Brb smoke break

>brb smoke break

>brb someone at the door

>brb having dinner
>its like 9:00pm their time

Fucking nocturnals.

>I'll be back in a minute

>last online 15 days ago

>brb Tea Time

I usually have dinner at 9 p.m. too

brb suicide

>9:00 pm
how is that supposed to be late lol

I miss KF.
2 is shit and 1 is dead.
Never again will you have comfy nights with Sup Forums blowing through maps while having a good time.

>Never have the urge to just say "Fuck all of you I'm going to inconvenience you all for the sake of sitting outside doing nothing"
I don't understand how people do it, I also don't understand how some people come back in 30 seconds. How the fuck do they smoke that shit so fast?

>friend gets gf
>barely plays games anymore
>always busy with her

10 years of friendship ain't worth shit.

>brb gotta walk my goldfish

>back in 30 seconds

That ain't a cigarette they're smoking, my sweet summer child.

You have to be 18 to post here.

>brb baby's crying

>brb blaze some kush lmao
>Last Online 420 days ago

>tfw everyone who smokes will die before you do

See when you're an adult and you have shit to do the next day, 9:00pm is late.

Why would you need to leave to smoke weed? Couldn't you just do it right then and there?

My 2 best friends that I grew up with have girlfriends, and are pretty much exactly the same. We don't play games anymore.

The difference is, I'm not miserable like they seem to be all the time now.

>have 3 buddies, play games every night for 5 years
>one by one they get girlfriends and stop coming online every night.
>eventually I can't do anything because they get pissy when I'm not online and they get a chance to play some games.
>mfw I don't want to abandon them because I still remember the times we had and hope to get them back someday
>sad times.jpeg

I think he means like a line of coke or mdma or soemthing similar.

>on teamaspeak
>teammate' family screaming and crying
>"i-it's ok guys, don't stop"

Bong rips sound really obnoxious over the mic, plus they don't want to rub it in people's faces because they're not lol420blazeit twats. Be thankful for that.

Jesus, I heard Re:zero is a meme anime but thiat is awful.

>brb someone at the door
>ok back it was just the pizza delivery guy

why would anyone want to start work at 4 am

guy went afk to change his kids nappy during kf2 today

we all kept him alive through the next wave until he got back

the end

how is it late? I have to get up at 7AM every morning and I usually eat dinner at 8:30-9PM

tell the faggot to put push-to-talk on.

I guess that's possible too, although I just meant hitting the bong, it's the only literal smoke break that can possibly take less than 30 seconds.

kf2 has gotten really good recently.

>player has voted to kick X
>X left the server
alwaya work, and it's faster

that's pretty cool dude

good thing dumb neonazis getting what theyĆ­ deserve

>all those nights playing team fortress 2
>all those nights fucking around in gmod
>all those nights playing wolfenstein: ET

I didn't even realize how much fun we were having.

>Best friend of 12+ years gets yet another LDR
>Gets his life together, flies over to Singapore to be with her
>Says it's the best decision he's ever made and is trying to find a job there so that he can stay and live there
>Used to hang out all the time, play so many games together, chat loads throughout the day
>We rarely even talk nowadays

So there goes my only friend.
He's always been there for me, and I've always been there for him, and this is how it ends.

At least I've got death to look forward to.

the wierdest thing is that one of them and I had a bit of a hardware race thing going on, we always one up each other on who has the best rig, he still does this even though he's never online.

Singaporean here. Sad to hear about it, Cost of Living here fucking sucks. Should ask your friend to move out of here ASAP.

>friend starts talking about his depression

Keep it to yourself just like everyone else does, man

>mic is left on and wet noises and moaning can be heard in the background

>brb smoke break


>Keep it to yourself just like everyone else does, man
what a shitty friend
when he'll finally hang himself he'll leave a note saying that he felt alone and you'll regret that from that moment until you die

>have a small group of close friends
>played with them online almost every night
>throw some great LAN parties with them
>they get girlfriends
>I barely see them online anymore
>they get married and some even have children
>they basically stop playing
>the very few times I get to play or have a drink with them, their wives throw a tantrum
>eventually completely lose contact with them
Women ruin everything.

>mfw reading this thread while I'm on a smoking break and a group waits for me in WoW

literally me

>why would anyone want to start work at 4 am
Because you can't find another job like me.'
Just end me already

I have said since the beginning of time that girls are the doom of all friend groups, and man, it still stands true
I've gone through this goddamn dance so many times with my friends, and seen it happen with other friends groups
women actually tear apart every group because the smallest weakest cracks in the fortress of friendship get exposed and grow until nothing can stand

>someone hangs himself because an unknown from the Internet doesn't shower you with false joy
so he's right, the good move is to not involve yourself.
also people who hang themselves never talk about depression, only attention whores do

Good riddance

I can stay online latenight again
He's free at last
(I can't, I promised my therapist I won't do it)

Also, who the fuck hangs himself?
At least jump from a high place or something like that and enjoy a nice view

Maybe if you asserted yourself and not be a little bitch they wouldn't ruin anything

>assert yourself
>friends turn white knight and defend girl with every shred of their being

Jumping is such a hassle. You'd have to find a tall enough building first, and then actually manage to get up to the roof somehow.

You can hang yourself at home, right after getting drunk and doing all the things you (somewhat) enjoyed doing one final time. It's way more comfy.

It doesn't happen always, but it's inevitable that if someone gets a gf he'll stop hanging out with friends as much as he did in the past.

Literally me
Fuck man, 1000+ hours of MHFU into the trash

are you retarded? or just afraid of underage boogeyman?

damn, nice

>brb girlfriend is home

I'm not even upset that they don't play games with me anymore. It's the fact that my friend getting a gf didn't make him happier like I had wished it did. Instead he has to deal with an overly dependent partner that makes him do everything she wants.

A vagina is a powerful thing.

>friend starts talking about his relationship problems

I just want to play games

>baby's crying
>voice activation instead of push to talk

It ain't 4:00 yet nihhh

Is it strange not having seasons in Singapore? Must be odd having it be the same temperature all the time.

Singapore sounds like a pretty nice place, actually.

Not entirely true, if they talk about it regularly they are seeking attention, probably. If they only say stuff like that under heavy stress or drunk they might need help. Also if they get really uncomfortable dealing with topics related to either expressing their feeling or act distraught by simple questions such as "how are you". People who are actually depressed usually hide it, moments where you could notice they are suicidal are usually slip-ups in behavior, feel weird and "out of character"

>brb wife pulled

>people who defend weed or smoking do so with their entire being

smoking is relaxing, even with the ironic drawback of anxiety from withdraval. some people beaten up by life just want a moment of peace

if you pick it up to look cool then you are doing it wrong

>brb, I came.

>Women in a red carpet world

You mean women now and how they've always been.

I really dont get why women are the bane of all good things except for sex, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Jesus Christ, I've been ERP'ing with gore and snuff shit for years and someone posting this is just plain creepy.

>welcome to summoner's rift
>brb need to finish my joint

>tfw warlock needed 2 other players with functioning brain cells to summon people

What's creepy about it? Don't you want the guy you're ERPing with to orgasm?

>brb smoke

I'll never get it, i smoke while playing, is it that difficult?

>brb wife's son is crying

Maybe he decided to stop being your emotional crutch and wanted to live his own life. Even if it was a miserable mistake, at least he had the balls to go out and make it. Now he has one more life experience under his belt, while you sit around autopiloting on the same shitposting routine you've been doing for years and years.

2D is superior, but you just sound like a bitch, complaining about something you claim you don't care about, but are not-so-secretly pine for. No wonder he ditched you, you contribute nothing to his life other than pestering him about vidya.

t. wagecuck


Get new friends then you clingy fuck no wonder they left.

>just get new friends
Why would anyone want to just replace their friends?

eh when it's mihoshi then ill think about it...

Well he clearly needs someone to be a closest fag with

>A vagina is a powerful thing.

Only when its effective against the guy. I had friends that had GFs and stayed relitvley the same but one thing that WILL always change is the amount of free time they lose to their GFs. I was never a REEE fuck Stacy Chad and normalfags frogposter but the more I see how girls change people though and what some of them do I will never be interested in a girl. I'd never forgive myself if I become what I hate. A soft ass nigga pussy whipped by his bitch.

Principle of allocation

It doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend or a job, time spent doing one thing means less time doing another. Basically this kind of thing is inevitable unless one person's life just stays the same forever.

>Maybe he decided to stop being your emotional crutch and wanted to live his own life.

>Live his own life by attaching himself inextricably to another person anyway

I'm not that guy but you sound like a huge fag right now and your reasoning doesn't follow.

is this a /m/ bait image?

too close to home.

You know you could try dating a girl and just not allow her to change any aspect of you.

>giving a fuck about 3d after blowing a load

I couldn't give a fuck if I tried.

i used to think so then realized this is as close as /m/ can get to fucking something that isn't just cold steel.

I'm still a virgin so take that as you will.

However I agree. I've never been interested in partnering with someone. Perhaps I'm not attractive enough to attract a mate but most of my friends just don't want to chill anymore. That it I don't want to chill with him and his gf. One friend of mine is an older married man whose cool as fuck, but holy shit the tantrums his wife will throw when company is over are ludicrous. I could not live with a woman like that. Not to mention the divorces I've seen as a kid. It just doesn't seem like a worthwhile trade. Sex for misery.

Smoking inside is for degenerates

t. an ex degenerate

Now I have a desktop vape, so I can hotbox the fuck out of my room and it won't stick to everything

>tfw open window after seshing, go to bed
>next morning smells perfectly normal

There's just something about smoking a blunt inside that I like way too much

>Making a little tent out of blankets and smoking it out while listening to music

I have the sensibilities of a ten year old but it makes life very enjoyable

I realized I would never inflict myself with a female partner due to those reasons over a decade ago.

All my friends do this shit, the only and only one who actually has some integrity is the guy who keeps his woman home as a housewife and not letting her get lofty ideas of jobs and being an actual person.

I never enjoyed smoking blunts, that and pipe I never found pleasant in the slightest

Harsh harsh harsh and completely unenjoyable.

thank you for smoking something a little less destructive
seriously cigarette smoke and pot smoke is like some sort of slime covering everything.

Is it good?
Shit weather is coming and airing out the rooms is going to be bad, but then I'm way too used to smoking spliffs


But coughing is how you know the weed is working dude!

Are anime fists replacing anime faces?