Will the NX save Nintendo, or just be another failed abortion?

Will the NX save Nintendo, or just be another failed abortion?

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take a wild guess.

Despite popular shitposting belief on Sup Forums, Nintendo don't need "saving" - they're the only one of the big 3 still turning a decent profit.
>but the Wii U and X bombed!
in terms of turnover, yes, but their profit margins still keep them afloat just find - not to mention, they have a lot of assets (including a large stake in The Pokemon Company, as an example).

Why is Sup Forums so clueless about basic business?

Friendly reminder that Nintendo is so "irrilevant" people can't stop talking about them and their supposed death since the '80s.

Post yfw you're not gonna waste money on the newest flop from Nintendo

If the rumors we're hearing are true, I don't really see it selling to a broader audience than that already interested in Nintendo handhelds. If those numbers are okay with Nintendo, than I think they'll be fine.

Save. Look at how many times Nintendo has been this close to calling it quits then manage to pull something out of their ass to put them on top again.

Isn't selling to a broader audience the whole point of it?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they trying to appeal to thirty party developers?

Come on my man.

Because they care more about console wars and brand loyalty than games and business.

>aren't they trying to appeal to thirty party developers?

This will be their last attempt at a home console.

100% guaranteed.

It will fail.

I don't want Nintendo to completely die out, but they will.

They cannot make good decisions anymore and haven't been able to do so in the past decade.

They only exist now in name only.

>basic business
>Nintendo shrinking quarterly
>quickly diminishing in prominence throughout the gaming industry
>no plan in sight for growth other than possibly the further casualization of their IPs on mobile devices

Sure keep focusing on those margins. Hey as long as they make 150% profit on all 10,000 sold devices right?!

You really don't want them to go third party. If they do, the industry will literally crash.
>MS and Sony sucking their duck for exclusivity
>more audience, the Nintendo IP is already drowning out most first party and possibly third parties
>smaller studios die out
>higher possibility of a monopoly

At this rate a crash is what is needed to fix the gaming industry

If it flops it will 100% be their last console, they will go full handheld.

meant for

nintendo still probably doesn't even know what the nx is supposed to be
of course it's going to fail.

>Handhelds aren't consoles

That sure is a patent

It won't crash though, it'll just get shittier

Nope, it won't crash. It would just get so much worse. It's too big to crash. I know titanic blah blah blah, but it really won't

>public doesn't know and reports are confusing
>nintendo must not know because I don't

You're in denial. It's already starting to crash, we just won't see companies visibly start admitting there is a problem until Sony and Microsoft put out the NEO and Scorpio.

don't mind him
most of the posters on this board think everyone thinks, believes and sees the same they do

In the console front, Nintendo is beyond saving at this point. NX might be the last console if it flops.

Last year PSN made more money than Nintendo. They brand is devaluating hard.

>t-this will be the last one


>Muh ZhugeEX

He's nothing more than a Sony shill. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously. I like how he doesn't acknowledge PS Now and how badly it's doing when talking about how great Sony's digital plans are.


Copanies come and go. Why is so hard to picture Ninty out, considering how the Wii U failed and how the 3DS didn't came close to the DS sucess?

Ask yourself this: who will buy the NX?

As long as I get my Link's Awakening remake/spiritual successor I'm good.

I'm not from the future so I don't know

But that's just revenue, what about their actual profits from that?

>In terms of operating income, or profit, PlayStation made 88.7bn yen (£538m). Nintendo made 32.8bn yen (£207m).


Mobile audiences. We already know that Pokemon Go has had a very positive effect on 3DS and Pokemon sales.

Nintendo's new marketing strategy involves them making money off of things like this. It's a brilliant move, and it's one of the reasons I believe ZhugeEX is such a faggot.

Only 2x more?

Jesus what is Sony doing?

>the best selling console of this generation is doing bad because it's not selling as much as the best selling portable in the whole history of gaming
I hope you're baiting, no one can be this retarded, can you?

i'm glad there's level-headed people like you here.
sometimes i feel like i'm taking crazy pills lol

It's one of the things that people are trying to use to justify this idea that Nintendo is irrelevant.

I'm sure they'd like to sell to broader audience, but I don't know if that's going to happen. I don't know if the market that bought 150 million DS and 80 million PSPs is still there.

This, they want to use mobile as a way to spread awareness of their brands and IPs and hopefully get more people to buy the real games.

Hopefully the AC app will have some kind of meaningful connectivity to the real game whenever it comes.

What if I say the Ps4 failed because the PS2 has higher sells?

Because that's how you sound like right now

Some stragglers stuck with the 3DS. Most people go to phones for mobile gaming, and Nintendo has only now begun to follow.

i hope it fails so hard that nintendo is forced to only make games and as a third party. that is the only hope we have for nintendo to be saved at this point.

How expensive would the NX have to be for it to be PS4-strength, at least 720p, but still be a handheld?

The NX basically has to be Gamecube 2.0 if they want me to buy it

PS4 didn't fail because of hardware sales. They failed because they can't sell software for shit.

I don't think any PS4 game has broken 10 million sales yet.

Why would you want that?

What? The only reasons their games are shitty is because the Wii U sold like shit. Look at their first party games for the Wii and you'll see when they have a proper budget and time frame they can do an amazing job.

>Some stragglers stuck with the 3DS.
Yeah, that's what I was referring to originally when I said that I don't see the NX doing much beyond what Nintendo is already getting in the handheld market.

So, shit?

He wants the entire industry to burn, of course.


no the reason their games are shitty is because theyre not focused on making games. theyre focused on selling toys, outdated hardware, marketing deals, phone apps, and more.

Because they need new lines of revenue when their main one is failing

the gamecube was pretty awful. The controller was uncomfortable for anything other than Melee, its Zelda and especially Mario entires were sub-par at best, and it failed financially, too. It had some decent multiplats, but those were better on Xbox performance-wise or PS2 exclusivity-wise for bonus content/etc.

their main one is failing because theyre looking for new lines of revenue everywhere, imo. i bet if they released a universal client like steam on pc, mobile, and on nintendo branded optional hardware like a steambox, they would have much more success. focusing only on games.

Most of what you said is pretty dang subjective, user.

not to mention if they even released games on playstation and xbox, their games would sell more than grand theft auto. theres literally no reason nintendo cant have huge success without stupid amiibos and other garbage gimmicks.

Not him, but the Gamecube did suck dick.

>The controller was uncomfortable for anything other than Melee, its Zelda and especially Mario entires were sub-par at best,

wew lad, could you be any more wrong?

>Controller uncomfortable
>Wind Waker and Sunshine sub-par at best

Ask me how I know you've never even touched a PS2 or Gamecube.

>PS2 exclusive content

Gonna give examples? I don't remember games having exclusive content. All I remember were games performing better on gamecube.

This is like the 3rd variation of this thread on Sup Forums right now

why are shitposters so desperate for nintendo to die lately? is it because BotW blew everyone away? Nintendo is diversifying with movie adaptations, a lot more licensing, mobile money (anons can pretend Pokemon Go is dead but the numbers show thats far from true and the new buddy system update is clearly going to have a new surge in players) and fucking theme parks.

They're gonna be fine.

Once Nintendo becomes top dog again, shitposters really won't have anything to fall back on.

It's why they try so hard to downplay everything Nintendo does as being terrible. Look at all the Pokemon Go is dead, threads, for example.

Wind Waker was ok, but not without a lot of issues (too much sailing, triforce hunting, dungeons a bit lacking), TP and Sunshine were terrible, though.

wind waker and TP are good and OK respectively
but defending mario sunshine user?

I actually hope to see Nintendo restored to a state of at least moderate glory.
because i can't let go of my childhood


I forgot that game even released on gamecube


You have the worst taste.

Wasn't TP originally meant for it before they decided they needed to give the Wii a sought after launch title?
Deja vu...

I can't speak for others but for me, I hate handheld gaming and have made the mistake of buying both of the last 2 Nintendo consoles and watching nearly every great game get a 2DS/3DS exclusive release. If they actually hybrid and combine the two so I can sit at home and play all of the good Nintendo games on my TV, I'll buy. Otherwise, I'm done. Don't know how many out there like me though.

it's one of the worst platformers I've played. I guess if you like summer setpieces and graphics with a cheesy-as-fuck story you'd like it, but the slow FLUDD controls, lacklustre level design, and tedium of the whole thing left me disappointed. Only nu-Sup Forums faggots have been defending it lately.


I can only speak for myself, but they've still put out a lot of the best games of this gen. Pic extremely related.

Sunshine is good. There hasn't been a bad 3d Mario yet.

A crash will never happen. We don't have the same conditions that caused the crash. It was a matter of retailers refusing to stock games because they couldn't move the stock. So many games that were sent to the landfill because companies had churned out so many.

That isn't an issue anymore when they don't have physical space. Not selling consoles is a problem, but not nearly as big a one.

If this will just be a machine for NEO Nintendo games then yeah it will fail. Nintendo needs to start making quality shit again. I hoped Zelda botw would be a start. But seeing what they did to Pikmin I'm starting to think they won't change.

>But seeing what they did to Pikmin I'm starting to think they won't change.
the 3ds game looked like a fun little spinoff title to me

I'm pretty sure the Pikmin game is just going to be a harmless spinoff, Miyamoto won't let his pet series be reduced to that

I hope you anons are right with your optimism. I just hope this doesn't turn into Yoshis New island or the last Chibi Robo game.

the previous Pikmin games weren't particularly successful but Miyamoto continued the franchise anyway, so it's a pretty safe bet that whatever happens we'll get the promised Pikmin 4

>captain toad


Is Pikmin "4" user.

When one of their consoles does well though, they're swimming in money, since they're the developers, publishers, and owner of the console. Plus, unlike other console manufacturers, they don't sell each unit as a loss. Yes, you have times like these, where their potential is being held back, but honestly, from a business standpoint, that's actually a good thing, because this forces them to find alternative revenue sources, so they'll be making even more money when their company inevitably is in the black again. It's a risky proposition, but one that usually works well, given that they've been in the console business longer than any other company in history.


The development title for this game is Pikmin 3DS, and the development title for this one is Pikmin 3DS

What of them?

Nintendo is way too far gone at this point so no. I'm considering getting a Vita as my next handheld since it can finally be hacked now and I can also play all those PSP games I missed out on. I'm done with Nintendo and I say that as a lifelong fanboy.

Captain Toad has one of the greatest last levels in video game history (talking about that maze level). Never played Kirby

you have to be a complete retard to think the gamecube was successful

you have to be a complete moron to think anyone thought that the gamecube was successful. it went up against the PS2. That's not what they were arguing about. Learn to read

you know what bothers me?
I actually defended the Wii U for two years straight and the only games for it I cared about at all were Hyrule Warriors, Pikmin 3 and TW101. Everything else was pretty forgettable.

Games that appeal to people are what Nintendo needs, and they need to come out frequently.

Following that, Normie Appeal is always good.

- making sure that the latest AAA normiebait is available on your console at launch
- having dumb shit like cheevos and shit
- having party chats

>I like how he doesn't acknowledge PS Now and how badly it's doing

And how badly is it doing? I don't hear of people cancelling their subscriptions.

It's gonna be the Nintendo Shitcube v2

So the opposite of the Wii U? A truly shit console that everyone loves. Fuck the Gamecube.

I feel buyer's remorse and I don't even know anything about it yet.

>the wii and the ds, the two best selling systems ever short of the PS2, weren't good business decisions

Nintendo is flush with cash and has far and away the most valuable IPs in the industry. NX doesn't need to "save" Nintendo.

I hope it does well, but I'd be happy with another 4 years like the Wii U gave us. A ton of good games on that system.

>I'm considering getting a Vita as my next handheld