I wish there were no more exclusives and gaming focused entirely on PC

I wish there were no more exclusives and gaming focused entirely on PC.

Granted, however, it is seen as "not profitable" and now only low-quality indieshit made in people's spare time exists, all monetized development ceases and anything above a flash game takes years to even get a working Alpha build going.

I wish to die

Wish granted. Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and Valve join AMD and Nvidia in the graphic card wars and are responsible for tons of games that are non-functional in any card that isn't theirs.

granted but your after life is a computer thats locked to a web browser that can only open Sup Forums

Granted, however in the big medical debate of what constitutes someone as dead your heart has stopped, but your mind is still being kept alive. We intend to keep your brain alive for centuries to study whether or not you are screaming to die.

>Have access to /t/ which has downloads for Torrent Programs
Sounds fine to me.

Granted, but every game has a fatal error that can only be found on forums where fixes are exclusively PM'd to each other.

I wish I was the best pro dota 2 player IN THE WORLD

Granted, you become a literal god at the game and are the #1 in all ranked ladders for DoTA 2, but become so socially inept you can't even join a team, Discord, make any friends, maintain your current ones, or even remotely consider trying to get into a tournament and make some dosh.

I wish for there to be a game that's an inarguable 10/10 to be released every month.

I wish to be patted on the head once before I die

Granted but you'll hate it and scream MUH PAID REVIEWS every release

Granted, the game is so good that people will zealously play it for thousands of hours even as a Normie.
It is also re-released every month from now until the end of time at a full $60 price tag with no possibility of a discount with a minor patch to add a bit more content.
And you don't get any discounts for owning a previous patch.

I wish for nothing to happen :^)

I wish Shantae was in Super Smash Bros.

Granted. You'll be patted with a hammer repeatedly.

I wish for this 5

Granted. You will never roll a 5 ever again.

Granted but you will be reborn as a cute loli headpatted by her Onii-chan. which is the embodiment of everything you hate

Granted she is an asset trophy

I wish for a bara bf.

Sidescroller action buttons are set to Mouse clicks and unmappable

Granted, but the person who patted you messed your hair up and you finally got it just how you liked it.

I wish to enjoy video games again

Granted, but she's an assist trophy!

I wish for you all to shut the fuck up

says you, fag


I want to die in my sleep

Granted, but you are reborn in in the 1400s.

I wish this female let's player acknowledges me.

Nothing happens. Existence ends.

Suck it,fag.It's mine now.

It was all a dream

So I stopped existing? Sounds pretty good to me

If I roll a 9 the monkey hand dies

I want Final Fantasy XV to actually be good.

I wish there were no consoles to pull down the gaming industry, only PC's that make it bloom


Granted, but in 1 minute something will happen.

Wish denied.

sorry to disappoint, but I have your 5 now

Nothing happens for all eternity. You stop aging and never die as a result. You're trapped in your body as a thinking consciousness. But you can't move. Stuck starring at whatever it was you last focused on.

Granted, but it becomes strictly a PS4 exclusive with no hopes of PC port and is delayed another 10 years

Granted, but universe will end right when you start playing it

It's good but only the last fifth of the game gets released. The rest of the game got destroyed in an accident.

I wish to become Anthony Burch

You mean this 5?

Granted. You no longer have any time for them.

I wish paid DLC and pre-order pakcs were never invented


Granted No turning back now user

But the computer can only open the browser which only opens Sup Forums, so that means no torrent program, no video player either, so i guess imma fap to webms exclusively from now on.

Granted, but only you will find it good and everyone else's experience will be utterly terrible

I wish every user on Sup Forums to become a cute little girl who truly enjoys playing video games.

Granted, but you have 60 seconds left to live

looks like someone pinched you of your 5 m8, here have mine.

Granted They are all from tumblr now

Wish granted, in fact it's one of the greatest games ever concieved.

But it's region locked to Uganda, only playable there with no exceptions. There are no workarounds for this.


Is it truly living in the first place?

granted, but you've never met anyone from Sup Forums anyway so you'll never get to see them.

Granted. The content that was previously cut for DLC and expansion packs just no longer exists and games remain somewhat incomplete.

i wish to wish

I want to become a cute loli!

i wish pc master race meme would end forever

granted. but then the fat old man from doujnshi shows up.

I wish that all mods on Sup Forums are no longer SJWs

I wish for a Legend of Dragoon prequel/sequel

I wish PC gaming never took off.

Granted but it's PS4 exclusive now

The best your irrelevant indie can get is super smash flash

Granted, but the thoughts are not yours.

>game devs pawning paid DLC as content the vanilla game was supposed to have

didnt destiny get caught doing that? i'll over this 4 as currency for a prompt response

I am okay with this.

You are now figurine who will never get hotglued.

Granted, but you get raped everyday for the rest of your life.

You are also immortal like all the other lolis.

Granted they are all from reddit and they implement the karma system

That's my fetish

Granted. The entire genre of RPGs, FPS, RTS no longer exist without the influence of Wizardry, Doom, and the like.



I wish for a turkey sandwich, on rye bread, with lettuce and mustard and-and I don’t want any zombie turkeys, I don’t want to turn into a turkey myself, and I don’t want any other weird surprises.

I wish the singleplayer Mecha genre was alive again and thriving. Mechwarrior, Armored Core, all of it.

Granted. RPGs, FPS, Indie games and Strategy games never existed, which also stopped a lot of talents from getting in the industry. Gaming is forever stagnated, thanks a lot.

Wish Granted.

It's an angry birds clone exclusive to mobile.

Granted they are made by SJWS

Granted, but it's bogged down with microtransactions and scumbag facebook monetization.

Wish Granted.

Sorry, I forgot the mustard.

It's a little dry.

I wish these people were creative.

Was there a punchline to that one, or did he just get the turkey sandwich?
If I were the paw I would make the sandwich not taste very good.

the turkey is a bit dry

I wish gaming went back to actually catering to niches instead of trying to get the fabled mainstream audience and dumbing games down in the process.


Hey I tried you fucking nigger

Granted, all genres you enjoy playing die out and niche games for shit you hate is all that's left.

Granted but now you just scared them into never posting their witty paw counters in this or any other thread like it.

It was a little dry.