Early access game

>Early access game.
>Has DLC.

Seriously, why is THIS allowed?!

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Good point, actually.
The one thing in its favour is the perpetual truth that you don't have to buy it if you don't like it.

If people don't realize Early Access is a scam after this, then they deserve to have all their money scammed from them.

Has a game on early access ever been finished?

Genuine question

>it's in early access

Seems like this term has become something devs can hide behind nowadays.


Darkest Dungeon


If people didn't realize after the first ARK that it's fucking terrible, they can make that mistake in new interesting ways.

Darkest Dungeon was in early access and it was cheaper then than after release

Has any Early Access game actually been worth it?

The only two I can recall are Don't Starve and pic related.

>"Hey guys, give us money so we can finish our game!"
>Get money.
>"Thanks for the money, guys. We used it to make something else you can buy!"

Tempest got a full release. Check it out if you liked Sid Meier's Pirates

It's kind like how Google has all their services in permanent Beta.

Pretty sure the survival of the fittest is a free "DLC"

Nice bait tho

It shouldn't be. ARK devs have become one of the worst I know.

People have already bought all that content made during development. thats the point of buying an ea game. Doing it again is just them trying to scam more money and it should be taken down by steam.

I don't care if they lost a lawsuit, it doesn't make it okay to steal from people who already put down money for that.

>why is THIS allowed?!
Because "gamers" are the most retarded consumers since capitalism was invented.

The new scorched earth expansion is $20

kerbal space program? I think was on early access? was FTL early access? I know prison architect is a pretty good one

Yea assetto corsa and kerbal space program were great games that game from early access

Quite a lot do actually, it's mainly the "survival sandbox crafting" games that give Early Access a bad name. The only one I can think of that actually left Early Access was Reign of Kings.

Speed Runners


Which is one of the only projects to do it right
>have working concept
>need money to publish
>everyone who donated got the whole game drm free
>devs responded to every bug personally in beta
>now its been out some months donators still get freebies and everyone else has to pay for them

Ah... It's even in the picture... Fuck I'm stupid...


KSP didn't get a "full release". They just said "fuck it, we are jumping to version 1.0 will the game is still lacking 90% of promised features and is riddled with bugs"

The consumer base has already made it clear that they find paying for content produced alongside the main game at a separate cost to be perfectly acceptable. This is just following the spirit of early access and allowing you to buy it sooner.
By the standards of today's "gamer" there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
Day 1 DLC is fine.
Early Access is fine.
Ergo, Early Access Day 1 DLC is also fine.

Get with the times grandpa. :^)

Early access has become one of those things that was honest at the beginning, but has evolved into an excuse to never finish a game or worry about bugs.

Glitch through the map? Early access. Only 2 hours of content? Early access. Wake up with 2 dicks up the butt? You were early access.

Soon, they will early access to the early access dlc, so that you can play the dlc while it is still in development for your early access game

>all those shitty punching trees simulators with guns on Unity
I can't decide which game i supposed to hate for this. DayZ or Minecraft?

minecraft. dayz fad has died out already, people moved from zombies to at least trying to be original with their survival retardation.

But by and large it was minecraft that started the trend.

DayZ definitely made it popular.

Layers of Fear

dayz originally dont have tree punching
minecraft gives devs excuse to make pixelated blocky shit.

Mine craft

Off on the top of my head? Terraria maybe minecraft if you consider it finished. Starbound I guess. Not many honestly.

>Following the spirit

Oh god. What if the DLC is also early access? I hope this is the case, you can't make this shit up.

>was FTL early access?
I'll swear FTL was a kickstarter.


Terraria was fully finished at the release. People didn't even know it was coming before 3 weeks of release.

>posts garbage art rather than the beautiful armello art

if you want to post furbait you should have posted thicc wolf

>I'll swear FTL was a kickstarter.
It was


>why is THIS allowed?!

That is in fact a real question but to Valve rather than consumers. Why is Valve allowing a game set as Early Access to implement DLC? If the game is advertised as unfinished, it shouldn't be able to get separate "content expansions".

it was obviously going to be a con artists wet dream to get ez access to millions of dumb as fuck retards, everyone called it out on this, they did it anyway.

>fucking thousands of unity/RPG maker copy/paste games
>endless source engine rip offs


you know what's even worse?

>an early access game with garbage community market

I am looking at you KF2

>all those unfinished games from 2012-2014 that will never get done
gas them
gas them all

What? I swear I was playing the alpha or something maybe I'm confusing the final big content update with a full release.


what happened to the fags who bought cancelled EA games? do they get refunds?

They paid $40 million shortly before releasing this DLC for a settlement. Coincidence?

Normally I find these "Why is this allowed!?" threads to about about something silly and ridiculous, but this one is a totally legitimate complaint

At worst an early access game should raise its sale price if its development ends up going beyond what the devs initially estimated when starting to sell the game. This works because you can offset the additional development cost through more income from new players, while also not fucking over longtime players who already bought and have been playing the game. But trying to get more money out of your players with DLC for a game that isn't even finished yet? Disgusting

Most of the big name ones are shitty survival games

>7 Days to Die
>The Forest
>We Happy Few (now)

I won't put Subnautica on there because the devs have been hitting their publicly posted release schedule so far

>do they get refunds?
are you THIS stupid?

>Nosgoth was cancelled

I'm glad I played that shitty game free through a humble bundle.

Legit question user, since I've seen Valve give back money sometimes but through wallet.

Maybe, the game was really revamped with 2.0

You don't get refunded. You paid for the game as it is/was. Early Access doesn't mean you're guaranteed a game according to Valve.

Yikes, that should really be a bolded part.

They do have it. They just need to make the font red/bold

Here is the description of early access

>Is this the same as pre-purchasing a game?
No. Early Access is a full purchase of a playable game. By purchasing, you gain immediate access to download and play the game in its current form and as it evolves. You keep access to the game, even if the game later moves from Early Access into fully released.

Here it is on a random page I looked up

>Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.
Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

The fucked up part is that Valve knowingly allows games that may or may not be finished on their platform.

Early Access is just a name for ''Badly optimized turd'' nowadays

I wonder what made Valve do EA to begin with. I mean sure, it was the dosh, but what sparked the idea. Was Kickstarter gaining ground back then?

>DLC costs more than the game itself
>It's not even good

Probably the success of Minecraft and all the dosh Notch made.

Don't Starve

The only Early Access game I have ever purchased was DayZ, still not released
Never ever again

EA and Beta games should be free because I'm doing a favour to developers by testing their shitty games
Why are developers so entitled?

Free market will fix it

kikestarter devs need a way to distribute alpha. Valve needs shekels. EA start in 2013. You do the math.

Always thought kickstarter only got big at 2014, didn't knew it already was popular at 2013.


Daily reminder that early access is just another way for devs to say "we know our game is broken and we don't care, now shut up and give us money"

If you buy any early access game you should really consider killing yourself

> you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development
>if the game progresses further

so you could throw down an "alpha" consisting of a dude walking around a bare room, type up a thousand empty promises as a proof of concept, send it to valve, they put it up as early access, and just rake in the cash, never intending to make more than that empty room?

I'm in the wrong field.

It's allowed because people will buy it. Simple as that.

>So you can

Yes. Although for the most heinous of examples I think Valve actually does pull them if people bitch enough.


Why are you guys so mad over EA though? Just do some research and avoid games that sound shitty like ARK.

I gave it a try. I ended up going back to Titanquest. The setting and feel of Grimdawn just don't gel with me. I really wish they'd done another Greek set, if not Greek then some other ancient culture with crazy myths like Sumeria or something. It's just so over the top dark and gritty, and their "masteries" just aren't as fun, I feel much more limited than in TQ, and, on top of that, the actual ability effects are often clunky or boring.

I was bored out of my mind by Grim Dawn's levels and story. I felt like I kept retreading ground instead of going on an adventure or mission.

Why are they not handing out a demo for people to try out the game?

Because then people would discover how fucking badly it runs and nobody in their right mind would buy it.

Because monetization of the demo concept is the idea behind Early Access in general.

they do for xbox one at least, and its a timed SINGLEPLAYER trial

What happened to the hype of this game?mthey used to host weekly survival of the fittest tournaments, but now it's nothing.

is armello any good? it looks like a simplified boardgame

first off, the first post you quoted isn't from armello

second, it is a digital board game, I'd argue not simplified, as it is less about following a specific path but more on doing quests and whatnot with rng cards. The AI is a nice fix but multiplayer makes it stand out.

You need to actually make a good game to hook people with a demo.

Investing in marketing seems better nowadays, less effort and more profits.

Isn't this against the rules of Early Access on Steam?

What rules? EA basically beans "pay for this if you are retarded".

I got in the alpha.
Man that game had tons of potential.
Then psyonix got lucky with rocket league and basically dropped support for the game. It was pretty sickening really. They, not even a week before the announcement of the game's closure, announced a new class was in the works.

>implying Valve gives a single fuck

The entire point of Early Access isn't to support budding indie developer's, it was a result of Valve seeing Minecraft soar into the sky while still in beta and realizing they could cash in solely from peoples hopes and dreams.

spacebase df9

>I fell for the Ark meme