This guy is an absolute genius.
God Eater 2 Rage Burst/Resurrection
Better than the Bitch duo.
I actually enjoy his english voice. Playing through Resurrection atm.
>english voices
Enjoy the censorship, bad translation, lost meaning and shitty voices.
Original (and the only true) version here.
I see Gil is enjoying his daily dose of CIel's legs
Posting best boy
Definitely had the best episodes.
all according to keikaku haha lol anime
>Those shitty options
Your guy sucks.
I abhor violence!!
Do you guys break the back part of Hannibals and let them grow their wings or try and kill them without triggering it?
I'm not really sure which is easier
God took their legs for a reason.
I'm so mad, I started to like him too and then they pull this crap on me.
Ive been dealing with shit like this since the NES era, I too old to care anymore.
I do not try to. Most of the time my game plan is just to weave around it for knockdowns with long blade while focusing the head.
Then again that is my plan for just about everything else.
This man knows what's up
>giving fucks for anything but gameplay
I bet your favorite game is some """""cinematic""""" experience.
should I play through the first?
what does transfer shot do? does it just give npcs that weird enemy bullet?
No it gives them a level of burst
I break it asap, makes the fight a lot less hectic in my experience. They don't seem to jump around nearly as much anymore. I think they deal a bit more damage if you do, but it's not really an issue when they become easily predictable
Are these even from the same scene?
Break it last so you have every part broken for extra drops.
Speaking of Long Blade, are there any point in repeating the damage up Z-Stance BA if you can still keep your combo going? No?
Is there any good way to deal with a magna gawain? I'm at the last mission and I need to kill one in the first part of a 3 part survival.
Standing near it makes you take a third of your health just from it glowing. The last time I had to fight 1 it raped my healing items and this time I also have to fight the last boss 2 missions later.
>GER Vita opening looks fucking gorgeous
>GE2RB Vita opening looks like hot garbage from all the compression artifact
Why? Because GER is download only?
Because one came out after the other, guess which
what's the best blood arts for every weapon type? i know turbulance for scythes
I don't see how that's a problem. Toukiden came out before it and the opening looks crisp as shit.
I really like the chaser for buster blade. Useful for mobile enemies.
Meant for
Are you talking about Halcyon or Enduring Blade?
With Halcyon if you can keep it going for less cost of stamina with steps then go for it. If not then it all comes down to positioning for crits.
Don't take my word for it though I only used that BA for 5 missions.
I made a nep
Should I play this with KB+M, or the PS4 controller since it has native support?
Use a controller, it feels so smooth.