Guys wait... guys guys

guys wait... guys guys
guys what if......
hear me out...
what if.. there was a battlefield game...

With alien AI in the way to flesh out the survivalist Hunter type vibe?

Some sort of asymmetric type thing?

Wait, is that you user? The guy who was making the predator game? Shame mods deleted that thread.

I miss AvP 1 MP.
It didnt matter that marines had smartguns, biting their head off and annoying them with hissing is always superior.

What about a Star Wars: Battlefront EA-style 1st/3rd person shooter set in the Mass Effect universe?

We had that. Got cut like a kike.

Predators was a shitty Predator film.

>tfw no high-definition version of Predator that doesn't have a Vaseline filter applied to it

Yeah, I hate the UHE for that too.

Just remake AvP2

the fact that this hasn't happened yet is a crime

post it

Well, the 30th anniversary is coming up, and 4K's gaining ground, so maybe, just maybe, we'll get a properly-mastered version.

If we get a new AvP game it's going to be done by Rebellion. They're trying to talk Sega into letting them do another one again, but Sega apparently hates money so nothing's going to happen for a while more. Probably not before the new film, which comes out in 2018.

I'd absolutely love that, but I'm not holding my breath.

>That first bit of the Alien Campaign having you move through the lifecycle
Goddamn I thought that was so cool. I was always disappointed you couldn't infect other things as the facehugger, would've been awesome to choose what lifeform you raped to get a different form for the campaign .

Got the android kill?

I loved this game. It's a shame that no one can make a modern AVP game that could contend with the Battlefields, CODs etc..

Rebellions AvP attempt honestly wasn't that bad, especially when you compare it to.... *spit*.... Colonial Marines

no. what kinda game was he making

AvP like game cept you play as preds only

Nope, still haven't recorded it.

Busy playing on Nightmare mode, trying to go stealth kill on everything and everyone possible.

They just need to make the campaign mode last longer for all three of them.

>wanting something like that

You realize how fucking much they would have to change it for them, right?

Spear is your friend, then.
I honestly thought there was an Android campaign since some of the audio logs mention an Android who got placed higher than Groves.

>some of the audio logs mention an Android who got placed higher than Groves.


Nah, other than him. The audio logs clearly state that there was a difference between the Weyland android and that particular android. Weyland "himself" placed that android. Must be a pretty hardcore bot.

I'd prefer a dating simulator with Predators

There's more than one android of Weyland running around.

Eh, was kinda hoping for a commando Android.
Fucking Sega, just let Rebellion make the sequel already.

I'd be alright with just a Predator-only game, something like Concrete Jungle.

Just give us something.

Six fucking years and not a peep since.

would be better as a far cry game, dropping in different planets with different shit to hunt.
"Secret levels" would be ancient alien ruins and marine's base camps

Sega's gone full retard. A lot of devs are begging them to let them make a sequel, not just Rebellion.

Just give me an AVP game with the weight of killzone 2, no marines fist fighting with aliens, and the motion tracker being a piece of equipment and I'll be happy

Tried replaying that recently.

Fucking teenager me was so good at games, that shit is hard as fuck.

>Fucking teenager me was so good at games, that shit is hard as fuck.

You got fucked up with modern games, user.

I know that feeling all too well. Example being that I recently played Sleeping Dogs and I wanted more of those kinds of games, so I went back to True Crime. Holy fuck, those games are fun, but far more complex and better designed than the new one.

Why are they doing that?

Don't they see they actually need some money-making titles?

Anyone else think the fishnets predator looks gay as hell?

Dunno. Certainly not because of arcade though, their last release was 2010. They must be planning something.

Battlefield 1 is already full of niggers.

Just give me a sequel to AvP2 already.

I hope you have some cosmic stamina since these ladies are wild.