Post your internet speeds

Post your internet speeds.

Do you suffer when downloading or do you soar the tubes?

>tfw no cap
>tfw £30 a month
>no need to worry about 60GB installs

Ehh, pretty average

its "free"

I wish I had even remotely "free" internet.

I pay $50 a month for this garbage and it's the best available in my town. Rural life blows cock.
Last I checked dial-up was still $20 a month, but that was like 4-5 years ago.

Is meh. I can watch 720p at least compared to what i had before

Internet by Radio Waves

It just works.

It's OK i suppose. Though i have to say i miss the days where you'd put a torrent on download and wake up the next day to see the vidya game being finished downloaded. It was a really great feel.

Hosting a server so my upload is slightly off.

60/60 - $20 /m

did you buy the 1000/1000 ?

i've been SO CLOSE to buying it. wanted to try it out :D


No, but downloading stuff is certainly a bliss with this.

Poor user ;_;


~70 usd/month
Need to upgrade my router and adapter to get 300 down though.


>there are 6% of americans that have worse speeds than this

Not too bad considering I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and have to tether my phone for internet.

>paying for 300 down
>not having an equipment to support it

Yeah I could imagine... speeds went up and prices down not too long ago here in Denmark. Even for people with broadband - didn't even know it was possible to offer that kind of speed over the phone-cable

old people who still pay for aol
on dial-up

What can you still get dial up in USA? :D

My company reimburses me for my home internet so I went with the fastest. I've been too lazy to go out and buy a router.

literally the best part of living in the midwest


I always get freaked out when I read about "bandwidth caps". Is it really something that happens often? I mean I'm from México and I don't have to deal with that shit, one would think that first world countries wouldn't have it either.

I've been so used to having like a tenth or less of this kind of internet, so I'm more than fine with this. I can't imagine what it's like having even higher speeds.

bretty gud for ~$20/month, no cap either

That's just ripping people off. Broadband is over the phone line too and it must be way cheaper and faster

This is what living in the capital of Canada gets

Remember, Canada says we have first world internet

It stinks
I'm surprised I have a good ratio on private trackers.

Scandinavia doesn't have cap in the internet - unless you are using internet over 4g and you have a limit on your plan

Ditto OP

Haha faster upload than download :D

I remember the good old days where everyone wanted more upload so they could stream torrents faster and get a better ratio :D

this is me

I just make sure that I am always seeding, leaving my computer on constantly and taking advantage of free leech and popular downloads

its a pain in the ass but doable

Btw i miss dialup sometimes. You actually enjoyed the time you used on the internet a lot more because it could break whenever someone lifted the phone - or when you'd spent too much money downloading a single song :D

do i want this funny video, this mp3 today or windows update? all those choices back then

kind of average i guess

I got into BTN about two months ago and somehow uploaded 100GB.
I'm not quite sure how.

If you got some long wires you can have some of my 60/60 :D

>this is faster than 94% of the country

The joys of having a 1st world nation with 3rd world infrastructure.

>>tfw no cap
There are still people that don't have flatrates...?

don't use ookla. lots of ISPs have peering with their servers to increase speeds.

>no need to worry about 60GB installs

shame you're with the most cancerous ISP that traffic manages you at peak times

> lots of ISPs have peering with their servers to increase speeds.
So? You can still check whether it's true or not by downloading steam games or through torrenting

I have a 1TB data limit each month. I never even get near that.

Downloading from Steam I get my full speed but when downloading a game on my Xbone I'm lucky to hit 70Mb/s which is a bit annoying.

Jewish devilry. Here in USA a lot of the infrastructure is shitty ancient wiring that can't handle higher speeds. Instead of paying to upgrade lines and expand servers, companies instead institute data caps and bandwith throttling to control the goyim and charge them massive overage fees for their already garbage quality service. "Competition" doesn't exist, as companies simply cooperate with each other behind the scenes to fix prices and coverage.

I remember reading some time ago that a few bigger providers were given money from the govt to use to improve their infrastructure and service, but instead they took the millions and ran without doing anything. Now they're shitting themselves trying to stop people from getting fiber internet by bribing public officials to deny permits for cable laying.


>faster than 57% of BR



Better question here is how many posting in the thread are actually -paying- for their own internet, as opposed to mommy and daddy.

It's an anonymous board, no need to be shy.

Supposed to be 100/100, the upload always seems to be a bit iffy.
10 more yurops lets me upgrade to 500/500 but I don't really see the need right now.

faster internet in the city

it's supposed to be 25/3

Is this good? I don't really know much about this stuff.



all this shitty internet

who fucking fttp in here?

10€ a month, no cap.
Feels good to be yuropoor.

Good enough for $10.

Huh... weird, I thought I was paying for 100/25 not 100/100...

How is mine? I really have no idea what these numbers mean or what is normal.

My dad pays for all my food and utilities. I'm 33. Also NEET.

Same, but I'm 20.

Anybody else /OH/?

Ping means the delay it takes to communicate with the server. So 16ms means it took 16ms to transfer packet from your PC to a server, and then a response from a server to your PC. Lower is better, however in case of this test it's pretty much hit-or-miss, not really saying anything about your ISP (unless you get some crazy results like ping > 50ms in which case your ISP is shit).

Download and upload speeds are what's important - they're in bits per second (or in this case, Mbps - Megabits per second), higher is better, 100/10 is pretty good.

>paying for 100/100 internet at my parents home because "user you're the only one using it", even though I visit like once a month or so, recently checked data usage, almost 400GB downloaded since my last visit (which was like 2 months ago)
>additionally paying for 250/250 internet at my apartment

I pay around $80 a month. 10gb cap. Fortunately, they throttle after 10gb instead of charging up the ass. It gets extra shitty between 2PM - 12AM CST.

How do you do it? I'm 23, study, work part-time, and I feel like shit because I live with my parents and they pay the bills.

Before the 25th August I had ADSL 6mbit/0.7
It was hell on earth - when I would upload something it would crap out most of the time, even my mobile internet was faster. (HSDPA+)

Now I have 100mbit down and 40mbit up for 40€.

VDSL = Vectoring DSL, basically fibre but the last 800 metres are still copper wire. A hybrid basically.
It is absolute overkill mate and I have a hard time finding server allowing me to download full speed. Also, very low latency/ping since they turned of interleaving.

This is like $20 USD per month.

fast enough for me desu

Embrace tranquillity and stop giving a fuck.

When you've been doing it your whole life it feels normal and you don't question it. I had a job once, for 3 weeks before I got fired. Got just enough money to get the parts for a new PC. All games and stuff that is not food I have to pay for so I'm poorfag as dirt in that regard but I don't want a lot anyway.

I'm 26 and live with my parents. All my neetbux goes towards food, rent and medical. I may have $20-100 left over at the end of the month if I don't spend it on vidya, vaping shit or whatever. I may move soon to a place that has better internet and pay the same, maybe less than I do at my parent's. I'll live with strangers but at least I'll have good internet. See

>this is faster than 84% of Mexico

Fuck our Internet sucks dick.

It is still faster than most latin american countries though.

How do you get paid to be neet? I want in on that.

I'm schizophrenic. Smoke spice for 2 years and maybe you'll get it too!

>going slow



So what's the maximum amount of ping you would want if you plan to play online a lot?

>pay $40 monthly for this garbage

>4mb down max
>tfw getting 250mb in a few months

Fast enough. Especially if like me your area only just got fibre and had to settle for garbage broadband.

Anything over 100 is shit but bearable. 50 is ok.

depends on the game, for most things I don't notice anything below 80 but if it needs to be perfect (like fighting games) then 40 max

So when it displays a ping during a game is it showing the combined amount between the two players or just mine?

Your ping to the server the game is being hosted on.

>Trying to find a new ISP in the UK
>Price/speed ratio is shit
>Most ISPs have garbage upload or don't even mention how fast it is

It's a glorious feel to be a baguette fag
70-100mb/sec on steam
30mb on Piratebay
Bluray movies in a few seconds
Games in 2 minutes

Plusnet is usually always the best option in terms of price to quality of what you get.


>12ms ping

Dans la poubelle il va

Nice connection though, Oú?

This might look alright but it's fucking shit. I can't play online games

It's OK. It's better on weekdays.

Brother was looking at them and Vodafone. Still not sure and getting feedback on Vodafone fibre is a pain in the ass seeing as they're still new.

>Euros are getting superior speeds to what we get in the US, the world leader in technology and the country that has put men on the moon

Gets me things when I need it.

Nanterre ma gueule, fibre made in Orange
Who cares about ping, I get 4ms on CS:GO servers, and the lowest I can get on any other multiplayer game.

Yeah. They traded freedom for fast internet.

No guns. But i got lolis on high speed demand!

As somebody who works in the mobile network industry, I wouldn't trust Vodafone with a fucking egg, nevermind a contract. Their customer service is ass and they frequently overcharge for no reason.

>the world leader in technology
What about Japan on South Korea?
>the country that has put men on the moon
Russia sent men in space years before you and you don't see them bitch about the internet