Why aren't you playing Paragon Sup Forums?
Why aren't you playing Paragon Sup Forums?
because it's really, really bad
Its better than DotA at least.
i strongly disagree, and i'm saying that as someone who does not enjoy playing dota
It's really fucking fun.
I don't understand the hate.
>le h8 mobas meme
I don't want to download the Unreal Engine asset store to play a beta of a tech demo.
When they wiped the cards, I lost my cool build and couldn't be bothered playing ever again
it's very messy visually, and abilities feel clunky and awkward to use on heroes that aren't melee
Dont play on consoles.
i played on a pc.
The card system is retarded as fuck
I've been dabbling on and off, played it back when it was in Alpha even.
I'm really fucking disappointed they kept the stupid card inventory system. An ASSFAGGOTS game shouldn't have anything that isn't on a game by game basis, especially when some cards are just direct upgrades of other cards, meaning those who play more and/or get jewed by Epic have a distinct advantage.
I like pretty much everything else, it's the ASSFAGGOTS with good controls that I wanted, I just wish it didn't completely fuck up one of the core mechanics to cash in on the card game meme.
It's a full fledged game, just low on hero's and rough around the edges.
Coming from someone who put 3 years into League, I'm having a fuck ton of fun and I genuinely hope the community gets over >muh moba shit and gives this game a shot.
This is the first struggling game I've ever really fallen in love with, I usually just play triple A / popular shit. But I'll legitimately be devastated if a year or two from now they shut down paragon because it wasn't successful
The best looking hero in the game is pure support. I'm no good at support.
The card system has a lot of potential. It adds a lot of depth and being able to design your own power curve with your own deck is actually really fucking satisfying.
It's not accessible sure, does it make things more complicated for people trying to get into the game? Yeah. But it sure as fuck is rewarding and adds a lot of depth
I guess it just isn't for me. I really hate the card system and the long respawn times and every match takes at least 45 minutes.
Got exhausted after two or three matches.
It's cute, but the idea that you need to unlock all the good shit, while you have to fight people that already have said good shit is fucking stupid. They basically need to unlock all the cards by default (which is actually the ideal for me, I like the cards and stuff I just hate it's presentation), or just fucking rewrite the system, it's unacceptable to have part of your ASSFAGGOTS game decided outside of the game.
Best looking isn't the same as "can fap to". Muriel I feel is the best looking.
As much as I like the system and everything else, I'll agree that if anything kills this game or prevents it from succeeding, its definitely what you're talking about.
Like I enjoy the card system but I'm 90% sure this game will be more successful with a normal item shop
Wait what. Also Narbash's mode is by far the most insanely detailed in the game.
Hands down, the moving parts his hair and all of that
I like Muriel's minimalist elegance. Very classic sci-fi.
Narbash is a good design, not arguing that.
I am and have been enjoying it for the last 4 months
I don't expect this game to take off at all, between lack of visability because "Hurr we need our own launcher because we're special snowflakes" and no PR what so ever, and just looking through this thread, a good chunk of the people who DO see it and try it are put off by the card system.
not enough sexy female characters
give me more of characters like that new fairy and I might consider it
Because it is a boring piece of trash that's bad enough to watch. I will not play that garbage as I have no intention of harming myself.
Narbash isn't the most fappable either.
>rampage on my team
>builds a bit of cool down
>is throwing rocks every 7 seconds
>spams "may he without sin cast the first stone" or "they were stuck between a rock and a hard place" whenever he kills someone
I fucking love this games community
i played it, and basically its so casualized moba, thats its no fun at all.
Also it doesnt have any sexy female heroes, other than archer women and you can barely even see her as she is running in the side of the screen and not middle.
The card/item system is fucked and terrible. There is literally no reason to play this over dota2.
But it's good
You forgot to mention that it has actual graphics.
>dota shill
Shouldn't you still be crying over how League beat you guys
>There is literally no reason to play this over dota2
Better controls
Less cancerous community
But I guess that's just me.
Not every game needs to be Overwatch and rely on waifubait.
Paragon is literally more casual than Heroes and that game is is fucking casual as fuck.
sure, but then it has to bring something else, Only thing Paragon bring is supposed superior graphics. And that makes a glorified tech demo, and thats exactly what it is.
Is it free?
>superior graphics
that 3rd worlders cant run. so good luck.
I will not play another MOBA until they can create a hero that feels as fun as Invoker.
> those sound lines
> those abilities
> sunstriking everywhere
> farm everything
> tornado emp meteor blast refresher
You keep saying that but you haven't actually played the game have you? Paragon has more depth than smite and that game has a fairly good sized community
I'm gonna play it then
I'll play it now. Probably won't like it though, but that's fair.
It brings exactly nothing new in gameplay, how exactly its fun? gameplay is slow as fuck, better controls? like fucking what? its basic 3rd person rpg control nothing new.
Does it run on toasters? I'd assume this is a given since it's a moba but you never know.
Also would like to know if any dotard has tried it and their opinion
Fey masterrace reporting in
I did play Paragon and Smite and desu, smite was far more interesting and had some unique elements.
Won't run on toaster
It uses the newest Unreal engine, which is pretty heavy, probably not, but I guess it depends on your toaster.
Its on PSN too for free and it has crossplay.
I wish I hadnt answered if you were going to show me that.
>Fun = New gameplay
>Good controls = speed
What. Are you guys gay?
Hot black chocolate
I am now, thanks.
who is she.