Did he REALLY do anything wrong?

Did he REALLY do anything wrong?

I was around 16 in those days, and spent some time with the SNES game, the real problem with bubsy at least in videogames was

Was what user? You can't leave us hanging like that!

When will this "do anything wrong" meme die?

Does anyone find it funny? No
Does it create any kind of discussion? No
Does it suck? Yes

When people stop getting triggered by them.

>When will this "do anything wrong" meme die?
What did he mean by this?

tbqfh, I'm just continually copying contents of long, shitty threads and reposting them with a Bubsy picture as a method of shitposting. I've been doing it for a couple of weeks now and I'm still finding it surprisingly entertaining.

Well kudos to this meme for triggering me. Doesn't change the fact that it's pointless and dumb

now that the dust has settled...

I don't know, pawsibly

Why not use the filter? It exists for shit like this.

I'm surprised no-one posted it yet.

I loved Bubsy as a kid and didn't find out until much later that it was considered to be pretty shitty

I hate you all..

Hey! I've this game!

What went wrong?

Okay, now I will seriously uninstall Sup Forums
Godbye losers

Why is this allowed?

All he did was try to be an anthropomorphic platformer mascot character and get some retail from Sonic and Mario, which is what the rage was back in the 90's (Old Bubsy magazine ads even had "What's a hedgehog?" as their buzz line). Unlike memers would have you believe, the 16-bit games weren't really terrible, but they also didn't do much to stand out from all the other platformers at the time. The series would have quietly been forgotten and gone the way of Aero the Acrobat and Alfred Chicken if it weren't for the notoriously terrible Bubsy 3D, which sealed his fate as a joke video game character for all eternity.

>implying you will ever leave

What's the Sup Forumseredict?

Yeah, it was mediocre. Not mediocre like a game you can always return like Aero the Acrobat but mediocre that will enrage you in 15 minutes playing.

No, the first one is pretty fucking bad, with some fucking crazy gameplay decisions like one-hit kills and falling deaths, purposeless collecting and fucking weird level design. There's a hack of Sonic 2 featuring Bubsy which demonstrates just how retarded the gameplay mechanics were. It's a shame because the game is pretty technically impressive, all things considered. The gameplay just sucks.

Just installed Sup Forums, what am I in for?

Pain, salt and stale memes forever.

First one is mediocre
Second is ok
3D is....well....

What could possibly go wrong?

not videogames

Bubsy the Bobcat