Objective facts

Bloodborne: 9.5/10
Dark Souls 3: 9/10
Dark Souls: 8.5/10
Dark Souls 2: 8/10
Demon's Souls 7.5/10

Other easy mode garbage games like Witcher 3: 6/10

Prove me wrong, oh wait, you can't.

Witcher 3: 9.5/10
Souls shit: 5/10

The souls games have good art direction and music but the game play is dreadful. The only reason that the game is hard is because you spend the entire time fighting the controls

>the game play is dreadful
>while giving Witcher 3 high marks


>Shitter 3 combat

kek, I fall asleep during Shitter 3 xD

Objective Fact: Super Mario Bros is a video game that came out in the 1980's. Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you CAN'T.

Bloodborne really is the best.

its ur opinion man, ur opinion aint fact


The Souls series is soulless

Objective fact:
My opinion > your opinion

Can't argue with this.

From-drones and souls babbies will deny it though.


First post best post.

good taste

>souls gameplay is shit
>witcher gameplay manages to be worse but since i'm a slav cock sucker . its the best game ever!
inb4 drone when DaS2 was so shit i didn't even buy das3

witcher 3 9.5/10

this is now a witcher waifu thread.
triss is ma waifu

Objective facts: OP is a faggot

It's so funny watching souls shitters get their ass fucked by bloodborne. I like to hang in yharnham and help noobs to watch them cry

>objective facts
>here's my personal opinion
I kinda afree with you OP, but you can't start a thread with this premise and pretend you aren't such a mongoloid

Notice how the Souls baby goes in full ironic shitposting defense mode

Correct except for DS2: 5/10

Why do you faggots try to force this Witcher/Souls rivalry? They're completely different kinds of games.

Witcher 3 - 10/10
BB - 9/10
DS - 9/10
DS2 - 8.5/10
DS3 - piece of shit

Dark Souls 3 was objectively the worst in the series though, somehow beating out base DS2.

I could tell you that its because Witcherfans overrate GOTY awards to high heavens for no reason
I could tell you that Bloodborne fans shitposted way too eagerly pre-release and post-release to hold any kind of legit discussion in open threads

But nah, I'll just say the facts

Sup Forums doesn't care about video games, Sup Forums cares about shitting on themselves, throwing it at the walls and then calling it "discussion"

>No Builds or Replay Value: Souls Edition
O im laffin

>has the """least""" replay value (even when DaS3 exists)
>suddenly means it has NO REPLAY VALUE WHATSOEVER
loving this meme

It has plenty of replay value, maybe there aren't more than two or three viable builds but the bosses and levels are fun enough to want to go back and play again. Can't say the same for DS3.

>B-b-but DS3!

BB is still worse, it needs DLC to even compare to vanilla DS3.

BB is fine, it's just the worst Souls game because it has the least equipment, builds, etc. and has the least replay value as a result.

DS2 is better than both, it has tons of viable builds, better PVP, more content and more equipment.

>DS2 is better than both, it has tons of viable builds, better PVP, more content and more equipment.
Ah I see, you're one of those retards who looks at the number of weapons, armors and spells and then says
>ahh yeh, depth and longevity!
Because as we all know, DaS2 had such brilliant content in the actual content department right?
Whats the fucking point in having 10 daggers and 15 longswords if 1 of them is vastly superior, and 90% of all the encounters and levels suck dick?

how many times are you going to quote yourself?

>soulsfags STILL didn't recover from this

>GOTY awards are fine when they support your argument
>GOTY awards are garbage when it's TLoU and Gone Home that are winning them


>dark souls 2 over demon's souls
oh my god kill yourself
ds2 is a 6/10 at max

>witcherfags STILL infinitely ass blasted from this

>The desperate damage control of the From-drone


>le bandwagon DS2 is bad XD meme
>le all swords is duh same XD meme
DS3 is the most linear game in the series by far, BB has little location variation, has the least content in general and laughable PVP. DS2's actual level layout is fine, it's the featureless stone corridors and rooms that offend. It's the textures and aesthetic choices, not the actual design.

Yes, a non-linear Souls game with tons of equipment that does indeed function differently is, in my opinion, better than a slightly stronger Souls game with far less replay value and diversity I'll only play once, maybe twice. I'll play DS2 again, can't say the same about DS3 until DLC comes.

only dark souls 2 is soulless.

BB weapons are better than Souls weapons and they are all their own build. BB is objectively the most varied game.

>second most awarded game

The Witcher 3 is first. Oh you poor skyrim babby.

>le ds3 is linear meme
yea cool you have 1000 places to go in ds2 but they are all rushed and shit

The only difference your builds in BB have is the weapon, armor is functionally identical and there's no equip load so your character plays identically every time.

>Objectively the most varied

never played witcher but you cant put 1000 porn mod in witcher right?

>people that enjoy the gameplay wont say the gameplay is bad

Yeah, I mean, thats kind of how it works.

>d-damage control!
>now I don't have to think of a rebuttal

>garbage games

yea it really sucks when you are used to skyrim and you dont read the tutorial messages

Again, the aesthetic choices were often questionable but the actual level design is fine.

DS3's linearity is what makes it the worst, sorry. The only variation you're going to get is doing Dancer and fucking around in Lothric early or choosing to do Aldritch or Yhorm first, that's fucking it. I have no motivation to play it again after beating it twice because poise is still fucked, straight swords still dominate and I'll be progressing through the game in the exact same way I have twice already. DS2, on the other hand, has more than one viable weapon type, heavy armor that isn't near-useless and I have plenty of sequence breaking and choices as to where to go at any given time.

DaS > BB > DeS = DaS3 >>> DaS2
Haven't played The Witcher 3. Tried to get in to 1, but the combat was ridiculously shitty. 2 is on my backlog and if I like it, I'll tackle 3.

>your character plays identically everytime
>implying that every character having the same dodge means the gameplay is identical

Are you actually retarded?

>Dark Souls 2: 8/10

Why do people hype these games so much.
I don't understand.

Bloodborne's gameplay, atmoshpere, story was 10/10 with an average of 7/10 for bosses, only because of the DLC

>the actual level design is fine.
not it's not fine it sucks you just get ganked by everything, it's not fun.
>inb4 you also get ganked in all souls games
they never had poise and high health like they do in ds2.
and the level connections don't make sense too, like ironkeep.

Yes, every time you play BB, your character moves, rolls, dodges, etc. in exactly the same way because there's no equip load and armor is all functionally near-identical. This is a step back in complexity.

>average of 7/10 for bosses
The bosses in Bloodborne were incredible, especially some of the unique chalice bosses. What are you talking about?

Objective truth incoming

The witcher 3: 10
Bloodborne: 10
Dark souls: 9.5
Dark souls 3: 8
Demon souls: 7.5
Dark souls 2: 5

So play Scholar of the First Sin?

Enemy placement really has nothing to do with the actual design and layout of the areas either.

>and the level connections don't make sense too, like ironkeep
That and the tower of flame being stupidly far away was about it. This also has little/nothing to do with the actual design of the individual areas, which is what I was talking about. Iron Keep is a well-designed area even if its placement in the overworld seems off.

>DS3 somehow the best
You're an idiot.

>all functionally near-identical
>doesn't even know the different defensive stats for the armor
>thinks DaS armor is solely about the weight
You know you can wear heavy armor and fast roll in the other games right? The difference and complexity that BB has over the other games is the weapon types and how fluidly you can switch between slow/quick stron/light etc not just in the middle of combat but in the actual middle of a combo.

If somehow you consider this to be a downside as opposed to a trade-off then I don't know what else to say, but the lack of weight difference doesn't automatically make it less complex when the combat/weapon system is so much more in-depth as well as the bullet/magic system.

I played both ds2s.Soft removed some ganks but also added different ganks so whatever.

Where is that 10/10 witcher 3 review from gamespot, OP? Here's your (you)

>demons souls worst
noosed rope.

BB = DaSI > DaSIII > DeS > DaSII

Prove me wrong

>Q-q-quality, not quantity!
Funny, DaS has both.

>If you somehow consider objectively less diversity to not be negative, than I don't know what else to say

I liked all of them, AND I liked Witcher 3.

>Whatcha gonnna do bout it?

Dark Souls 2 is a broken, awful, linear, ugly piece of shit.

DS: 9
DS2: 8
DS3: 9
BB: 9
I haven't played DeS.

BB > DeS =/= DaSI > DaSIII >>>>>>>>> DaSII

I dont even really play Bloodborne as much, not a fan of the aesthetic, prefer the others for that. Still recognize it as a better game, the DLC just took it further out of reach of Demon souls and dark souls.

Much of why people didnt love DeS as much as DaS imo is because people went back to try it after playing Dark Souls for the first time

I agree with this.

Lower all these scores by 5 and it start to look realistic

DS2 isn't even that bad when compared to DS3. Better PvP and the DLC bosses plus a couple from the base game were far better than the """"""""bosses""""""" from DS3.

Vanilla DS2 is absolutely fucking trash. It was only decent after the three expansions it got. DS3 is in another fucking league compared to the trainwreck that DS2 was.

I think their were good and bad bosses across the whole of the series, you can pick and choose which ones to support. What makes DaSIII better then two was the world building, im not talking about the linear path 2 chose, it felt disconnected from eachother, going from green place, to red place e.t.c

III did a better job of flowing the areas together, the enemies felt fair and varied instead of clumped and swarming and the pvp is great across the board in all titles.

I still miss/ dont miss the scraping spear.

I don't understand why idiots like you act surprised? Dark Souls 3 has better bosses, better music and better combat than both Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2, of course it is the best Dark Souls title.

DaS2 base game has garbage tier bosses, it needs 3 DLC packagas to be able to compete with BASE Dark Souls 3, which has 2 DLC's coming in the future.

Lets take a look at Dark Souls 3 bosses:

God Tier:
- Pontiff Sulyvahn
- The Nameless King
- The Twin Princes
- Soul of Cinder

Awesome Tier:
- Abyss Watchers
- Old Demon King
- Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
- Dancer of the Boreal Valley
- Oceiros, the Consumed King
- Champion Gundyr
- Dragonslayer Armour

Decent Tier:
- Iudex Gundyr
- Vordt of the Boreal Valley
- Crystal Sage

Gimmick Tier:
- Curse-rotted Greatwood
- Deacons of the Deep
- High Lord Wolnir
- Yhorm the Giant
- Ancient Wyvern

Garbage Tier: 0

The 2 future DLC will add more god tier and awesome tier bosses.

Stay mad and jelly, mate, I can name 10 garbage bosses from DaS2, but I still liked DaS2, so don't sweat it.

>objective facts
>game reviews are based on opinion

really makes you think...

witcher 3: 10/10
bb: 9/10
des: 8.5/10
ds2: 8/10
ds3: 7/10
ds1: 7/10

witcher 3 gets special bonus points because im a huge fan of the series, including the books.

DaS2 above 1 and 3, kys m8.

Yeah no that is some shit taste. Out of that entire list half of them are garbage tier and NK and maybe Pontiff are halfway decent. I would put Cinder up there too but it's pretty much a rehash of Gywn, but then again Pontiff is just a rehash of Fume Knight and most of DS3 is just a rehash of DS1. That is some shit taste user, truly.

yes, but also the worst multiplayer, and that's counting dark souls 2 with soul memory. You can't ignore the fact that half of the game's appeal, the multiplayer, was a poorly balanced piece of shit.


Bloodborne isn't part of the series, and I'd rate Dark Souls 2 above it. Also DS1 should be at the top.
Every time you see a tier list like this it has something wrong in it, and just posting ordered lists with a grade on them says nothing about the games and just causes a ton of similar replies and shitposting.

>muh invasions are not fair

git gud trash.

Do people honestly believe this?
Though mechanically speaking both games have the same spam same button to kill things, at least souls game punishes you for it. Whereas in witcher you just press the same buttons until everything is dead, ocassionally using a potion because it requires you to deal damage to specific enemies.

Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 have the best, fast and skill based combat out of all the games and the best boss fights and the best music, based on this alone they are superior to the other games.

>when someone puts ds2 above anything

>all these shitters putting BB above everything
Spot the Sony cockblowers who can't make an unbiased list.

>Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 have the best, fast and skill based combat
Skill isn't an adjective, and making the combat easier and faster didn't work to make the games better in any capacity. Bloodborne is more akin to shit like devil may cry than the struggle that are the souls games.

I don't care for Bloodborne that much, but sticking to one platform and optimizing for it was a good decision. I'm glad we're done with last gen consoles so PC games can look good again, but it will happen more and more as the current consoles get older.

>implying every other invasion being a gankfest is the only problem
try the rest on for size
>magic gutted to being as useless as it was in 1 when they were close to having it perfect (even if it did tend to be overpowered) in 2
>poise all but removed, PVP was all about dancing around each other until you landed a hit and got your free followup hit
>consequently, straight swords dominate (not helped by their xboxhueg hitboxes)
>blue covenants barely functioning

3's multi is shit unless you get a rock hard erection watching summons kill everything for you

>block shitter
>poise shitter

kek, cry more.

>second most awarded game in history
And which is the first, bethesdrone?

>block shitter
>poise shitter
What poise, what block? What version of bloodborne were you playing, lass?

People who dislike or criticize BB and DaS3 are 0 skill shitters who abused blocking and poise in older games, thinking they "got gud", no, you never got gud, you played easy mode, shitter.

Demon's Souls is the best in the series by a mile.

Demon's souls had an excellent aesthetic/atmosphere and IMO a soundtrack the series has yet to match but i will never understand how people can play it and seriously think it's not obviously dated and improved upon by the sequels in every other way

This I dont even like witcher but souls games are fucking neo/v/ garbage

Why do BBfags have to constantly declare their game as the greatest game of all time? It's like they have a compulsive need to be as obnoxious as possible about the one really good exclusive they have. It's seriously one of the worst fanbases on Sup Forums atm.