Is the Pokemon Go fad over?

Is the Pokemon Go fad over?

pretty sure only weeboos a le nerdy gamers XD are playing it

No but it's definitely losing momentum

sheeple fucking obliterated

Normie think it's cool to go with the trend but not actually enjoy playing it themself.

>too much pride to download a 3rd party app

I've seen so many rare pokemon in silhouettes but missed the opportunity to get them because I didn't discover them legit.

Then I just think about how 90% of the player base cheats, even my friends, to "catch 'em all".

I'm losing my will to play.

I haven't caught anything in over a week. But, then I haven't been out of the house, aside from to pick up messages and go to the gym, for over a week.

what is that image even saying?

pikachu has fun when you look at your phone?

Maybe if it was a mini japanese business man riding him it'd make sense, it's not like pikachu makes money off the game


it will die faster than that thing with the barbarian dude, pokemon go its about the obsession while barbarian dude is about being adict.

it will not die though, pokemon fans are weird.

it means you are an adict and have lost control of your life.

phone users in general like to pretend they are better than others because they dont use the phone as much as them.

De verdad que te hace pensar.

it's been dead for a few weeks now
some of the bigger autists are still playing it but most of the normies have moved on

woa....... rly mk mi fink

that picture is so trite and overplayed. someone in middle school might find it deep.

I like to do that but I'd never advertise that I feel that way.

What cheat apps do they have nowadays?

build the fucking wall

So a lot of people.

Haven't actually gone out and played it in awhile. I'll open it up every now and then and see if there is anything cool nearby but that's about it.

yes everyone hates it now. abandon ship

anta baka?

Yeah, it's actually funny that people thought this kind of shit would last for years, it's one of the most shallow games I ever saw

>mfw the stupid fucking jocks at my school who play football are pretending to play and like Pokemon because of Go to attract the quiet shy girls in school.

It pisses me off to no end and the stupid cunts go along with it and date them.

>asking Sup Forums for popular consensus

Whoa...really makes you think...

I've got some bad news for you about life kid

Yeah, those ungrateful women always go for the asshole instead of nice guys like us
*nods respectfully*

>being this buttblasted

is the other way pal

It would have lasted longer if there was any actual gameplay. It could have been genuinely good if they had actual battling, and fighting wild Pokémon to train rather than stuffing a million Pidgeys into a grinder.

If it were a game, maybe it would last some time.

But throwing balls on randomly generated 3d monsters gets tiring after some time.

There's a difference between casual and braindead.

lol faggot

I love images that make me think...

They would have dated them anyway m8

I know, why don't they go out with us, the SUPREME GENTLEMEN.

Dying faster than League of Legends, so yeah pretty much over

Look at these cumdumpsters banding along to bully a beta male, its like watching discovery channel.

Rip Stu's VA

>assuming they're pretending to sabotage your chances with women
>mfw they actually enjoy playing
>mfw they get the girls
>mfw they don't even know who you are

Pretty much. It was very short lived, and was always going to be, but they fucked the game up by messing with the way tracking worked, then on top of that, removing the ability to use third party websites to track pokemon, making finding pokemon entirely random, and then they made pokestops give less, and made catching pokemon harder to encourage spending more money. That's when pretty much everyone I know quit.

Local hotspot in my town went from having 4-5 dozen people there at any given time to less than 10. There's just no one there, even mid-day on a saturday. It's just empty.

bluesacks just when i tried playing it, it glitched and showed that i was walking on water.

maybe to some people but i went out and saw people still playing it. i keep on seeing the same pokemon so i kind of gave up,.

i feel actually kinda sad about senpai not noticing me. thanks a lot girls my 15-20 years were so much fun coz of you. :(

redpill me on getting laid weekly, is there still hope? i just wanna make bros proud by being a fucking, working, normal average man who knows his shit about vidya.

And this is why mentally disabled children go on killing sprees. You're not helping retards.

>mfw video games are the new capeshit to look nerdy and cool

>giving harsh criticism and offering a different perpective/opinion isn't helping
>mfw shooting sprees happen because people don't beat their kids and spoil them to the point they feel like the world owes them everything


I thought it was but I was in Long Beach, CA a couple weeks ago at the aquarium on a friday night and there were a shitload of people playing pokemon go in and around the aquarium. We were on the second floor outside and we could look down toward the marina and see groups of people occasionally running with phones in their hands.

I keep having dreams gen 2 and e pokemon appear on my radar.

They'll go out with them for a couple of weeks then dump them. At that point is your chance to go in and pick them up.

>waaah no bully in my safespace Sup Forums is all about we anonz brothers ;__;

grow a pair faggot

It's pretty dead right now and there's lots of cheaters
But my guess is it will gain players back when they release new pokemons and trade/battle modes

Underage as fuck post you supreme gentlefaggot.

>still being in high school
Jesus you all are young fuckers

I just started playing it yesterday, it's fun

Wow, back in high school in the mid 00's, the jocks hated all video games. They hated the internet, books, most TV except family guy and turbo-normie stuff. Everything artistic was "gay" except gangster rap music and jesus

Having to imitate their primitive behaviour for 4 years was a horrid experience. I couldn't wait to get home and get on the internet so I could get in touch with smarter people and European friends.

And then comes this faggot haha.


It is here in Norway. No one plays anymore

I'm on android galaxy phone. I have a gps altering app but have no desire to cheat for anything BUT getting to a Mewtwo event I hear Japan is going to do. Can I pull it off without getting banned or is it too risky/ I need something else?

>mfw I'm not an ameritard so shit like school shootings don't happen in my country

I hope he beat the Virginia Tech record, I love this kind of sore loser's extreme acts

>keyboard has too many buttens
>PC is carp
>wood like to see it on wiiU
>mfw this is what console cucks actually believe

In your area, maybe.