring shit like StarCraft.

>tfw can't beat AI on normal
The game is too comfy and relaxing to actually give a fuck about min/max.
I've played it since the original release and I still get fucked by normal bots.

>competitive AoE II is so fun xD
>waah I just wasted 2 seconds
>holy shit someone went feudal 8 seconds before I did FUCK
>holy shit, I just wasted a bunch of time managing these menus

>tfw memorizing build orders for 200 hours so you can destroy people who dare to "have fun" in age of empires

In that moment, I am euphoric.

Being a submissive gay bottom is fine. Being a fag like op is not

It takes a lot of games to get good. Your friend sucks because you are expecting too much of them. I am plenty autistic with my builds but I beat hard cpus easily. It comes down to experience. Stop being a faggot and just have fun. Your friend is going to suck before he gets good so just be ready for that.

>tfw I play with a friend AoM:Titans vs AI.
>we just sit in the same room with laptops vs 10 (Titan) AI.
>only can do specific maps where we wall off our bases with Gaia Tree miracle
>its basically a 30-60 minute turtle and then a 60 minute map clean up
>tfw we both feel dead afterwards
>tfw we keep doing it

It stacks up, user

>not playing medieval Sim City


idk, something that isn't just spamming units

i really love stronghold crusader but it's not exactly what i expect from any other rts, just saying that I mean that kind of depth instead of just grinding units

That's the only way to play, friend.

I fucking wish AOE2 had more trading units.

Comp killed RTS

Holy fucking shit

Have you tried Grand Strategy games?
Obviously not RTS, but it may be more your cup of tea

>not turning on easy so can build your comfy town without being harassed as much, then smashing steam rolling the enemy when youve finished your cool town
its like you hate fun

I don't see how micro managing seconds is less autistic than pretty farms.

Gamespeed is not related to competitiveness of a game.

Else chess wouldnt have ever been this big.
Your argument is flawed

Its a strategy game, it should be about strategy and not about reflexes like gook click is

>mfw I do this

You can do treaty in HD with kangs expansion.

>tfw I showed him SupCom
>Sorian AI is slightly smarter
>I'm quite good at SupCom, so I expand, defend him, get naval so we don't get wrecked by salems, get t3 air quickly
>look at my friends base
>he just made a huge mass farm
>he then proceeds to mop the enemy with 10 SoulRippers
>we both feel dead afterwards
>tfw we keep doing it

chloe a slut

yeah, they're too complex for my taste though. then again i never took the time to learn them

Stop slutshaming.
Sluts are a good thing.

No they're not.


well it IS pretty...

You just sound biased against comp play. Don't get me wrong, I loved to play RTS casually as a kid (especially with shoehorned RPG mechanics like units levelling up and gaining stats), but let's face it—it's not exactly what RTS has been designed for, which is expanding as efficiently as possible to overpower your opponents. You just seem more suited to GSG games and sim because they offer the complexity an adult can sink enough time into to feel the progress going without hitting a dead end during casual play. It's just like playing HoMM3 against a CPU—eventually you realize the AI has been so overpowered it becomes a tedious accumulation of units until a boring steamroll happens. It's not fun over time.

>mfw remembering the IRC group we used to have on Sup Forums for this
>8-way FFAs
>that one guy who would pick Persians only to delete his town center and rebuild it right beside the enemy's to kill everything with their x2 TC HP bonus
>that one guy who would pick the shittest player on the other team and rush them with monks
>that one guy who would build mangonels in early castle age, send them to an ally's base and target ground over his villagers
and now it's all gone...

Please do not talk about the queen that way.

It's very disrespectful.

I'd just be glad to have a friend who likes to do cute stuff in AoE

Whats GSG games?

>the TC isnt centered

Grand strategy (europa universalis, etc.) or simulators like Cities XL.

>that one guy who you check on 15 minutes into the game and he has 8 villagers

Fast-paced RTS in general are cancer. The games always boil down to ridiculously fast micro and extremely high APM, meaning everything from resource management, unit selection, scouting, villager placement, sheep placement, trade routes, to actual fights are all handled in real time at once and few slip-ups are going to cost you the entire game.

It makes the game become less about strategy or outwitting your opponent and more about who has memorized hotkey combinations better, even worse if the units also have usable abilities and the battles themselves are solved in a matter of seconds. Add very limited zoom out and tiny minimap and you can instantly throw the game into the trash bin.

Games like RUSE and Wargame are good because they're more about clever unit positioning and battle group combinations. Resources also play an important part, but it's more about map control and constantly focusing on the actual fighting without delving into knee jerk reaction times that are more befitting of ASSFAGGOTS.