Are they any good?
Are they any good?
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Beyond is pretty neat
Strawberry flavored chewies.
they are alright if you know what you are going into
beyond two souls still looks fucking amazing to this day too
They're both funny in a "so bad it's good" kind of way, along with Indigo Prophecy. Very entertaining.
I never heard about sjw pandering in those games so why not
I liked HR, but it has like zero replay value.
I've heard B2S is a failed mish-mash of styles that completely falls flat everytime the devs remember they're trying to tell a story.
Turn off your mind, play through each one once, and throw it away.
hobo with a shotgun is so bad its good. these are boring pretentious movies
heavy rain is kinda okay if you didnt hear spoilers
beyond is boring as fuck i barely finished
so play heavy rain fuck beyond
Heavy Rain is the true definition of a cinematic game, literally a movie with control. If you like multiple endings and shit, it will keep you busy for hours.
Beyond isn't that great, very hit and miss. The story is dumb and Willem Dafoe goes mad again.
nope, both are shit. did you see that one heavy rain scene where the guy failed about 30 quicktime events and still won
Hell no, they're both horrendous. You know how Sup Forums tends to shitpost about "cinematic experiences"? Well these games are literally that, with the majority of the games being focused on the story, to the point where the games themselves are nothing more than a series of QTE's. And to make matters worse, both games have stories that are complete dogshit laden with plotholes, bad voice acting, nonsensical dialogue and M. Shyamalan-tier twists.
lots of prerendered video
Beyond is laughably bad.
Beyond was only good for that bit where if you had a hacked PS3, you could see Ellen Page's model's ass and Barbie-doll anatomy
The Metal Gear audience will love them.
imagine, that you are given a character that can possess people, objects, use telekinesis, create "force shields", can only do these things when the game lets you, which is, very rare, you dont shoot people, even when you are possessing them, you just give it a go and then you watch a cutscene of someone being shot/killed.
The story is a mess that goes forward, back, middle, end, and so on, I read this review before reading the game, I thought it was an exaggeration, then I played it and finished it.
I rather recommend you to play other titles such as:
Second Sight, Psi Ops: the mindgate conspiracy, Infamous, PROTOTYPE.
It seems you havent played Metal Gear then.
I used to love these because I didn't know at the time that video games and cinema exist (I'm a refugee from Somalia)
And they're still fun,
Also: trophies
This. If you know what you are getting into. These are interactive stories. Heavy Rain was actually good though. And that DLC was creepy (but I get scared easily).
Beyond was not as good but was a still entertaining as a bit of sci-fi. I feel sad for beyond because the ending was intense and helped carry the story, and because it actually did try and innovate the "interactive story genre" by mixing action into its levels. What beyond did should be improved on by other developers. There are gameplay ideas in beyond that could push the genre forward if they. So in that sense I think it should be played. This seems like a good package.
>Games that sacrifice gameplay for storytelling
>Writting and plot are pants-on-head retarded
No, they aren't any good. I'd say heavy rain is the best of the two because it manages to fool you into believing there's some choice and logic to the story and only gets really retarded by the end.
Beyond starts riding the dumd rollercoaster pretty soon.
Most people here just spout shit about heavy rain without ever playing it. When talking about cinematic games, Sup Forums is at it's worst (besides e-celeb threads of course). It's a buzzwordfest without anyone bringing anything remotely new to the table. The best example for this was when everyone was shitting on "Her Story" because its an SJW-Game when there was literally zero SJW-related content in it. Same goes for heavy rain. You always hear the same stuff: "the story is a clusterfuck!" "SHAAAAUN XD".
So as someone who played both games...heavy rain has its flaws in the story department, but its far better than most games and on level with an okay thriller movie. People will compare it to absolute classics like seven or silence of the lambs and cry when it doesent reach this standard. News-Flash, most movies dont do it, and dont let me get started with games. Its an okay story and gets three times better because of the immersiveness of the action scenes. If david cage is good at one thing and one thing only, its directing wellpaced action scenes. Think the ghostdriver scene on the highway in heavy rain for example, or the one with the big ass nigger trying to kill you.
If you absolutely have to have 100% great gameplay, go play bayonetta or something. Heavy Rain has some cool gameplay elements, but they sure as hell aren't the focus of the game. It's funny how stuff like nier or zero escape gets a free pass with their shitty gameplay here, but heavy rain or walking simulators dont.
All in all, if you like what you see in trailers, go for it. Its not a masterpiece, but its one of a kind on the gamingmarket. I also highly recommend to play it with your gf or a friend, that makes it even more enjoyable.
Beyond Two Souls on the other hand is a mess that tells the story in a non-chronological order for no reason at all. Boring story and far less gameplay elements than in HR. Only good scene is when you can cock block ellen page on the date as her spooky ghost friend
I agree about Sup Forums overreacting to this game, but no matter how you look at it, Heavy Rain's story is not "OK".
Heavy rain is decent
Beyond is fucking trash
Heavy Rain doesn't get a pass because there is nothing redeemable about the game. What's the point on such a heavy emphasis on the story when the story itself is completely terrible? Hell, the game even staight up lies to you the entire time so that you wouldn't guess who the killer is. There is no way any sane person can consider this good writing.
Heavy Rain is probably the last remaining modern "Adventure" game that got a AAA release. It's better than Telltale stuff in every way unless you prefer one story over the other.
That said, it's still not for everyone.
It doesn't actually lie to you outside of one instance if you consider that Shelby is not only delusional, but kind of insane.
The only time it outright lies is during the Manfred scene.
Only if you like interactive adventure games. Heavy Rain gets some praise, but Beyond didn't get as good of a reception.
I gave Heavy Rain a shot and lost interest. I didn't even bother playing Beyond 2 Souls.
Do you have friends and lots of alcohol and disposable time? If the answer is yes then play any of the three Cage games, preferably Beyond or Farenheit.
>Guy just standing in the middle of the rain drinking from a coffee cup without a lid on to keep the rain from getting into his drink
Christ Cage is a fucking hack. This man shouldn't be directing in any medium.
I played Heavy Rain. The controls were a bit shit. At the start there's like a practice sort of bit where your man keeps saying "I'm thirsty" and it took me a sold 30 minutes to get him to drink some orange juice and afterwards he said he was thirsty again.
I also had a hard time later in the game where you are told to feed your kid. It wouldn't let me.
There are better games, better moves, better books, better everything. It's alright, though. I wouldn't bother if I was you.
>zero replay value
How so?
Choices actually matter in HR.
They're fun in a shlocky way
After beyond who is still letting David cage make games?
Heavy Rain is passable. It tries to be a murder mystery and it succeeds... kinda. It is Cage best game. It isn't as cringe worthy as the rest of his work.
Beyond is terrible. Try hard terrible. It's on the same level of Indigo Prophecy in terms of ridiculousness and over the top.
The only good thing about it is that you can role play as a delicious dyke
Heavy Rain is good for memes.
Never played beyond.
My game is actually pretty good, buy it
You like Beyond because it has more memes
There is in Beyond when you have to team up with the niglet after you kill some locals in africa so you're not a rezzist. Why didn't ryan say anything when he was getting a lecture on the plane about "muh democratically elected president". There has to be an explanation. Maybe it was just a mistake. But no amerikkka is evil amirite? Had to play through that fucking game several times for the platinum.
Heavy Rain is the best thing Quantic Dream has done.
Heavy rain is pretty good if you've not been spoiled on it.
It can also get surprisingly intense.
So I'd say give heavy rain ago, there's also this one chick in it who literally CANNOT keep her pants on so you get to see tits and especially ass a lot which is nice.
Nah, I can't stand "muh daughter" type stuff in games.
Plus Heavy Rain was just retarded enough to be entertaining, Beyond doesn't look very entertaining.
There's so much shot wrong with anything Cage writes, it's like he has no grip on reality whatsoever and he can't be arsed to do a basic Google search. I'm still pissed about that Orchid pollen bullshit.
I wouldn't really call most of them choices. The things that really change the game and cause character deaths are mostly just failed QTEs. QTEs that are nearly impossible to fail unless you have cerebral palsy or are playing the PS4 version where they fucked the motion controls (probably patched now?).
Also because 95% of the dramatic action scenes can't be failed even if you fuck up, you'd have to look up the specific moments you need to fail in order to get a different outcome. At which point you may as well not bother playing the game again.