seriously, why isn't phoenix wright good enough for a physical release anymore? it's a very popular series, so I don't understand why they keep doing this
Seriously, why isn't phoenix wright good enough for a physical release anymore? it's a very popular series...
Because It has no replay value. So ppl will only wait for a used one. And that doesn't help capcom to make money
why would replay value make people buy the game on release? I don't understand
Nowadays a lot of people look up gameplay of games before playing it, which doesn't at all mesh well with this kind of game.
I wonder if there's actually a big chunk of people doing it with this game though.
Just post that girls armpits.
Doesn't that mean it's not popular?
>it's a very popular series
In Japan where you can get the physical version it is.
It hasn't hit 2 million units sold in NA in the 11 years it's be available outside of Japan.
From what I remember, the physical DS games did not sell well at all, sans the first game, and went to a discount price ($20) super quick. I wish Capcom would give a physical release another, though. The series has gained a lot of friction over the past couple year, mostly due to AA5.
>five days left to more magic daughteru antics
And everyone else's, I guess.
>it's a very popular series
Is it? I thought it doesn't sell too well in the West?
Yeah VNs in general don't do well in the west.
Western gamers don't like games that are straight up mostly story, they need cinematic QTEs to give the illusion that they're doing something.
>Very popular series
I know this is just personal conjecture
but out of all the vidy game people I've ever met
I am the only person I personally know who has actually played any of the games.
Its not popular in the west in the slightest, it HAS fans, but a small, yet passionate bunch.
that is it though.
I love the shit out of phoenix wright but its been a long time since I played the last one. maybe I'll read something to catch up with the story. I have shit for memory. Dont really have time to replay everything again.
>It's a very popular series
It's not. The most popular adventure style vn is Danganronpa.
Physical games seem to be on their way out sadly
I mean Anecdote*
I'm debating if I should buy it or just pirate it
No physical release is pretty lame though
I have a physical copy.
Crapcom is an atrocious jew company that literally only cares about MonHun and Resident Evil. Even fucking SF, their old cash cow, is treated like shit. Just hack you 3DS like everyone else and pirate the game.
No, it just means that nuCapcom is irredeemable trash.
I already bougt the eShop credit for the game
Only games that sell 2 million are worth giving a physical release to? Then why did SFV get one?
>ends up in the slammer in one case
Covict Trucy is cute! Cute!
>5 days
Why is nighttime Sup Forums more cynical?
But this is daytime Sup Forums
It's cheaper retard
It's transitioning.
Eh, it's really not.
Even in Japan sales are dwindling. It has just very passionate following.
It's almost 2pm dumbass
>that middle girl
Eastern Time Zone is all that matters.
Sorry, but Ace Attorney is way more popular on Sup Forums and the Internet than in the real Western world.
Ace Investigations II never got an official English release because the first one couldn't even sell 50,000 in the U.S.
Yeah, I like her too.
Not a lot of pantsu fanart, though.
Anyone remember the huge fucking fiasco concerning preorders for Trials and Tribulations on the official Capcom store?
If you preordered the game, you got a little Phoenix Wright plush doll.
Except they got so many preorders they literally had to make some people wait EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS FOR THEIR COPY OF THE GAME because they were more concerned with filling store shelves than fulfilling all of their preorders. They did three separate prints of the game, only fulfilling a percentage of the preorders each time.
Safe to say almost nobody who preordered ended up actually getting a plush doll.
I literally bought Apollo Justice and completed it before my copy of Trials and Tribulations ever arrived. This is why their treatment of the franchise floors me. They struggled to fucking make enough copies for the third game, and then suddenly they weren't even going to consider localizing the games any more (at all). Then they claimed it was only profitable to sell them digitally (yet still never gave us AAI2).
Just three or four of the fifty reasons to hate Capcom.
Why do you even care? In some time, physical releases are going to disappear altogether.
Hey, I did my part.
Too bad the game ended up the weakest Ace Attorney-branded work at the time.
That's like complaining about a netflix series with no dvd's
Except Phoenix Wright had the first 4 mainline games and two spinoffs with a physical release in the West. The swap to digital is a new thing.
Havent played pw vs layton
Is it canon in the AA universe or can i go ahead and play this new one
Except the physical copies DO exist, just in Japan.
I'll wait on a discount, I live in euro zone and full price for digital release seems too much for me.
what the fuck is that thing
It's 29€, not full price.
give it 15 years and it'll exist at the bottom of the ocean when japan finally sinks
It will be the day they make a version specific for the US market where you have to redo the Zimmerman trial.
Will Florida sink too? Because then I'll be dead along with my extensive Ace Attorney collection. And you don't want that, do you?
Who fucking cares? It's not like you care about physical PC releases.
Ah, the release of a new PW game
Otherwise known as "the week I avoid the internet entirely"
Thread needs more like this pic
It released months and months ago, anything that can be spoiled has been spoiled
But you should leave the thread now that you have pointed out to everyone that you don't already know that Gumshoe is the killer
I wouldn't exactly call AA popular. More like it has a cult following.
Reminder he thought Dual Destinies was fantastic.
Non canon iirc, even if it is plot details will likely never be mentioned in future games so skip it if you want. [spoilers]but play it anyway because it is cute[/spoilers]
It's not canon to anything. You can play it whenever. It almost feels like it takes place in between Justice For All and Trials and Tribulations.
And yet there are still retards who defend and apologise for them, even to this day. That's just unbelievable to me on how cucked someones mind can get.
I bet there will be a cart with all the games and dlc that will release physically next year.
It was at least very good
Because that happened with Ace Attorney 5, right?
What's your point, m8?
Yeah, and I'm also sure that Investigations 2 and The Great Ace Attorney will come outside of Japland aaany day now.
I meant 5+6+dlc on a cart together for US/EU
My personal belief is that you endorse the media that entertains you, not spite it because the company itself is bollocks.
They didn't even bring over Great Ace Attorney and that shit had Sherlock Holmes in it, which has a cult following of its own in the west now because of the movies and tv series.
"Cult"? Sherlock Holmes is an icon of literature worldwide and THE template character for detectives in modern fiction. It's far more than a mere "cult following".
True, but you must admit that those were responsible for getting a lot of the younger audience interested in Holmes, which is also the same audience they're wanting to attract with these games.
Visual novels aren' t real games. They don' t need to be physical.
Since the reaction to DGS's finale in the Japanese community was "Eh, I guess," I'm fine just watching a fan translation of it but none of the fan translations on YouTube did a good job except for one who gave up when the competition tried to out-post him (which is bullshit since being thorough is what I wanted).
it sets my brain on fire thinking about how Zero Escape 3 got a physical version and this didn't.
Can't wait to buy her game.
Just watch the only complete one so far. It's not thorough but, in the words of Inafune's translator, "it's better than nothing".
I love this girl. Is there any more?
>Has layer interaction and fail states
How is AA not a game?
Is the only reason Layton vs. PW got a physical release because Nintendo and Level 5 are buttbuddies?
The only pantsu image I ever found.
Pretty sure we have based Level 5 to thank for that.
Yes, it was treated like a Layton game. Nintendo themselves did the localization and distribution.
It's the only way Capcom can localize it as fast as they can
We are even lucky we are getting it 3 months later
> Physical
Fucking dark ages degenerate Luddite cucks. It's 2016, how demented you have to be to actually buy physical?
>Drawing hag Pearl instead of Pearl prime
Unlike Street fighter, Residenr Evil and other games
Ace Attorney games can't be released simultaneously due to a huge chunk being writing
And they can't simply translate it, there's too much Japanese specific writing that the team needs time to localize it properly
Not only that, but priority is realistically really fucking low for this series, internationally it's not that huge compared to japan
Now, Capcom wants to Atleast release the main series games on the same year without a massive gap
The only way to do that is to sacrifice physical cart costs and time, 3 months is pretty great
I mean look at Level 5, it took them 3 years because how low priority it was
Older Pearl is exactly the same as younger Pearl
There's no negatives
It's just a way to make lewds that aren't pedophilia
>physical release
>good enough
When will you faggots arrive in the present eh? Physical releases are dying out for obvious and good reasons. Its cost that nobody really wants to hold. Neither the manufacturers or the customers. The only reason physical existed, is because digital wasn't a thing. Digital is a thing, so physical will die a horrible death that can't come swift enough.
>inb4 muh collection
stop getting mentally attached to toys
>Just hack you 3DS like everyone else and pirate the game.
That will for sure make them want to bring the other AA games.
What about that Great Ace Attorney game or whatever? Are we not getting that?
>why isn't phoenix wright good enough for a physical release anymore?
Because nobody fucking bought the past couple?
>Very popular series
It's fucking niche and not popular enough for them to put it on a cartridge.
I kind of agree with this. I was initially mad that AA5 would be digital-only, but when they priced it decently (24,99€ instead of the usual 39,99 or 44,99€ physical games are over here) I got over it and saw the positives. It's still a little annoying, but not a deal-breaker. Ultimately I just want the game.
It was a gamble to release AA4 and AAI in the US. Neither one of them could use "Phoenix Wright" in the title, which is now a bigger problem for the series.
A retail release costs more to make and then they have to sell the digital one for at least $40, Gamestops and such won't shelf it if it's notably cheaper digital. That in turn would lead to people thinking it's too much money for a VN.
Basically releasing only digital allows them to keep it cheap and upsets only collector shits.
Capcom has no faith in their IPs anymore
Not necessarily AA's fault
Doubtful, we didnt get AAI2 either
It just barely breaks 1 million which is actually quite good.
The problem is that it's Capcom, you know, the people who can sell 2 million copies of a game in a week in Japan alone. So to them it's niche.
Ultimately AA is a low-risk low-reward franchise and not getting a physical release supports this. Don't complain, I wish we weer getting digital Mega Man.
I don't know why they just didn't call it Turnabout Trial to begin with. It would have caught on
No AA game as ever sold 1 million copies. It's somewhat niche in Japan and virtually irrelevant in the west
"Ace Attorney" is a more natural localization but they should not have affixed Phoenix Wright's name to the front of it. That was the original sin.
You entitled piece of shit. How fucking dare you even ask that?
>Translation patch says they only have about the first chapter done in like a year or two now.
At least they don't seem to be localizing anything.
Translation sucks as a gig when you can't get paid for it.