Hey Sup Forums, you got any video games?

Hey Sup Forums, you got any video games?

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>Invader Zim got cancelled because Soccer moms got scarred and complained to nick

Why was Nickelodeon the worst cartoon channel in history pre-2007 CN?

Jhenon wanted Dib to die anyway. But Nickelodeon wanted to keep him for the rest of series

I recently rewatched Bad, Bad, Rubber Piggy
It's actually kind of brutal for a kid's show
it's great

Nickelodeon cancelled Invader Zim because producing one episode cost a fuckload of money and they weren't getting enough views to keep it alive.

I always thought that episode was kind of fucked up

That isn't true. You had more video games than Sup Forums could handle.

I liked that episode where they fought with some robots in dib's body or some shit.


Nick was the fucking best until they run out of series.
after avatar/kappa mickey they pretty much run out of quality, unlease you like zoey 101 or things like that.

Zim was their last genuinelly good comedic series.


>Worst Cartoon channel

Nigga what? Spongebob ruined their groove because they invested all their eggs in one basket, but the channel was amazing for cartoons in it's prime. Fuck everything on cartoon network today though, everything feels way too similar.

How do you fuck up Powerpuff Girls? Literally how? You turn it into another Steven Universe.

>Instead of being Tyke Supergirls they are now able to be beaten easier than ever and have to rely on Green Lantern Powers to actually be formidable
>Bellum removed because "Hurr Sexism"
>They are more stereotypical than they ever were during the Craig McCracken era
>Internet Meme Shit shoehorned in

This generation sucks.

>You turn it into another Steven Universe.
whats that even supposed to mean?

PPG was trying to be the next TTG or something, a cheap cartoon with popular faces that can get infinite episodes and people will still watch it.

I liked that one too

and the planet jackers

That was fairly early and got blocked by Nick.

After that they planned to keep him alive forever. With the final movie Invader Dib concluding the story.

>That episode where Zim Subjects Dib to a false simulation of the rest of his life where he waits till the very end to ask him if he threw a muffin at his head.

They all look the same is what I'm getting at.

>that episode where the planets align and the paranormal hunter hunts down that fake vampire and zim inflates like a fucking balloon

>Dib invades the Irk Empire
>Gaz teams up with Zim to get her brother back
>Zim and Gaz beat Dib and Zim becomes the new Irk leader with Zak being his second in command

Could have been a good movie and a decent conclusion

>eliminates the height Heirarchy
>Invader Skoodge becomes The Shortest

Zim rules as the Allmighy Shortest there.

Skoodge was taller than Zim.

The show wasn't nearly as bad as some of the other things the creator did.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_the_Homicidal_Maniac (it's a good read too)

>when the speedrun challenge nerds started to sing the doom song

>Danny Phantom gets a new series
>Hey Arnold gets a new movie
>Zim gets a comic only

>Hey Arnold gets a new movie

Yeah. By the original creators. Direct sequel.
Most of the original VAs also come back

They're finally making the Jungle Movie.

I didn't really like the episodes that weren't focused on Zim
fuck all the other kids

>Rocko's Modern Life is getting revived with an one hour long special

Not really my kind of show but whatever.

>you will never be able to relive the good ol' days of genuinely decent western cartoons ever again

Squee and I feel Sick are better

Garbage day is a very dangerous day

Dont forget Rocko getting a one-hour episode soon

The feelings I have towards the Samurai Jack new season are complicated.

On one hand, all the concept art looks great and I'm glad we're finally getting more

On the other hand, it's confirmed that there WILL be blood now, which just feels weird. I understand that there was no blood in the original because (lolkidsshow but after four seasons I just feel that the bloodless aesthic has been so ingrained it feels...weird to imagine Jack cutting down down his enemies and large fountains of blood spurting out, instead of oil or just clean bloodless killing.

I want to fug her

I got all the top scores user

It got cancelled because it was expensive as fuck and Jhonen made a bunch of questionable production choices.

You know how in the Room with a Moose episode Zim shoots a bunch of CGI walnuts into the room with a moose? Those walnuts somehow took up THEIR ENTIRE ALLOTTED CGI BUDGET FOR THE SEASON.

Don't we all tho

Despite that Nick wanted to revive the show some time ago but Jhonen declined the offer because the budget offer from Nick wasn't high enough for him.

So now everyone gets a comic instead.

Jhonen's back at Nickelodeon. He made this recently.


Reminder that Frankie was modeled after Lauren Faust.

>Rugrats got videogames
>Spongebob got them

Which Nico toon deserves some games as well?

Gumball is OK.

Invader Zim was leddit the show before dick and morty took that title

Wrong. It was Hot Topic the Show

wtf does that even mean?

MLAATR and Danny Phantom

Buzzwords for "I don't like thing".

Didnt Sup Forums destroyed Jhonen when he show up in there?

>Sup Forums - Invader Zim

Carry on.


Anyone who shows up on Sup Forums gets destroyed if they don't have a mind like a clear mirror and still water.

Le wacky so randum humor XD that is so sophisticated in its own way

>background characters are all animated with a unique artstyle
>main characters are calarts


pretty sure i missed that scene, it was censored later?

Would Gaz be considered the perfect waifu for Sup Forums?

Calarts was a mistake.

There's a comic book out and it has quite a few issues so far


I am surprised nobody has posted DoubleD Gaz yet.

Guess Sup Forums isn't here yet.

Makes sense I'd still fuck either one of them

They were all kind of fucked up. The one that always bothered me as a kid was the one where Zim goes around stealing everyone's organs and replacing them with miscellaneous objects.

Best thing about the show is Manyakis porn of it.

Rocko's Modern Life and Ren and Stimpy were way dirtier than Invader Zim.

Don't get why parents were complaining...Especially when Courage the Cowardly Dog was way scarier as a kid compared to Invader Zim.

Invader Zim was the first meme show in my area. The hot topic crowd ate that shit up.

The hot topic crowd didn't eat it up until it was already or nearly canceled. We would have got more episodes if all the fucks who claimed to love it actually watched it.

Speaking of PPG, can we take a moment of how life fucked Craig MCCracken?

>constanly screwed by networks(see PPG and WOY)
>PPG got digged up and raped in front of him
>lost the two children due Lauren's miscarriage
>his wife projects will never come true

You know what I'm really salty about being cancelled forever

Invader Zim was just a meh show. It's beats Rocket Power I guess. Not that that is a hard thing to do.

>that episode when zim stole the kids organs

wtf i hate frankie now

Megas is just about to start on the toonami aftermath (dot com) stream.

Look it up.

In fact, I think they are going to bring Hey Arnold back along with a few other old nick toons. The redesigns of Hey Arnold look faithful to the original.

Hey Arnold is like the only show where I like all the secondary characters. They just feel relateable somehow... or maybe it's because of their color scheme idk

thanks mayn

They are comfy and easy to draw.

Well at least the humor is pretty good sometimes.

This episode scarred me for life.

I need to rewatched that one. I've forgotten about it.

Except Iggy. That character can go fuck himself.

50 years later and people will still be mad about THAT one episode

I fucking hated that episode as a kid. It was awful and unfair. Looking back at it 16+ years later, I still feel the same way. I don't know what they were thinking or how they fucked up so badly with that episode.

Dude it was so bad the creator himself apologized to the fans and made sure Iggy would never appear again

that episode was so out of character and with a message so fucked up... what was even intended to teach you?

Well, as a main character anyway. Iggy had a much more minor role after that episode aired.

It was just bad.

Everyone who watched it felt bad after it and there was nothing to learn from it.

Daily reminder that Nick wouldn't allow a blood covered GIR in one of the episodes so Jhonen snuck it in single frames of a bunch of episodes

Dated as fuck, everything about it screams 90s.


From what i remember it was ketchup but they didn't like it because it looked like blood.

Oh gosh, is this an Arnold Thread now? I just love this topic ever so much!

Arnold dun fucked up for cucking himself

ow, that fucking edge

It's literally called bloody gir

>I'm sorry Lila.
>I ate the last can of beans for lunch...

>Daily reminder that Nick wouldn't allow a blood covered GIR in one of the episodes so Jhonen snuck it in single frames of a bunch of episodes
It's true.

That nigga was a fucking savage.

There's a reason you have your containment board, fucking faggot.

what exactly was wrong with it
I have faint memories of hey arnold

You're such a bitch.

I want to believe this is true

How's the Zim comic doing?


Fuck Sid and Stinky though.