Why are there never any YLYLs on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not including the joke
wtf are you doing
because this isn't Sup Forums.
we have LOL threads instead.
Are you retarded user?
Not funny
>blind/deaf playing csgo
Fucking how?
Sup Forums was never funny
meme magic
Oh fuck, my sides
>it's a "all the 12 year olds rear their ugly heads" thread
I still believe this thread was the reason this exists
Because for the most part, Sup Forums sucks ass at screencaps.
the only time Sup Forums is funny is when it's not video game related, at which point it is literally Sup Forums
Bouncy castle really is the name for those
I have never lost.
because it's cancerous Sup Forums garbage
It's a jump castle, you retard.
Haven't seen a miiverse thread in a whille now
Wtf is going on?????
not vidya
>threads of Sup Forums
>with video games
>not vidya
I really hate people like you.
Meta threads arent topical you faggot go post on Sup Forums reported and saged
Yeah, like reporting and saging will do shit. Get the fuck out.
its called filename threads here dumbass.
Announcing your reports are against the rules, please die ASAP
legally blind just means that he has to stick his face right up to the monitor to see anything
Because YLYL is part of the culture of lesser boards, like Sup Forums, /gif/, etc. Basically where all the 15 year old newfags come from.
We have threads like that, but we don't call them that. Asking for that just means that you are a newfag who should lurk more.
baited like a trout
>Triple X's
Man, those aren't terribly old but holy shit were they weird times. Weird weird times.
Well, Reaper of Souls was really worth it.
This guy seems like a bro wtf yo
should i play far cry 3 or far cry 4
>missing the end
get the fuck out of here
2ch Sup Forums is fucking savage holy shit
There is no such thing as merely pretending.
Abra kadabra
never forget
>im going to post astronaut porn until the thread derails
we're not too different after all, huh
Guess we're not so different from the japs.
>a all
I love nip shitposting.
>fucking Korean homosexual
I gotta remember that one.
Goddamn the suicide one. This is more than just banter now.
I am legally blind because both my eyes have a degree of 800 and 1000 respectively. I can still see with glasses but I am legally blind without them.
>"fucking Korean homosexual"
Every time.
It's actually a hopping house.
Always and forever remember
Fun is a buzzword
Who the hell has hamburgers for dinner
>r/Sup Forums
kill yourself
morons just use the threads to fish for something to post on reddit
Damn I wonder what Japans versions of autist/cuck/numale are.
somebody post the chinman saga
Because we're not cancerous Sup Forumsedditors?
>Apples are made to be thrown through windows
>I am certain that the amount of semen that now fills the Square-Enix headquarters has created the crusty blockade that now hinders the team, preventing them from making graphics that don't look like komodo dragon shit
In the end, we're all one big bantzposting family
Just gonna leave this here
I don't get it.
Legally blind/deaf just means that you're impaired to a degree where you can seek government support for your ailment, it isn't necessarily the same thing as being actually blind/deaf.
>A japanese PC gamer
Well what do you know
user has NOT been tricked
What was the game?
muh dick
MGQ, maybe. Though 2011 seems a bit early for MGQ.
not that's a good creamy meme
>a " " thread
>that pic
Holy fuck this place has gone to shit in 3 years.