So basically, square enix were responsible for DXMD being a disappointment and eidos dindu nuffin. what does Sup Forums think about this?
So basically, square enix were responsible for DXMD being a disappointment and eidos dindu nuffin...
How is this a disappointment anyways?
it's not
>Thinking anyone cares what that fat fucking loser has to say.
OP is a literal faggot.
OP is a faggot
one hub
>all augs/human lives matter, they constanly force it throughout the game
>even more vents than in HR
>it's short
>terrible pacing
>sequel bait ending
>like 2 or 3 memorable characters
>terrible PC port
>awful animations
>DLC that was cut out from the main game
but the gameplay is pretty gud so I guess it balances out.
is jim sterling usually right with his sources?
would be really interesting if eidos is working on a mankind divided sequel since mid 2015
But they show the Augs lives matter groups in a severely bad light and if you do the Side quest its about the same length as HR.
The rest is completely legitimate though.
If they are, it's gonna be shit since the b-team was responsible for the abomination that was Th4ef
i don't even care man
i don't want to wait another five years for more deus ex
i also heard the sales of MD aren't very good so if they are not in mid development of the next title there probably won't be another deus ex in a long time
>i also heard the sales of MD aren't very good
source? I've only seen news that they aren't as good as HR
you got one thing wrong, DXMD wasn't a dissapointment
OP is a giant fag lord
blame a complete lack of marketing. Hell, I'm really big into the franchise and even I forgot it was coming out until a week before when the threads on Sup Forums started popping up more frequently as most games do close to release.
Yeah, me too, and on top of that the "augment your preorder" bullshit square tried to pull last year really left a bad taste in my mouth.
not even 300k copies on steam is pretty absymal
Can you call it a disappointment though, as everyone expected it to be exactly the garbage it is.
I'm not gonna watch this fat literal cuck's video. Someone summarize.
>Jim Sterling
Didn't even start the video. He could be able to cure cancer and I still would refuse to hear him talk, he's that much of a faggot. Kinda like OP.
that's what denuvo does
>augment your preorder
>obviously cut content retooled as dlc
100% accurate
Squeenix forced Eidos to implement them microtransactions a few weeks before launch and they forced them to create the breach mode because Squeenix thought people wouldn't stay with the game for long enough without something extra. They also pulled the b-team to work on MD too so they could push it out on the announced launch date of february but obviously that didn't go as planned.
You mean absolute lack of marketing. I would have had zero clue DX used denuvo unless I saw the threads for it. Never saw a single ad for the game.
Didn't Sterling say that the black chick in Detroit you can get information from was racist because of ebonics?
>have friend ask me what version of Human Revolution I have
>got the regular version a year or so ago but only just started playing it
>realize the regular version isn't even on steam anymore and I would have to fork over full price for the Director's Cut
Well fuck me.
It's half price if you own the original.
Am I supposed to know who this Jim Sterling is???
Yeah they apologized for it after HR came out. Fucling cucks.
It's a little disappointment and a great game nonetheless. Even on Sup Forums, the consensus is pretty positive.
Rage all you want, OP, I'm having fun :)
Is it? I'm assuming it's $19.99 on Steam normally and I'm not seeing any sort of price modifier in the checkout.
This is surprising to no one. Did you really think Eidos wanted to add pay to win Praxis kits and ammo?
Mostly it being short and not feeling like much happens in the grand scheme of things due to you never leaving Prague and the scale of the conflict being smaller.
How are people saying there was no marketing? Literally every day for the two weeks up to release, I saw commercials for it on ESPN.
I love this fucking game.
Square are shits but Eidos still did fantastic work.
>even more vents than in HR
>it's short
stop pretending that you've played it user
>DXMD being a disappointment
Is this some sort of a new meme? Because it's objectively better than HR in almost every way.
>all augs/human lives matter, they constanly force it throughout the game
And why do you think that is?
Do you even know the story of the game?
>What does Sup Forums think of this
Business as usual for Squenix at this point.
They really don't know what the fuck they're doing.
But hey, that's the case with pretty much every AAA publisher these days. I mean, if you can name one that isn't fucked up beyond belief, feel free to let me know.
Also, I wouldn't say DXMD was a disappointment (I really enjoyed it), just shorter than I would like. Still, I'd say it was worth my 60 shekels.
They don't even force it:
1) Many augs are assholes
2) In the game, the people's "racism" is portrayed in a emphasisable way: they feel like weak creatures having timebomb robocops for neighbours. I'd be scared too.
3) Adam doesn't really give a crap about the issue. He's as cynical towards aug movements as he was towards purity movements in HR.
I still can't get past the intro cutscene. Just freezes up.
Not even a crash, so their official support blocks me off because no crashlog.
For all the marketing that Squenix made about "AUG LIVES MATTER", it's more or less just a background detail.
And honestly, I prefer that. Even in our more controversial parts of history, it wasn't controversial 24/7. Life went on as usual with some radical exceptions here and there.
It's true. It's a common complaint that the level design is even more vent based so I'm not imagining things.
And it is shorter than both 1 and HR, plus it has less location variety. Granted Prague is nicely detailed but it's still only one hub.
you know guys, you all consider cucks like the worst of the worst right?, same with sjw and shit, then why the fuck do you like this fucking guy?, he is everything that you hate and more, I dont get you people
Sony is pretty okay as a publisher tbqh.
Give devs lots of freedom, fair funding and timelimits, and pursue weird and artsy shit as well as more normal things.
Their main problem is they've closed a few decent studios in the past few years and their laissez-faire management attitude has let absolute shit like The Order or Knack get made.
He was right tbqh but it was only because she was literally the only black character you talk to in Detroit
The optimization is really fucking bad. Game looks and runs worse on my R9 285 than HR did with 6950.
>all augs/human lives matter, they constanly force it throughout the game
>even more vents than in HR
>it's short
deus ex 1 takes 40 minutes if you rush it enough
>terrible pacing
>sequel bait ending
>like 2 or 3 memorable characters
>terrible PC port
>awful animations
not an argument
>DLC that was cut out from the main game
oh well
Director's Cut is worse anyway.
The DLC is forced into the main story and feels awkward, and some bugs that were fixed in HR return in the Director's Cut because incompetence.
The only thing it really does to improve the game is tone down the piss filter, but you can just get reshades to do that.
>one tiny hub
>barely any sidequests
>only 1 boss
>game ends with plot threads everywhere as sequel bait
How did it all go so wrong after HR went so right?
Just buy Nvidia, you dumb fag. AMD is shit, literally every game in existence runs like shit on their cards.
Because Squenix wanted to make the series like Mass Effect, so instead of having it end with MD, they divided MD into two.
Basically, the exact same thing that happened with Halo 2 back in the day.
but the hub isn't tiny
it's considerably more detailed than any hub in the previous games
there's a good amount of sidequests, any more would just be too much
>1 boss
>game ends with plot threads everywhere as sequel bait
it ties most things up nicely, the only things it doesn't are just sequel hooks
This. But can't speak on the pc port got it on ps4
>they divided MD into two
actually most games run perfectly fine if you just limit the tessellation slightly since a lot of games use it excessively
>1 boss
>Implying that's a bad thing
Deus Ex bosses have always sucked. I really don't get why people have such a massive hardon for wanting bosses in Deus Ex.
Deus Ex's greatest strength has always been its level design, and despite having more vents than I would like, it's pretty damn solid in MD.
It also tries to promote the "islam is a religion of peace" meme.
not arguments either
Why bother replying if you have zero counter-arguments dickweed?
NEVER reply to my posts EVER again unless you got something constructive to say.
AMD sells really cheap for second hand and I'm poor fuck. Serves me right, eh?
your arguments haven't got any effort put into them so I'm going to put zero effort into my counterarguments
also there's no point in expanding on those things since I can get the message across simply with one word
you dumb cunt
Has there been any word on the size of the missions included with the season pass? The idiotic shop items, like one time praxis kits, don't really count in my book, so those missions better be rather big and worth 30 eurobucks.
With Squeenix being involved with this, I kinda fear they'll put rather generous "value" tags on the included shop items and weapon packs, then go and say "lol the items are already worth at least 20€, so the missions will be small shit, worth 4-5€ a piece".
It'll probably be one of those palisade blades you see in prague
But it wasn't a disappointment, it was GOTY.
The whole segregation #auglivesmatter story of this game feels really stupid. Augs chose to be augs. Plus last game most of them were the elite of society or had the backing of the elite because the drug was meant to be really expensive. It just feels stupid that the guy with robot arms is the one living in the slums.
>Augs chose to be augs
Are you retarded by any chance?
I presented the arguments and you're supposed to prove me wrong. Simply answering "yes" or "no" or "so?" means you can't disprove my claims.
You sound really invested in this product.
Were you involved in its development, friend?
>Implying any game with microtransactions deserves to have GOTY
It's a good game though.
I could
but I can summarise with single words
brevity is key you nonce
Witcher 3 was GOTY despite microtransactions
Please don't even fucking try to pretend that you play this game.
>I could
Then do it?
>but I can summarise with single words
No, you can't.
That's the entire plot of the first game. Human augmentation. Humans deciding to get cyborg limbs and becoming better than unaugmented people. Yes there were "I didn't ask for this" characters like Jensen, but most wanted to get auged. That's why there's the whole humanity first organisation that opposes augmentation.
>I presented the arguments and you're supposed to prove me wrong
Okay. You are gay, can you prove me wrong, faggot?
>witcher 3
it doesn't
if anything Adam implies Jihadists are faithful muslims
>Rushed, was originally going to be episodic
>Cut content sold as DLC
>"Ending" is just a hint at another $60+DLC game we'll have to buy
>Cash shop, this is inexcusable
Nintendo is literally Hitler for leaving out some features in their Mario Maker port and censoring bikinis on 13 year old girls but THIS shit gets called GOTY?
Nice ad hominem
>caring if literal retards are founding the next single player campaign with completely irrelevant and ignorable purchases for a small multiplayer minigame included as an extra to the game
Just why
Witcher both was not GOTY because it's an interactive novel with Skyrim-tier combat and did not feature a cash shop.
>can't prove me wrong
So you are confirmed faggot then I guess.
One hub that is better than the ones from HR put together.
We see the efforts put into it. First time in Prague was great in the beginning of the game but Prague at night with the new unlocked zones was one of the best hub ever.
One really well done hub and missions that takes you around the world isn't bad. It doesn't break a game into separated "acts" with missable things and points of no return.
>Witcher both was not GOTY
800+ awards say otherwise
Dumb witcher fanboy.
>I never played HR or read any emails or books in MD
There are:
>Prostitutes forced to get shitty banger-tier augs by their pimps to appeal to specific clientele
>Poor ass office workers getting their home mortgaged to afford the latest neural augs to remain competitive in the job market then falling into poverty when they get let go after they can't afford the next generation of them
>People signing away their personal freedoms on loans from corps to get prosthetics after losing limbs in accidents
>Old people stuff with shitty defective gen 1 augs they can't safely remove and with a plethora of issues that were unknown of at the time
>Soldiers who were """"""politely asked"""""" to aug up by their governments then cut loose when trauma and hardware obselescence rendered them useless
>Children/babies getting signed up for neural or sensorial or social augs by their parents and given them before they can meaningfully consent to such invasive medical procedures, but who then grow up poor as fuck cause they can't afford the neuropozyne payments
>Admin or security staff getting pressured or outright forced via threats into augs intended to enhance their job performance and giving their employers a killswitch should they prove disloyal
I did prove you wrong, ad hominem is not a legit argument. How dumb are you?
>Witcher 3
Not once do I remember having the ability to buy an OP in game item or some XP with real money.
Unless you're talking about the 2 expansions to the game, which are not microtransactions. They're actual fucking expansions.
am i the only fucker having shitty UI problems? doesnt even show the proper sidequest marker on one quest for some reason, cant move the camera in the hacking screen (not sure if you even can), going through the menu i'm forced to use the keyboard if i want to read the item text
are they fixing this?
I suggest you look up the term microtransaction since you don't seem to know what it means.
>2 expansions to the game, which are not microtransactions
Go look at virtually any mobile game and tell me it's not designed around the presence of microtransactions. Because that's where we're headed with real, actual games if this shit catches on.
>You don't HAVE to buy it!
Sure, but that won't change the fact that future games could very well be designed just like mobile games to be balanced around the presence of microtransactions and offer an inferior experience to anyone not utilizing them. Publishers just want to make money like any other business, if they figure out that this mobile microtransaction crap will work with consoles and on PC in "real" games, they'll jump on it in a heartbeat. It's a huge part of why PC/mobile games are more profitable than console games at the moment.
Actual game design will suffer because they want you to make microtransactions. The game will be designed and balanced around the idea that you're making these microtransactions like most mobile games. It will no longer be a matter of "Well, you don't HAVE to buy it" because the games won't even be worth playing anymore at that point.
>playing on Give me a Challenge
>not even on MQ 5
>storage is already full
>have over 25 Biocells, Stimpacks, and Painkillers
>never out of crafting parts to make multitools to hack shit I can't hack myself
>can stack trashcans and vending machines like a motherfucking pro and reach almost anything out of reach
>went hacker/stealth augs, but want to do some killing
It has rushed port all over it, even some of the tips show console icons.
>ad hominem
Where? Stating that someone is gay isn't an insult.
AKA people who all agreed to become augmented and all had the money to be augmented
It is on internet.