What's the best handheld JRPG of the gen?
What's the best handheld JRPG of the gen?
I agree but only the first one.
any 3ds rpg desu
that's the only type of games it's succesfull
second was good too (gameplay wise, story was ok-ish)
what the fuck I didn't write that
>being this much of a senpai
desu kek
Moot think it's funny. The casualty great t b h purge from maybe a year ago desu senpai
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfag.
Some words get filtered and auto-replaced. T B H gets turned into desu.
Enjoy your stay, desu.
Dungeon Travelers 2, Caligula, SMT IV Apocalypse, or hopefully EO 5
>Bravely Default
No, great music and fun job system though
I had tons of fun with Ys: Celceta. Never played 3DS games though.
GTFO you fucking weeaboo. baka desu senpai.
y-you too!
Ys is great even if I'm not a huge fan of the party system. Hope that Ys8 doesn't take too long to get to the states.
I want to be Edea.
This. SMT4 was my first SMT game besides personas and it was by far one if my favorite jrpg's to date. I still need to finish all 4 routes though. All I have done is chaos. I'm doing law right now and I'm using law Demons only, like angels, archangels, anything like them. Kind of sad I won't get to use my Demon-fu.
>Tfw I made Agnes my Black Mage because everyone called her a witch
>Edea as a mage
Etrian odyssey? Bravely default had a lot of really good things going for it, but man, that last portion of the game was such a let down.
I guess I should play smtIV at some point
Not even the best game with the SMTIV label this generation, user.
Tbh senpai
Yeah Bravely Default was a bit of a drag. I dropped it after I made it to the fire temple. I didn't even bother awakening the crystal. Game boils down to default 3 turns to minimize damage then using all your BP in one turn. Rinse and repeat every boss. The job classes are pretty fun though. Making a broken ass knight at level 40 with a 250+ defense stat was hilarious.
Actually I found that bravely default had some pretty hard battles until the first loop or so, then it was all "brave 4 times and win". The boss battles were all amazing though. Bravely second was even worse. Two hours in I'd found the OP combination that would be "Put this on macro and brave 4 times, than combo 4 battles". I was barely playing the game. Again, boss battles excluded.
Is it bad that after the first cycle, I confusedly looked up online that I had to do it over and over again a couple more times, so I just shut my game off and didn't complete it?
that's bullshit desu
repeating the cycle is actually the easiest part of the game, you can just travel to the temples and shit
Teen Edea is 10/10 waifu material. Adult Edea a shit.
I've been having fun with 7th dragon III
Well it sure as fuck isn't Bravely Default.
I'd say SMT4 or FE14 Conquest.
Yeah it's bad, since by looking online you should know that you only have to beat the crystal bosses, and that takes 2 hours tops.
it's just a 2 year skip, she didn't change at all
BD is up there but I'm tempted to say XBC3D wins
EO2 Untold
Yes, you should at least fight the asterisk holders in the 3rd and 4th cycles.
I want to be futa Edea and fuck normal Edea
>that bikini
>16 more times