When does it get good?
When does it get good?
How far are you in?
When you do.
When you start grinding materials for Platinum trophy.
i'm afraid it doesn't
you were tricked
when you stop playing it and start reading a lets play
while listening to the ost in the background
It isn't, the only good things about Nier is the music, the interesting story and top tier waifu Kaine. Gameplay looks much improved in Automata.
>reading a lets play
Do you mean a walkthrough, how the fuck do you read a lets play. Too young nigga, back to 9gag.
I've been told that you need to beat the game twice for it to be "good."
I fucking quit after that. After 20+ hours of samey repetitive boring combat, I decided that the game was just shit.
gameplay without commentary in youtube is nearly gone
You got memed mi amigo
Man, good job showing how you have no fucking clue about anything.
Bruhh sometimes I just want to see some gameplay of a game. Then it has some random 12 year old commenting shit. Holy shit nigga
>implying Nier is hard
The game only requires time to thoroughly enjoy it. I took my PS3 to work for a week to fully enjoy it.
Fuck are you on about, I mean a walkthrough thats posted on fucking forums or a strategy guide you fuck.
Does the combat get more complicated than basically mashing one button and dodging around?
Saved Yonah from the lost shrine, then I just left the village to find a cure
Does it actually get hard later?
it happens all the time I fucking hate it man
Do you know that LPs were fucking text-based with screenshots back in the 90's/2000's before youtube really took off?
No, of course not. You're an underage piece of shit.
The best parts are the the first half, your first run through NG+ and the final ending. I also really enjoyed most of the side quests but I seem to be in the minority there.
Oh and I took on a quest to kill a boar which then killed my in one hit, that's when I quit
Never, it's a terrible game that is overhyped by a vocal minority of "muh feels" story>gameplay faggots. The gameplay is complete gimmicky garbage that tries to rip off (or pay homage as the vocal spergs who like this shit will try to tell you) other games but fails miserably at it, the graphics are literally worse than emulated ps2, even the so-called good story is generic animu nonsense and you have to sit through the game 2 times in a row because they just couldn't leave that part of the game free of retarded gimmicks, and even then it's not worth it because to get the full scale of what's going on you have to read books and other shit the devs couldn't fit into the game.
Good job on getting memed by Sup Forums.
The gameplay isn't great. It's a game for story whores.
The main story tells a good tale. The sidequests, while tedious, have a shitton of good story bits.
If you can get passed the bland combat and just dive face first into the story you'll be fine. Otherwise sure, you were tricked.
You get two new weapon types, but the game has incredibly shallow combat. It's SNES-tier at best.
The very beginning.
You're literally at the start of the fucking game.
Did you buy this without knowing what you were getting into?
Combat is not why you play this game.
You play it for the story and soundtrack, both of which are absolutely incredible.
Give it a bit longer, the story hasn't even picked up yet at that point since you're quite literally at the fucking start.
>It's really difficult to put into numbers, but the image that I have is that maybe 30 to 40 percent of the game is action and then around 70 to 60 percent of the game is RPG. So it's not really a 50/50 - it's actually more RPG-oriented. That being said, it's more about the storyline. There's just a lot more there. Just the play-time or length of what you'll get out of this is a bit more than what you'd expect from a pure action game.
And suddenly I don't give a shit about Automata anymore
>soundtrack, both of which are absolutely incredible.
seriously, the soundtrack is great, but completely fucking underused most of the time.
Like "The Wretched Automatons", which is a fucking great track, plays in the fucking junk heap which is just such a boring ass area in every way imaginable.
So I want to play this shit but I realized that there's two versions of it, the american one and the jap one.
I read that the only difference is the protagonist but I saw a guy that said they also have different soundtracks and some side quests?
Which one should I go with?
I wouldn't say it ever really gets "good" but it gets better towards the end of pre-timeskip.
>i want le platnum game xD
>le fast and exciting xDd for the kids XDD
Soundtrack and quests are the same. That guy might have been talking about the DLC, which adds some remixed songs (not that great imo, though one of them does stand out) and some other stuff I don't know about.
American one has Manly Dad Protagonist.
Nip one has Prettyboy Brother McDoesn'tfitinwiththestorywell Protagonist.
>So, the difficulty level will be a little bit different from what you might expect from a Platinum game. We wanted it to be so that you'll be able to clear the game by leveling up the characters rather than having to really rely on your own skills.
>When we started this project, I actually had a request for Platinum Games to make it a little cool, make it really flashy... but also to try not to make it too difficult.
>The feeling that you get from playing this game, I think it's already achieved that kind of goal, so it's a little bit simpler than what they're known for
>it's a little bit simpler than what they're know for
Oh boy
So much fucking this. TRUE gamers will ALWAYS value precious emotional experiences over LE SO DEEP SO FUN ACTION COMBAT
Stick to your kiddy games you dumb cunt. Maybe when you grow up you'll be able to appreciate a masterpiece like Nier.
You okay? You like alright, man? I think you need to sit down and rest for a bit.
Sorry, I just get a little mad when kiddies shit on emotional masterpieces like Nier. Justified, in my eyes.
Playthrough B when you get subtitles for what the Shades are saying.
Just sit down, man. Play a good game. A fast and exciting game. Like Legend of Korra or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutants in Manhattan. It's fun for the kids. Because it's fast. Platinum always makes good games. It's fast and exciting.
after ending d
No, they are shallow experiences designed to pander to our base animal instincts of "wowee fast action wow so excite so cewl!!". A man of culture, a man such as myself who has matured past these immature instincts, would prefer a deep, emotional narrative experience such as Nier - Taro's masterpiece is infinitely more valuable than they entirety of Platinum's catalog put together.
IT never gets good. Its a Sup Forums meme
Why the fuck doesn't Sup Forums have an edit button?
>muh sad animu story
Stick to your super speed explosion games, kiddo.
No way, it's all about le rules of nature xD. Platinum makes good and exciting games. Fast too. Fun for the kids. Rules of nature! haha
I don't care if Automata turns out to be dogshit. I want it now.
I want Toobie to be with me for eternity.
Never. Game is shit except the music
plot twist: this game is about a plot twist and doesn't actually have good gameplay. People who have never read a novel hold it up as some amazing game.
Well how about this? You can stick to your power ranger games for five year olds, then gamers such as myself will stick to our rich and textured narrative experiences. That way everyone's happy - you get to cum in your pants from looking at the cool cyborg do his super move, and I'll be over here analysing Nier as a literary experience.
Why is her name so silly and stupid?
>good gameplay
Not enough cool cyborgs doing the explosions? Stick to your power rangers shit you little cunt, Nier has clearly flown right over your head.
The irony is that most kids/nerds are like you in HS, and 99% of them grow out of narrative-driven games sometime during college.
Statistically speaking, that makes you an underageb&.
Right after you slog through Drakengard 1&2 making Nier feel like the best game ever made in comparison.
no, games that aren't fast and exciting for the kids are bad! Wonderful 101 was so good because it was fun and loud and pretty and loud and exciting for the kids xD
>and I'll be over here analysing Nier as a literary experience.
If you knew the first thing about literature you'd know the story of Nier doesn't approach a mediocre novel
lol this kid is so mad.
Go read East of Eden you little faggot. Or does a book with more than 200-300 pages intimidate you?
Why are you guys always faggots when it comes to this game?
Because now Automata exists and that attracts all the Platinum babbys that cry about how the first game had
>bad combat D,:
>Nier is niche game with reactionary fans
>Drakengard is bad and gets lumped in with Nier
>People come in making fun of both
>Platinum is announced as the developers for the next game
>Platinum fans get excited for a new action game
>Reactionary platinum fans easy to bait
>Gets lumped in with Nier fans
>Funposting all day every day because people react
>People replying to themselves to keep the fuel going when there's no biters
Same shit as any other thread really.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that valuing an emotional, artistic experience over "wowee the man did his super move again!! rules of natures!!" makes me more mature than you.
>for the kids
So you admit you're playing a shit game for five year olds then? If you know you're just playing shallow pieces of shit about watching whacky cartoon action, why don't you move on, and develop your taste - you could be studying games as artistic experiences as opposed to replaying shallow, Michael Bay style explosion simulators. You should try playing games that have artistic merit, trust me, you'll become more fulfilled as a person if you attempt to develop your taste at all.
>wowee i read steinbeck i so smart
Fuck of entry level cunt. You know you love your genre fiction really
>Platinum babbys that cry about how the first game had
>>bad combat
This is what I'll never understand. How many explosions does a game have to have before the combat is considered "good" by platinum fans?
Nier had okay combat. The only serious issues I had with it were how overpowered you became in new game (but that makes sense from a story perspective) and how the block completely trivialised some of the bosses.
Okay look, I know we've both been shitting this whole time, but even jokingly comparing Michael Bay to Platinum offends me, and I don't even like Platinum.
Sup Forums is leaking again.
It's a recognized cult game. That draws in people interested in loving/hating it fervently due to it's cult status in an effort to appear refined.
Grimoire Nier really threw me for a loop. I didn't expect it to be that heavily tied to Drakengard.
I think the game loses a little bit of its impact after skimming through Grimoire Nier.
Kaine jerks her gherkin every time you kill those children together.
>actually playing through Drakengard 2
On a positive note, Automata's getting a big announcment at TGS which will either be the demo they've been hinting at or the "unexpected game mode" they mentioned.
It's also going to be showing off how the game is more of an RPG than a Platinum game or something like that, and that will hopefully scare off all the Platinumfags.
It's a much better game mechanically than DoD 1. The story is generic anime crap, but it's not like the first game's story was particularly great either.