
Shantae Thread: Inevitable Delay Edition

How much longer must we wait bros?

Also if anyone has links to the new Rave in the Grave!! pages that would be nice

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Shantae is consistently good, so I'm not too worried about the delay, although I'm a little bummed out by it. Also, there's new pages of Rave in the Grave? Man, I just fapped.

Btw, the answer to "how long must we wait?" is somewhere around 42 days, so some time in November at the earliest.

I already got two e-mails about the delays. First to October and now to November.

Let them take as long as they need, son.

>Bolo, Bird girl, Rotty, and even the Shantae reskins won't be available at launch
I'm sort of disappointed.

>No ingame material
>last gen poorfags getting the shaft
>Soon™ again

That was a lame update.

Has there been more past Shantae straddling the tentacle? I haven't been keeping up.

There's 3 more pages that aren't in the gallery on the Patreon. I want access to those.

Why not just gibe money?

I'll wait at most a few more days and do that probably, I guess they deserve it for how high quality it is.

Hi Kep

Because someone will have them out eventually. The one guy who's been updating the gallery on e-hentai said he only stopped because his computer died or something.

I think that was why he didn't update it for a month a while ago, when there was suddenly like 9 more pages out of nowhere on the gallery. Don't know what the hold up is now.


How much do I have to give to get access to the pages?

$2 per update I think.

I'm neither of em and honestly I wouldn't patreon them given how goddamn slow they work but the comic is quite good. HGH will come out before the comic I bet. Weird.

Bad art. Need loomis.

That pic also needs Loomis


Does this mean $2 for every page that's out already or $2 for every future update they release?

I want to welcome this refugee.

Future updates.

Anyone have that skin tone chart?



>game is 100% complete sans bugfixing
>no new screens/art in the update


The game has gone off to the ratings board this week, so we'll at least know if there's any questionable content. I wonder if that means that if submitted artwork causes the rating to go up I worry mine might slightly rise it that they'll have us do over the artwork to ...sanitize it.

unless you straight up drew porn I'm sure it won't throw off the rating

it'll most likely be E10, as always

How does Shantae afford all those gold accessories?

Certainly not from sales.

she bought those instead of a bathtub

By killing monsters.

No wonder she's always so dirty and brown

She has the ocean right in front her door.

Birds poop in that ocean


that's where mermaids pee user

She bought them with gems in the GBC game. Most of them are Fighter's Gear.

I can't explain how pissed I got when I found out this was delayed. Half Genie Hero and Nioh and maybe FFXV are the only games I want this year.

>He doesn't want the new Specter Knight update to Shovel Knight

For shame

>this year

>ywn own a Risky daki

Let me believe

Good because I'd rather have the Rotty one

I actually just want them to make another fucking game already.


I wonder how bad the timeframes between HGH's expansions will be.

Soon-ish of course.

This is the new Scuttle town theme apparently, just found it on youtube. When did they reveal this?

it's in the demo files, among other things


>HGH delayed
>Yooka-Laylee delayed
>No word on Cuphead since e3, will probably get delayed too

Why must this year be such suffering?

Let's be honest, it should have been expected that Yooka-Laylee was gonna get delayed. Way too short of a time table for game dev they gave on Kickstarter

At least outside of bugs, HGH is complete, aside from the other playable characters anyway. Speaking of kickstarter games, I keep getting "CALLE" as part of my captcha, so I wonder if that mean something.


whats with this year? all the games i want end up delayed or shit

the only worthwhile game i got is an import this is a real bullshit year

if its complete why we have to wait 2 months for this?

they even delayed pirates curse physical edition which is such bullshit seeing the game IS finished

Bug fixing, translations and ratings approval.

Just read the update you lazy fuck.

It's complete in terms of "every level, enemy, NPC, line of text, power-up, etc. is implemented". They still need/want to polish and bugfix it for a bit before sending it to first parties.

At least 2017 is looking pretty solid for games. And really fucking expensive too.

Hell, reading the update, he should have read my post, I mentioned bugs in it for fucks sake.


