When will there be a PS 4 version?

When will there be a PS 4 version?

No because Atlus and From genuinely don't give a shit about demons now anyways.


>be 12
>shitposting on Sup Forums as usual
>see lots of this "demon's souls" game threads hyping the shit out of it
>some anons even imported the asian version before the US release
>"hardest game ever"
>everyone making inside jokes that only players would get, "git gud" still didn't exist (that was a dark souls 1 thing)
>decide to stop playing modern warfare and give this game a chance
>get a used copy and played it through
>found it mediocre at best, went back to FPSs

>be 18
>huge Souls turbonerd
>shilled the fuck out of Bloodborne because I bought a PS4 at release
>Got Dark Souls II and III as well
>I need to pretend I loved Demon's Souls because if I said what I really thought of it back then I'd be ridiculed
>Can't play it because I sold my ps3 and all its games when I got a ps4


You were probably just too autistic to enjoy it at the age of 12.

On the contrary, I wasn't autistic enough. I'm sure I'd enjoy it now.

I'm still shocked that the HD re-master didn't release within the first year of the PS4's life, and now here we are like 2 years outside out that window and still nothing.......strange.

They must not like money.

Miyazaki said a while back that he wouldn't be surprised if it happens sometimes, but he hasn't heard anything official about it and that given that it's Sony's call (They own the IP), From might not have anything to do with it.

Because that'd mean letting Atlus publish it on the west, and Bamco in Europe.
Yoshida fucked up Demon's Souls' western publishing rights, probably one of the few rare cases where a hardware manufacturer don't publish their own 1st party games.
They'd probably rather make a new Bloodborne DLC than remaster Demon's.

>Demon's and Dark souls
>comfy atmospheric games with good world building and weapon variety
>Baka gaijin get their hands on them
>Shit themselves over the difficulty
>difficulty becomes a meme and main marketing point
>All From Software does is make the new souls games nearly unplayable to appease the Hardcurr western gaijin cashcow
Holy fuck I hate Gaijin

I wonder if Yoshida still loses sleep over fucking up the whole DeS thing and losing out on DaS for Sony? I mean, yeah, Bloodborne was directly commissioned as a result of all that nonsense, but still.

By the time Dark came out, the meme was already stablished.

"prepare to die edition", etc

Pc version came out later

Atlus only published it in NA. It's up to Siny and From.

>"It seems like there was a misunderstanding in a previous interview in relation to a remake or a remastering of the game, so let me reiterate here," he tells GameSpot in a new interview. "The Dark Souls series is Bandai Namco Entertainment's IP, and Demon's Souls and Bloodborne is Sony Interactive Entertainment's IP. Hence, the decision to do a remake or remastering is under their jurisdiction.

>"For me and for From Software, I don't think we'll be involved with their happening, but it could happen through another developer."

Atlus hold the rights for DeS in US, and Bamco in Europe.
If Sony wants to release DeS HD (I mean, the original was already in HD but you know what I mean) they'd have to make a deal with both Atlus and Bamco unless they only plan to release it in Asia.

>unless they only plan to release it in Asia.
Well, Atlus and Bamco had to publish the original in the west for that reason.

The reason it wasn't published by Sony in the west is because Yoshida thought the game was rubbish. I think it was because he saw an early build of the game or whatever, but yeah.

>mfw no other souls game can't even touch dark souls 2 pvp
main game isn't as good but it's enjoyable


Anyone who cares about Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2 is a low IQ subhuman retard.

Objective factual rankings that nobody can refute:

BB > DaS3 > DaS > DaS2 > DS.

>playing souls for pvp
lmaoing at your lyfe fampai

>reddit spacing
>DeS worse than DaS2
spotted the redditor

BB > DaS > DeS > Bioshock Infinite > DaS3 > DaS2

Kino: bb, ds1
Cinema: ds3
flicks: des, ds2

>DeS gets PS4 remaster
>scraping spear removed
>hp loss in spirit form removed
>can only invade players lvl 40+
>can summon up to 4 phantoms to help

>hp loss in spirit form removed
What would be the point of spirit form then?

>balancetards try to ruin everything again
>remake with mechanical changes
The hp loss in spirit form was your incentive to be human, retard. How about you go back to playing your ice rapier havel mage build in the brotherhood of blood arena with the other 2,000 MUH PVP cucks.

Fuck this makes me mad, even if it's bait I'm sure it's true for a lot of people.

There wouldn't be one, it'd just be like dark souls humanity, you can't summon players and shit. HP loss is too hard

>DeS babbies take everything seriously
Kill yourself

Yeah but it says prepare to die on the back of the original box

You have shit taste

I never bothered with turning human again in DeS or Dark Souls.

You got to in Des for WT

BWT just gives you some different events and better drops for gear, right? The whole system looked like a hassle.

>You got to in Des for WT
Except if you're playing online. Tendency in DeS was retarded.

I prefer the best combat, best bosses and best music, that is why BB and DaS3 are top 2, if that is "shit taste" for you, then I pity you :D

DaS > BB > DaS3 = DaS >>> DaS2
Demon's really wasn't that good, people need to take off the nostalgia goggles.

>good bosses
name one