my pool collapsed
My pool collapsed
video games
video games
my pool.jpg
you mustve been expecting it, otherwise you wouldnt have been able to capture this pic when the water just started spewin out
I always record my pool
Did it get slashed?
We have a serial pool slasher running around here who's already cut up 38 pools. The police are asking for clues on the radio.
>outdoor above ground pool
how dare that motherfucker slash innocent pools, I'll have his head for that
my pool collapsed
my lung collapsed
yeah but my pool collapsed and that was a lot worse
my lung collapsed because my pool collapsed because my other lung collapsed because my shed collapsed
You still have another one, so you're fine.
OP's only pool collapsed though.
This is not video games
Thread will be gone soon anyway so I'll just post random meme from my Sup Forums folder
you're not video games either, pal
hehe, anime
why does your Sup Forums folder have Sup Forums memes in it
still mad
do you always record your asshole so you can capture the moment tyrone collapses your gay asshole
fuck you
pools closed
Are you saying Tyrone collapsed the pool?
well he's black
>Above-ground pooil
White trash Americana, everyone.
pooil in looil
10 pool
That's sad tbqh