I have terminal cancer. Just found out yesterday. My life expectancy is 2 years max...

I have terminal cancer. Just found out yesterday. My life expectancy is 2 years max, but doctors say I shouldn't expect more than 6 months.

Name some games I probably won't be playing.

You guys are my only friends and my family haven't spoken to me in years, so that's why I'm sharing this with you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dark Souls: Prepare to Die

what were the early signs?

Kingdom Hearts III, but that looks like shit so don't feel bad.

You'll get Final Fantasy XV!

Why are you playing video games if your time is limited? Go fuck shit up.

Anything in particular you'd like to do before you waste away user?

You say that as a joke, but this is actually a great game to play, not only because its thematically relevant but because it's just a great game.

Games suck nowadays. The only hope we have is full immersion VR in 30 years so you're way off the mark for that one.

Have you considered putting your brain in a jar and being revived in 200 years?

Star Citizen

You'll miss out on Konamis new hit: "snakes casino quest"

Seriously, fuck cancer.

r/Sup Forums here I come!

What kind of cancer? What made you go to the doctor? Just a general check up?

Am I cute Sup Forums?

no you look like a slavic sex slave.

What kind of cancer? How did it not get detected until you had 6 months left to live?

Just cozy up with Animal Crossing

Use a lot of drugs, fuck a bunch of prostitutes and be happy anom

total qt3.14 whoever this is

post feet

Lethargy, numbness in my left side, dizziness attacks, no appetite.

Turns out I had a fuckhuge lump under my left shoulder blade, which had spread to my lungs and neck.

Yeah, not feel pain. I have no cash, so can't do shit. Perhaps scrounge enough together to head to Switzerland for that euthanasia thing.

Numbing pain in my left side that didn't go away. Not sure about the specifics, but doctor says it's game over.

Cook some meth

We love you, user.

Fuck you Sup Forums I thought you guys were better than this. Unironically responding a recommendation thread, how lower are we going to get? Sage

Do you feel pain currently? Or are your symtoms the same? Im sorry user that sucks


If you're not trolling, then get outta Sup Forums and start enjoying your life.

But, if you really wanna know: rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9453

Literally go straight to the closest buddhism monastery.

You'll have a better time.


Pain comes and goes, same with dizziness. But my left arm is consistently more numb than my right.

Red Dead Redemption
Republic Commando
Battlefront 1&2
Jade Empire

Breaking Bad
Henry Poole was Here

Go on a road trip do something different,
I really don't believe you but yeah do whatever the fuck you want.


Doing chemo or you looking to end it quickly?

Sympathies, user

Would fill with cum 7/10

What the fuck, seriously?
You obviously don't want terminal cancer, yet you have it.
I want terminal cancer, why the fuck can't I have it?

Probably won't see half life 3, but neither will most of us

>Why are you playing video games if your time is limited? Go fuck shit up.
This, go apeshit OP

That blows, user.


Also, The Last Guardian is really the only game I care about that's coming out in the time you have left.

>Yeah, not feel pain. I have no cash, so can't do shit. Perhaps scrounge enough together to head to Switzerland for that euthanasia thing.

Go and stick up a bank, live out your days on the run with a ton of cash, do whatever you want to do.

You've got literally nothing to lose.

Do you believe in an afterlife user?

b-but I'm a boy...

We are all here on borrowed time. I feel sorry for you because i often feel like I've got nothing to live for; that i'm just taking up air. And yet I'm not the one with cancer. Life is unfair - but you are loved no matter what.

yeah plus you've got yourself a lifetime supply of razors.


Sell popular drugs that aren't commonly sold.
If they catch tell them that you wanted leave something of worth to your family.




As long as the balls don't touch it's not gay.

Send address and I'll fly to you, user

I've never sucked a dick before but I'll try it on for size

>b-but I'm a boy...

still qt though

That crazy user!

Don't worry about it user; ain't no good games coming out for the foreseeable future. I figure you're getting off the ride at a good time. Things are only gonna get worse from here on out.


Incredibly relevant.

I'd be like you, user. Living out my final days with games and anime. All this "go live it up" shit sounds pretty lame.

If you want to die, just kill yourself
Dying of cancer is a terrible way to go.

I always enjoy these threads. Everyone posts shit like

>go do some crazy shit
>etc etc

This nigga is sick with fucking cancer. Probably doesn't feel like doing anything like that.


but for the love of God skip the episode this user's picture is from

Fap all day every day


don't forget, you're here forever ;_;7

Oh dang. You REKT us! Just EBIC xD!!!! TOTAlLY EbIC!! xD XD xD

Needs to watch Ben episodes specifically.

You're not missing out on anything. The industry is shit now and forever.

Congratulations on getting permission to get off mr bones wild ride though. See you space user

Russian Roulette with 6 bullets

You are gonna miss out on No Man's Sky 2

don't believe it OP, you might still live

also everyone dies some day

neither of us is playing Episode 3 though

Some day my child might though. Now I just need to have a child.

This guy gets it.

You'll miss "Press X to not Die" being out of early access

throw yourself out of a plane

I really hope you never expected/play HL series.

I doubt you'll be alive to play Dragon Quest 11.

Doesn't stop from going on a road trip and having to fight cops because they're hassling user.

Did you had an unhealthy life?

If you know you are going to die is there anything to stop you taking out a bunch of loans and giving the money to your family or whatever? Your debts die with you right?

First Post Best Post.

Bad luck, user. But there's nothing you can do. So feeling bad won't help you. You could sign up for experimental treatments, but you could try to do whatever you wanted to do before now that you don't have to plan decades ahead.

how do you feel OP? i wonder how i'd feel.


>people who want to live get cancer
>i don't

If I could recommend one thing it'd be to 'shop' around, find the most qt hooker money can buy and pay her top dollar to fuck her brains out any way you want. That last time should always be the most memorable. That said, don't try to let people fill your head with transient or fruitless goals as you'll end up regretting being unable to complete them in the end if you overburden yourself.

Walk (if you must) to Alaska, enjoy the beautiful spectacle of nature, die fighting a bear like Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall.

My sympathies user

2nding this. Sell your vidya collection and go see the world. Find yourself a nice looking lady and get that pity fuck.

Panzer Dragoon Saga

If I were you I would go to chernobyl and prypyat to play STALKER IRL. It's not like the radiation can give you any more cancer.


If you're not shitting us, I'm sorry OP.

Get in touch with your family again man. You won't regret it. Think about it. You only had one of them, and you won't ever see them again.

I love those tagline things they always have on 70s posters

i feel bad for you brah. cancer beat you at video games and it beat you good. its probably laughing "haha i got to the last stage before he did"

don't know anyone who has had cancer, but doesn't the treatments usually take the most toll? obviously shit's gonna get worse when you're nearing the end. I don't know, maybe I've just watched too many movies.

seriously though, I wouldn't know what to do if I'd know that I'll die in few months. would I go adventuring and doing crazy shit if I'm still able or just drink myself to death to numb the pain. who knows.


Nah, in most places in North America they'll sell all your assets, pay the banks etc, and then after give the inheritance to the family. If you've actually got a few thousand in your bank, your family will end up getting nothing from you. Only if you can get more loans than what you actually own would it be worth it for you, but again, your family will get nothing.

Not OP, but it's hard to do much of anything when your body is literally being eaten alive by malignant tumors.

Why is the 21st century so shit?

Oversaturation of media, I recommend watching the not a sequel, not a prequel to Rocky Horror Show Shock treatment and Network I hear is pretty good but haven't watched it.

It's all perspective user.


Reunite with your family, it's the best you can do for now, even if they are dicks. After that just do whatever you want, it's your life and time OP, you can't do in 6 months what you haven't done in decades, so just take the chill path. I hope this is a ruse.

Play your favorite videogame.

Please don't die.

I think OP just died