GTA 5 is one of the few modern games that had enormous hype and didn't disappoint. I will never preorder...

GTA 5 is one of the few modern games that had enormous hype and didn't disappoint. I will never preorder, but I don't see any reason not the get hyped for GTA 6.

After the disappointment that was Fallout 4, Bethseda fell out of the race, so R* now is the best AAA studio hand down. I have full confidence in them

GTA V makes me kind of want to try IV but apparently it's a piece of shit on PC so I won't

6 should take place outside of america, V made me tired of making fun of land of the free humor

>not a disappointment

It's a downgrade from IV in almost every way, desu.

IV was better

4 didn't run well with the tech that was around when it came out, but it runs fine on a modern PC.

is IV storytelling still cinema enough for today or is it too outdated?

Bethesda was disqualified from that title by the virtue of having made Fallout 3 and Skyrim, and never having made a great game at all.

When did people start liking GTA IV? Is this just nostalgia?

yeah this. no issues these days

steam reviews complain about it not working on windows 10 unless you are a hard core badass motherfucking hacker which I'm too lazy to be

le contrarians will tell you that it's shit tho

when vi comes out Sup Forums will suddenly love v. it's just how it is

GTAV makes GTAIV look like San Andreas.

The only people who legitimately think that IV was a bad game are SA babbies who cry about "muh jetpacks" and "muh planes".

Can we all objectively agree on this:

CDPR > Rockstar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else

CDPR makes games for slavs you piece of shit

witcher 3 is the meme of this century

stop baiting. CDPR only exceptional game was TW2

If 6 is objectively worse when it releases,i'll still prefer san andreas over all of them.

It runs well in a fucking Celeron with radeon 4670, if you have all the patches

Nah it was pretty disappointing, not even counting all the missing TECHNOLOGY from IV the missions were just for the most part unsatisfying and shit, didn't even get to complete it
The best part out of my whole experience was racing dudes online 'cause i like racing

It's more because it felt like most AAA titles now that are very generic and straightforward.
No one had any desire to explore in IV like they did in SA or VC.

fuck off shill

yeah tell that to all those steam players who make skyrim go into the charts of most played games every day

older games have more distinct shit because newer games are so complex that all secrets and subtle things just blend in with the rest, overwhelming or something like that

>gta v
>no single player expansions after 3 years
>multi-player is one big cash shop with limited replayability
>everything in multi-player is ridiculously overpriced to facilitate the purchase of cash cards
>no options for having fun in free roam multi-player (no cops, vehicle spawns, weapon spawns, etc.)

nah, Rockstar made like 2 billion off this game so it's all but guaranteed that gta6/red dead will follow the same formula

It needed more interiors. Sa had a world where you could interact with something on every corner. Just jumping in a random bike parked on the he road triggers a side mission every specific vehicle like police or taxi has side missions. Almost everything that is in gta v game play wise is in sa and more. Sa only really shows its age when you have to run back to each mission after failing or when the camera takes a shit on some missions otherwise it's still just overflowing with content. The fact that ladders had to be removed from sa so that it could even fit on the disc is proof of it bursting at the seems. Gta v has more cut content than any other gta and they lied about the sp dlc several times at this point to where it seems like theyve abandoned it for online. In short gta v is the essence of disappointment but it still is better than almost everything released nowadays so what's the point in trying?

Last heist and final mission were pure shite.
>let's just kill all the bad guys in five minutes
Worst fucking ending in entire series. Maybe even worst campaign in entire series.

there hasn't been a good GTA game since vice city

the 'realistic' GTA games are unholy abominations

>It's a downgrade from IV in almost every way, desu.
it had more stuff and looked better what the fuck