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KOTOR thread
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No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull.
>be fairly stupid about certain things
>play kotor2
>fight gramma in the end
>low on health
>she is too
>go in for kill
>cuts to ebon hawk falling into lava canyon
>talk about some shit
>cuts to view of galaxy and credits
>this can't be right
>try again
>same result
Over the years, I've started to believe I was dying and achieving a fail state rather than that actually being the ending.
>tfw you're not even sure you beat the game
It's the real ending. There should've been a third game with exile restoring the order and helping revan to deal with siths in unknown regions, but we got swtor instead.
One of my favorite antagonists. Really well done.
The cut content restoration mod from the workshop allows you to get an ending that let's you fly off to find Revan in the outer rim. But we don't get to see anything after the exile flying off. Would be cool if the 3rd game started off as you being the exile again, and you searching the outer rim for Revan.
but the exile is possibly the worst rpg pc of all time
My life for yours
My life for hire!
In the restored content he tells his followers to train new force users and flies off. In swtor canon his followers restore the order, while exile finds Revan and dies fighting the Emperor.
Turn and run!
No ty, Handmaiden is my waifu.
Whatever, fuck swtor canon.
KOTOR's so fucking good. Just downloaded but haven't played the restored content mod yet. How soon into a new game can you tell that the download worked?
>How soon into a new game can you tell that the download worked?
At main menu.
George pls
It'll say "Restored Content Mod" on the Title in the Main Menu.