Ok, let's cut the bullshit; which is the better franchise?
Ok, let's cut the bullshit; which is the better franchise?
That's a dumb question, DMC by far.
easily DMC
Ninja Gaiden 3 is less offensive than DmC. Devil May Cry still wins.
Modern hack and slash games are hot garbage in general.
DMC has more games that are good so it wins as a franchise
NG has NGB/NG2 so it wins pinnacle wise since DMC3SE is the only DMC game that compares to NGB and its not quite there.
Modern-era Ninja Gaiden's probably the weaker of the two on the whole (Even though DMC2, vanilla NG3, DmC and Yaiba are all crap), but Black is the best game.
DMC is overhyped dogshit, especially on Sup Forums. Ninja Gaiden is on a whole other level.
>Ninja Gaiden 3 is less offensive than DmC. Devil May Cry still wins.
Let's see here:
Ninja Gaiden 3 is a geniune canon sequel.
Has one (1) weapon.
Garbage story.
Bunch of forced walking cinematic shit.
Pretty much no good bosses or highlights whatsoever.
I'd say Vanilla NG3 is way more offensive than DmC.
>let's cut the bullshit
Comparing apples and oranges is pretty bullshit
DMC is a mechanical game about taking punching bag enemies and doing as many cool things as possible with your insane array of tools. Getting hit and staying alive are either impossible or minor inconveniences.
NG is a technical game about full mastery of basic skills, with smaller packs of legitimately threatening enemies. Dying/taking damage is extremely common, and not doing so is considered skillful. Weapons are limited, but extremely specific in their uses.
Which is the most dead?
Both are deader than Onimusha.
Both are shit. Bayonetta wins.
Can't wait for Bayonetta 3 for NX
>Garbage story
>Bunch of forced walking cinematic shit
>Pretty much no good bosses or highlights whatsoever
these all apply to DmC too.
>deader than Onimusha
I realize you're saying that to make us remember Onimusha but
>last game was in 2006
Don't ever say that again
>He thinks Bayo 2 was anything other than a desperate attempt by Nintendo to sell Wii U's.
She's pretty dead too mate.
Wide as an Ocean deep as a Puddle vs. Keen as a Katana's edge and deep as a Japanese death poem.
DMC 1- Good
DMC 3 - Excellent
NGSigma 1 - Good
NG Sigma 2 - Good
its fact.
Maybe with luck, it will just result in Bayo going back to real consoles and/or PC and not another Happy Meal toy.
You couldn't even keep a straight face, shame on (You)
DmC's story is edgy but it's atleast functional.
It has like one walking segment.
It had some geniunely impressive moments like Bob Barbas fight, and the transforming enviroments.
DmC may have been more hostile towards fans, but NG3 is more offensive simply by having almost no reedemable qualities what so ever.
they both suck. dmc is just blessed by godly gameplay mechanics.
>Both are deader than Onimusha
Only Onimusha "game" in the last decade was Japan-onlymobile social crap. Last peep from NG was Razor's Edge in 2013 (Well, Yaiba was '14, but that was always an experimental spinoff), with Hayashi not ruling out a NG4 when Nioh's development is finished.
Also isn't Itsuno working on something? Or are people thinking that'll be the answer to all those "Deep Down is resurrected!" rumours?
DMC is the better franchise but NGB is the best game in the genre
So shit vs. shit?
I'm a big guy, for (you).
>Neither has had an installment in years
>DMC was 3 years ago
Hammer vs. Scalpel.
>impressive moments like Bob Barbas fight
that wasn't impressive at all. It's another boring stational boss in this pile of boring stational bosses called DmC.
Thanks for letting me know you're underage.
>that wasn't impressive at all. It's another boring stational boss in this pile of boring stational bosses called DmC.
Nah mate, the news intro aesthetic was geniunely great, as was flying into a live news segment.
NG3 had nothing even close to being as memorable as that, I guess that stupid fucking dinosaur was a little bit memorable.
To this day the only good devil may cry game is 3. Everything else is a boring abomination loaded with shit design. Ninja gaiden is a much better series
>highest point comparison
NGB feels the least gimped from hardware limits than DMC3
NGB wins
>latest canon game iteration comparison
DMC4SE is still an unfinished game
all the new characters feel half baked except for Vergil
D4nte is still the undisputed king for all action game characters
NG3RE is a complete game.
All the new characters' moveset are arguably as fleshed out as Ryu's moveset for a single weapon.
best combat system out of all 3 NG games
worst enemy design out of all 3 ng games
I'mm a call it a tie
>canonical low points comparison
NG3 vanilla vs DMC2
both can suck a dick and die
>non canon games compariosn
Yaiba vs DmC
DmC wins
which fanbase is the most cancerous
both are obnoxious fucks that can't seem to leave others alone
both series are great. Now stop the fucking dick waving
Fuck you, the first Devil May Cry is still one of the best games ever.
None. both are dead.
Thanks to western developers.
Thank you Ninja Theory and Spark Unlimited pissing on DMC and NG
Anyone who is into CUHRAZY knows the answer.
DMC, because it gave birth to Bayonetta.
Although I'm still in awe that Kamiya essentially stole DMC3 to make it, despite not being officially involved with the franchise past the first game.
>None. both are dead.
I love this uneducated meme.
Capcom put Devil May Cry both on their work pipeline and their important franchises list last year, and Team Ninja literally said they'll probably going to go straight to NG4 after Ni-Oh.
Stuff like Onimusha? That's geniunely dead though. Saying stuff like DMC is dead when it got two new editions just last year is retarded.
>DMC3 and NGB were limited by console limitations
>DMC4 was half finished due to whatever the fuck development process and running out of time+money
>NG2 is an unplaytested mess due to running out of time and money and some drama where Cookie ended up leaving
What an awful timeline
>NG fanboy detected
Itagaki's a total cunt of a person, so it's kinda funny to see him and Valhalla resigned to Korean mobile and F2P MMO shit for the forseeable future after Devil's Third ended up how it did, but I also miss him having the backing of big studios, effectively letting him shoot his mouth off whenever he wanted. That feud he and Kamiya had for years was quite funny
>"My daughter tried playing Okami, and she got sick of it pretty quickly-and I got pretty sick of it, too. And I'm not out to make this an Okami bashing session or anything — I'm just saying that it didn't feel like it had much of a spirit. It's unique, but it's not a powerful fighter plane... So I heard Kamiya said something about the action genre not moving forward in eight years. Can you tell me more about that?"
>Apparently, Kamiya said the action genre hasn't moved forward since the release of the first Devil May Cry. To which Itagaki replied:
>"Was he asleep for eight years? ...There are two types of people out there who like to make controversial, splashy comments. There are those who are truly outspoken, and there are those who are just trying to cover up for there weaknesses. We have a saying here in Japan — "the weaker dog barks more" — and I sincerely also like to remind him to make sure to stay awake for the next years."
>"If I made a similar game as a game I made in the company I quit, people would say, 'What an idiot, can't he make anything else?' Well, that is more or less the opinion I have for, uh, that Bayo-something game,". "... Covered in hair, is she? I dunno, Mr. Kamiya must have a lot going through his head. Well, in any case, I would first recommend laser eye surgery. I'm sure he's not that strapped for cash, right?"
Better at what?
>NG fanboy
>D4nte is still undisputed king
I like both series. Try harder.
>Itagaki and Kamiya don't like each other.
>If I made a similar game as a game I made in the company I quit, people would say, 'What an idiot, can't he make anything else?
kinda amusing how Platinum is just shitting out samey Bayo or MGR clones but with different skins. Seems like Kamiya is the only person in there that tries to make something unique.
DMC3, the "best" one (not in my fucking opinion) has a combat system defined by a very complex and nuanced attacking options and capabilities that can be used on FUCKING AWFUL ENEMY DESIGNS, and you get to wander through terrible level designs while doing it. There is a heavy emphasis on creatively stringing together attacks on dumbfuck enemies that barely move or attack and have huge amounts of life. They're essentially walking punching bags and DMC3 is Dante's workout program.
Ninja Gaiden Black, the best game in the series in my opinion, is a fucking masterpiece of 3D character action games. The level design is fantastic, Ryu's movement capabilities are almost as nuanced and complex as his fighting capabilities. The enemy designs are THE BEST IN THE ENTIRE GENRE BY FUCKING FAAAAAAR. Aggressive, deadly motherfuckers that you want to kill you as quickly as possible, forcing you to be evasive while at the exact same time attacking. The fighting options are not as complex as DMC3's are, but at least I'm not bored to fucking tears by the shitty levels and enemies.
There's more to an action game than the combat, you silly fucks. The only reasoning I have for so many DMC fans to prefer 3 to 1 is autism. You HAVE to be autistic to not care about anything else but the combat in an action-adventure game. And I really mean JUST the combat. Like, not the enemies. FUCK the enemies, you'd be satisfied fighting wireframes as long as you get to do cuhrayzee combos on them.
DMC wins because of consistency but Ninja Gaiden has by far the better combat (in 1 and 2)
Ninja Gaiden Black might as well be the best game of the lot (DMC and NG). Two great series though.
Also he has Vladmir Putin listed as his sole inspirational person.
>Something unique
>DMC but with Pikmin
>DMC but with a sexy woman wearing glasses who is also into bondage
W101 was still cool and Bayonetta is alright. Just messing
>action genre hasn't moved forward since the release of the first Devil May Cry
Guess Itsuno sucking Kamiya dry only made him saltier that he didn't make DMC3 or 4
>"My daughter tried playing Okami, and she got sick of it pretty quickly-and I got pretty sick of it, too. And I'm not out to make this an Okami bashing session or anything — I'm just saying that it didn't feel like it had much of a spirit. It's unique, but it's not a powerful fighter plane... So I heard Kamiya said something about the action genre not moving forward in eight years. Can you tell me more about that?"
>Apparently, Kamiya said the action genre hasn't moved forward since the release of the first Devil May Cry. To which Itagaki replied: Was he asleep for eight years?
He's right you know.
I wonder if Itagaki hates Legend of Zelda
Kamiya's response was ""It's a huge mistake to think like an idiot that big breasts on women seem erotic" during Bayo promo after Itagaki went after him in the press.
>It's a huge mistake to think like an idiot that big breasts on women seem erotic
>DFC(Jeanne)>cow tits(Ayane etc.)
Kamiya is my man
They are very different in style. DMC is more freeform and about being stylish while NG is about being defensive and looking for enemy openings.
DMC feels like a swiss army knife while Ninja Gaiden feels like a finely sharpened blade. NG is very precise and polished but DMC is more diverse.
It's a tie for me.
Why does everyone like the Bob fight? It was basically a Zelda boss.
Reading this it honestly comes off as Kamiya being the bigger cunt, and Itagaki just having the balls to say it.
Kamiya seems to have never actually acknowledged DMC3, yet Bayonetta clearly takes a lot of ideas from it. His kind of Twitter commentary were he says "Might pick up DMCHD, but only to play DMC1..." just comes off as incredibly childish and juvenile.
It's clear Itagaki is a bit of a prideful prick too, with stuff like "You liked Mission mode? I thought it was terrible." and shit like that, but I think he's just a bit more self-aware about it.
This. You can't really compare.
RE is good. Not as good as 1-2 but good. I first hated it but stayed past the initial disgust to find a game with its own identity and tons of fun to be had with it. Just don't expect it to be "More of Ninja Gaiden Black/2".
Vanilla 3 is beyond garbage.
You get to kill a conservative rightist.
And I guess many people enjoyed the leviathan's heart boss in DMC3 since the Barbas boss fight design and structure is a more braindead version of that fight
It's interesting to note that some of Itagaki's old cronies like Hayashi and Yasuda have been taking pops off at him occasionally in the press, which I guess fits in with all those stories about how difficult he was to work under. Plus Hayashi's probably enjoying it a bit too, since Itagaki was always so unprofessional when he used to mouth off about how shit the Sigma games were (Whether or not he's right is really beyond the point, throwing your teammates under the bus in interviews is something you don't do) and now he's at the lowest point of his career, while Team Ninja actually look to be moving out from under his shadow.
Itagaki is not wrong. Kamiya has these ideas in his head that he seems to view as fact instead of opinion. Something Sup Forums can relate to I'm sure.
Both him and Kamiya are pretty childish in how they express themselves though, especially by nipponese standards where people generally are way less rude than in the west. Openly rude I mean. But it makes for some good entertainment at least, like this list Itagaki made.
What exactly was the beef between Harada and Itagaki? It seemed to go a bit deeper than just being the head honchos of rival franchises.
I think despite his antics, the fact that a guy like Itagaki could be a game Director is kind of fucking beautiful, and something that could never happen today.
Unproffensional and underqualified, just this kind of brash rockstar attitude that says "this sucks lmao, this is how we're gonna do it." and getting away with it.
>I think despite his antics, the fact that a guy like Itagaki could be a game Director is kind of fucking beautiful, and something that could never happen today.
>Unproffensional and underqualified
Sean Murray?
Tim Schafer?
>Metroid Other M
>Ninja Gaiden 3
>did manage to make a fighting game out of DOA with 5 but proceeded to jew it harder than Capcom and Konami combined
>didn't return to direct 3RE, only acted as producer
>is seemingly not involved with current form of Ni-Oh, would like to see the credits of NiOh demo because I am too much of a goy to get either PS+ or PS4
dude is not that great
I always enjoyed his attempts at portraying a hardass persona in interviews, where he'd just come off as sounding like a fucking idiot.
It is kinda sad to see him effectively irrelevant now though, he was absolutely one of the big personalities in the videogame world.
He's the co-director of Nioh alongside Yasuda.
>Sean Murray?
Technically an indie studio.
>Tim Schafer
Actually somewhat similar, but he never had the kind of just pure technical talent they had at Team Ninja, I think GF was as big as it got for Tim.
I don't think you can pin DLC jewness on Hayashi. That kind of thing is something upper suits decide.
Also from what I heard Koei Tecmo literally made them release NG3 even though it wasn't done yet. I mean it came with ONE weapon and ONE ninpo; some other weapons came as free DLC later after the release.
RE basically fixed everything that felt unfinished about the first game and threw in some other improvements as well. It doesn't fix the base game being such a departure from the previous ones in the series but I can at least approve of RE being a good representation of the style of combat flow they were going for with 3 but didn't finish.
If you're asking about franchise, DMC.
DMC1 is decent though outdated. DMC3 is a masterpiece and 4 is fantastic.
Ninja Gaiden has one fucking good game and that's Black, and while Black is a masterpiece, it doesn't make up for the other 3D games being shit. NES Ninja Gaiden 2 is really good though.
>it doesn't make up for the other 3D games being shit.
>Dragon Sword
I don't think DMC1 is outdated. It does have some major balance issues though
>Grenade rolling
>Inferno and Meteor or Air Raid
>Style only counts number of hits and not variety
>DT Ifrit E&I with fast fingers
I still think it's a great game.
As for NG:
>NES 1 and 2 is great
>3 fucks it
>NGB and 2 is great
>3 fucks it
I think NG2 is good obviously
If you'd say 2 is not as good as Black I could agree but it's still fucking awesome.
Saying it's shit is going way too far unless you are speaking in Sup Forums terms where everything that is not the absolute best of something is called shit.
>DMC4 is fantastic
>NG2 is shit.
Enough. DMC4 may have one of the best battle systems of all time, but it doesn't excuse the fucking garbage, repeated levels and boss fights, the rubbish story and boring enviroments. It's even worse when you play the Special Edition where you have 5 characters, which means that you have to play the game 5 TIMES to complete it.
Why does everyone forget this when talking about DMC4?
NG2 is just as good as DMC4 if not better.
NG3RE is decent.
The DMC frachise has been just as much of a rollercoaster. Let's not kid ourselves.
>mfw they never brought back the DT style from DMC1 where you get additional abilities
The only thing I can think of is you can zap lightning and fly using Nevan in 3 which is straight up taken from Alastor in 1 but it's not a new ability and it's nerfed to oblivion damage-wise.
They didn't even make DT good in 3 because of DTE being so powerful.
And in 4 Nero's DT does add a couple of new things but it's not very good outside of the charged up wave.
Dante does get the boosted Kick13 though but once again DT is just used for a gimmick damage boost with distortion.
>mfw they never brought back the DT style from DMC1 where you get additional abilities.
You what mate? DMC4 has tons of that:
Nero has his Y+B moves
Dante gets enhanced forward Y moves and a bunch of changed things like infinite dash and double air hike.
Vergil in DMC4 gets a bunch of new shit. Completely new Yamato A combo, Judgement Cut End, trick down etc etc.
My boy Ryu yo
>Change in abilities is the same as entirely new ones
Although you've got me with Nero and Vergil, I was just thinking of Dante.
They only remember the combo gifs.
>he doesn't like vanilla 2 or sigma 2
explain yourself
Sometimes even I feel guilty and disturbed by the viciousness of what I'm asked to do.
The finishing moves in NG3:RE feel cruel even by video game standards.
The impersonality and detachment Ryu has from mutilating his foes when neither of you had any personal conflict is unsettling.
Cheer up bud, neptunia and atelier shovelware were you watch girls get flustered about cooking for 40 hours exists. No need to play a game with blood if you feel this queasy
lol fag.
He's quoting that HG101 article, from memory.
>finishing moves
They are called OBLITERATION techniques for a reason user. They're there to make sure the enemies are REALLY fucking dead.
That and the enemies want to destroy the world and are willing to allahu akbar to kill you since you are an obstacle.
Why does Ninja Gaiden 3 and Metal Gear Rising guilt trip the player, who the fuck even cares
God Hand is better than all those games put together.
Ninja Gaiden Black is better than any Devil May Cry game, but Devil May Cry has more than one good game, so obvious its better as a franchise.
>the fucking hate column
>Ninja Gaiden Black is better than any Devil May Cry game
>but Devil May Cry has more than one good game
This is pretty much all there is to it.
Ninja Gaiden has one really fucking good game a bunch of mediocre to shit sequels/spinoffs.
Devil May Cry has a bunch of good games, with one shit sequel
Max Payne 3 can sometimes make you feel bad...sort of.
>Ninja Gaiden has only one good game
What is this meme?
>killing off huehues
Nah. I'm fine. Would've preferred killing more New Jersey mobs, though.
>Ninja Gaiden Black is one of the best games ever made.
>Somehow this means the franchise has just one good game.
How the fuck did this meme start?
Both are great in their own way but I prefer DMC.
2 fucked up a lot of the things Ninja Gaiden Black did right, and 3 was awful. The DS game was just okay, and that spin off fucking sucked.
2 just isn't nearly on the same level as Black.
>2 fucked up a lot of the things Ninja Gaiden Black did right
And DMC4 fucked up a lot of things DMC3 did right, and DMC2 fucked up a lot DMC1 did right.
There's a lot of fucking up in the DMC franchise too, hell probably even more.
which series has the best girls?
Devil's Third nullifies all his statements. Kamiya's company became successful and Platinum games now a huge studio with hundreds people. Their action games are pretty much considered as standard of a genre while Itagaki now doing the lowest shit in vidya world possible - korean mobile games.
So, in the end of a day Kamiya have won.