Daily reminder that you NEED to support this if you even remotely wish for another Marvel game that isn't a p2w mobileshit.
Daily reminder that you NEED to support this if you even remotely wish for another Marvel game that isn't a p2w...
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if it's good and on PC then maybe
>multimillion dorral company needs my support
I don't support shit. I purchase products which I would like to own from the companies which manufacture and distribute them.
made of webs
Sony and Activision raped Spiderman to death, there will never be a good game or movie again.
>Console game
>Fucking Spider-Man
It's not going to need any "support", it'll fucking print money.
I liked spidey in Civil War. He surprisingly was the best part of the movie
Pretty much this
I don't care if they stop making games I wan't. I already barely play vidya anymore, it will just get to the point where I have a normal life or something.
>ps4 exclusive
it's going to bomb, ps4 owners only buy dudebros games
Ok mr pirate
Funny, because only consoles are talked about in the piracy general in /vg/
Ah-ha, I'll just let it die then, capeshit and super heroes bullshit is cancer, and we don't want it here.
PS4 owner here, I'll buy it if it reviews well. The two or three Spider-man games have looked great but have been mediocre to crap, so I'm not wasting money if this one goes the same way.
He was nice, shame Sony is filling the solo movie with SJW crap.
They should have paid for the movie, get some benefits, and that's it.
>supporting Marvel, the cancer that killed Hollywood
>implying there's anything worth saving in this millenium's Hollywood
Ok nigger, you know that's not true. Don't be so desperate for your shitty exclusive to succeed that you try to guilt trip everyone into it. Marvel won't stop pumping out p2w and f2p shit because no matter what it makes fucking money. You have to be egregiously evil like EA to fuck up p2w/f2p shit.
Why is Spider-Man black in the new movie, and why is the answer Bendis shit?
Funny thing is Marvel trying to do SJW pandering as well, start with homecoming.
In case, you guys don't knows Marvel hold all the creative control of homecoming, Sony have no say in it.
The fuck are you talking about, the new Spiderman is Tom Holland.
Nah, playstation is home of the weeb, you myopic child
PS4 exclusive.
I think I'll pass this time. In all honestly most Spidey games don't have much replayability and are too easy to beat. this game looks like more of the same.
the white spider looks mad gay but around the hands it looks cool.
Is Mary Jane going to be a quadroon in this?
I think he's talking about the upcoming animated movie.
The agreement with Sony is that Marvel gets to use Spiderman in any movie they want, and Sony has a Spiderman franchise that is actually succesful because it's in the MCU.
The director, the casting, everything is chosen by Sony.
Then again, Sony's movie studio is probably the biggest bunch of retards in Hollywood right now.
Isn't he only like 12 what is he doing as spiderman
It's a bad game, then would I really want them making more?
I don't want to support capeshit so maybe I'll rent it.
And the only games that would interest me besides another BamHam and maybe this Spiderman would be a Rocksteady Superman, a first person Iron Man or an Antman.
He's 15, and he has had his powers for 6 months as of Civil War.
People still consider Spiderman just a urban legend.
Spiderman has always been and always will be garbage.
amy is literally the biggest blunder on the planet
i have no idea how she wasn't assassinated
Fuck off, JJ Jameson
>wants to exchange Spiderman for Thor and Daredevil
>selling Spiderman for 5 billion, when Disney bought Star Wars for 4 billion
>Spiderman vs The Amazing Spiderman with Toby Macguire and Andrew garlfield
>TASM4: Part 1 and 2
>Emma Stone as Carnage
WWII Captain America game with MGSV-like gameplay, but in more urban settings.
>Then again, Sony's movie studio is probably the biggest bunch of retards in Hollywood right now.
I don't know user, WB always manages to go full retard by trying to intervene with the film makers at the very end of film production that has so far managed to fuck up every film they've done that too.
>one of the coolest, most iconic characters in comics is a literal manlet
>hire a 6'2" dude to play him because manlets aren't intimidating enough
>iconic character whose one distinct feature is that she's a redhead
>hire a black actress to play her because muh diversity
How is this okay? Why are they allowed to cast Hugh Jackman as fucking Wolverine to make him more aesthetically attractive, but they chose to cast MJ as a gorilla to make her look like the ugliest incarnation of the chatracter. As a manlet I am offended that Marvel has decided to tallwash such an iconic midget.
They are more of the same.
Raimi Spiderman and James Bond are for Sony what Harry Potter and Nolan Batman was for WB, they depend entirely on those now.
Hell, WB is trying to make a new Harry Potter trilogy with the original actors.
The MCU's main star is a manlet, don't you have enough representation with Robert Downhere Jr.?
>It's another, "You have to buy this game if you ever want to get the game you do want eventually maybe" scam
Fuck off, Capcom.
comic characters are over exposed. starting to get burnt out of them.
chill out turbo midget
On point
>king of the manlets
>probably wears lifts during filming
No. Fuck you. Find me a 5'3" actor to truly capture the suffering of being a manlet.
Because everyone in the planet agrees that manlets are an abomination.
Black girls can be cute, Huge Jackedman is loved by everyone, but absolutely no one likes manlets.
Natural evolution will take care of you.
I want to see a Spider Man and Daredevil team up. They are i the same city, should be no reason not to.
>Find me a 5'3" actor to truly capture the suffering of being a manlet.
Cry more bitch boy
HA, he wishes.
Is this the Spiderman game by the inFamous devs?
Isn't Scarjo like 4'9?
>you NEED to support this
>ps4 only
No thanks.
LMAO fuck off shill I'm not 12 anymore.
Why the fuck does he have Venom's spider on his chest?
Star Wars was a fucking bargain though, Georgie boy could have asked for anything and Disney would have paid it.
He's nuclear.
So what ever happened with that whole Captain America being a secret Nazi storyline?
>Playstation exclusive
Fuck that...
People stopped talking about it
It's still going on, but people forgot.
Everyone has their own opinion about the MCU, but Marvel comics went to shit, mainly because everyone who has a bit of talent is put to work on the movies, since they are the ones that bring actual money.
Now it's just gimmicks like ''OH, CAPTAIN AMERICA IS HYDRA NOW''
Sony has somehow managed to fuck up my favorite fucking superhero, they fucked up the movies, and now they make the only good looking game spiderman game in a decade exclusive to a console that has one fucking game on it.
Fuck Sony
>the writer of Marvel's best recent comic signed an exclusivity deal with DC
I downloaded a bear once it was aweful.
it's a time exclusive user. coming out on steam and xb1 a few months after ps4.
If they can do an interesting take on the character, than I don't have a problem with it. I didn't have a problem with Jackman's Wolverine after seeing the first X-Men movie because it really was an interesting take on the character. Just like I don't have a problem with Daniel Craig's Blonde Bond
I've been impressed before with different takes, I've also been disappointed before with different takes on characters. So who knows, I really hope they don't just give Zendaya a strand of bright red coloring in her hair and call her Mary Jane as that would just look fucking stupid and feel like they're really pandering to a certain crowd whether it be multicultural faggots who don't even like comics or Disney shitters who just want to see Zendaya. They'll probably give her a dark red hard coloring and give her mixed parents or something. But I don't know. I'll wait and see what exactly they do. I would have preferred they kept Mary Jane in line with her comics incarnations just like what they're doing with Peter Parker, but who knows. if you can do it well, do it. Just don't bastardize it for cheap brownie points from some retards who don't even like capeshit.
>Marvel comics went to shit
Only the Superhero department, the Star Wars comics have been consistently good with few exceptions like that fucking C3PO one-shot.
>Now it's just gimmicks like ''OH, CAPTAIN AMERICA IS HYDRA NOW''
Cap should have been put down long ago, the Hydra plot was actually a decent twist to the character.
I'll wait for someone's gameplay footage on YT.
If it has spiderman 2 web swinging, it would be an instant buy from me.
Superheroes, like zombies, are old and stale. Why do you people pay money for these products that require zero creativity to make?
Who gives a fuck? The comic arm of marvel is now just tweest after tweest to generate "shock" for the movies. They aren't concerned about profit anymore. The comics are just an extended advertising arm of the movies.
>it's a time exclusive user
citation needed
I would, but that white spider looks fucking stupid as hell. Why couldn't they just use his normal suit? It's already perfect as it is.
I'm glad it angers you.
Nigga Sony Own Marvel so no way this is going to Xbox.
Maybe at most a PC release eventually but i can never see this going Xbone.
No. This being a PS4 exclusive is one of the clauses for Marvel getting spiderman in their MCU
Disney own Marvel you fucking retard. Sony only own the movie rights to Spider-Man, they can't do shit about games.
If they give this game enough time to cook.
It will be the best Superhero game ever.
Honestly never thought the Batman games were that good.
When is the superhero movie bubble going to burst? I thought Guardians of the Galaxy would have been a massive flop since most normies know nothing about the characters. I don't know how Ant Man did, and I don't know how people have been receiving the Dr Strange movie hype.
Did you even read the fucking article you mong? Sony now owns the gaming rights for Spiderman. That is part of the deal that saw Marvel being allowed to use Spiderman in the movies. Jesus christ. I swear people don't read the links.
I feel like Marvel and DC are hitting creativity bankruptcy because they're becoming afraid to do anything actually challenging. Marvel more so than DC. We have Civil War 2 which hasn't really shown anything terribly interesting and captivating. Old Man Logan hasn't really gone anywhere interesting and they seem to be sticking to "oh man being Logan is sooooo bad" without giving us any substance. Annuals are absolutely terrible. They've gender/race swapped everyone for cheap notes that haven't sold anything. Like said, it's like they're trying to generate shock without understanding what it is. They're desperate for catches and are throwing characters to whatever writer will do it for the cheapest pay.
DC atleast has their animated universe and Geoff Johns. Snyder is still a great Batman writer. However unless they actually do something with Rebirth, people will get tired of trying to keep up with all of the insane plot lines that come and go without any real consistency.
>they can't do shit about games.
The devs literally tell you they can't make it multiplatform because of Sony
Why didn't Sony try to do some cross deal with Marvel between the film and video game divisions. Sony lets Marvel use Spiderman in the MCU, but Marvel gives Sony exclusive rights to Spiderman video games in return.
>posting direct links
>not pastebin
hello newfag
>Superhero game
>it's always Spider-Man or Batman
>DC animated universe
>The killing joke
I have never ever fucking seen an adaption go this fucking wrong. Up there with live action DBZ and Avatar.
I don't give a fuck. I didn't even click that article but at least I commented with knowledge of the situation unlike fucking mongs like you who refuse to read and will choose to post
Moore's work doesn't do well in animated form. His paneling is always really careful and his stories are almost exclusively for comics.
Then you haven't seen the Marvel animes. They're horrendous.
I'll give you Killing Joke though. Atleast the portion up until it followed the graphic novel shot for shot.
>Only make games for the two best heros
Then why are you even on this board.
The won't cross over mcu and the Netflix series sorry champ
Didn't they include Joker rape for no good reason?
Makes sense, those are the two best superheroes
>Literally says the character has only one defining trait
>Upset that this worthless character is changed
I want it on PC too. I don't wanna get a PS4, nothing on it interests me
>LMAO fuck off shill
>Lying about not being 12
I stopped reading X-Men because Marvel legitimately wants those comics to be shit so they don't give Fox stuff to adapt and make money off.
I actually liked the Miles Morales stories, haven't read female Thor comics because I don't like Thor stories in general and I'm actually kinda curious about what they are going to do with female Iron Man.
But after 70/80 years and god knows how many on-going series they currently have it gets hard to do anything new. and that's why they are trying to branch out with the ethnic/female characters and the really weird mashups.
>Joker rape
What? It's never implied or shown that he raped anyone.
Should have been Sucker Punch.
I don't trust these fags.