Best Smash Bros game ever right?

Best Smash Bros game ever right?


I unironically had more fun with Brawl than with Melee; Melee starts to hurt my hands as anyone I play with in Melee takes it so seriously that it becomes less fun over time.

if we speak about singleplayer content, it's the best smash game.
then we get smash 4 for local and online multiplayer and melee for tourneyfagging

Only with a 2gb SD card.


Because it's the most mod friendly. I heard Sm4sh can be modded too but it has some catching up to do.

>Not just using homebrew forwarder

No i honestly think brawl is the best Smash Bros game.

In a way, it really is. It's the most complete game of them all.

"""Competitive"""" Super Smash Brothers was a huge mistake. How the fuck was that allowed to happen in the first place? Who let these autists out of their group homes?

I don't care about '''''''competive''''''' Smash, but tripping was fucking stupid.

>slow as shit
>no techs
>shit stages
>shit music
>clones out the ass
>shitty gritty dark graphics
>all of SSE

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Brawl and Tr4sh babbies need to step aside and let a real mans game flourish like how it has for 15 years.

I do too. I'll go a step further and say I like playing with the sideways wiimote just for the d-pad. Great single-player, fun at parties for a round or three.

For casual play, yes. I cannot tell you how much fun I had getting a bunch of friends around and play brawl all night long during middle and high school. Maybe it's the fact that we've gotten older, but Smash 4 doesn't do the same. We got tired of it so much faster.

Theres a reason I dont play fightan games as much as I used to anymore and thats niggers. Fags like OP and LTG ruin vidya.

Smash 4 doesn't quite hit the right levels of chaotic, it's either too much or not enough. The items and stage hazards needed to be balanced better. Also flowchart braindead auto-combos that everyone and their grandmother can pull off gets old fast, and shields are just a bit too quick and safe, slowing down the craziness.

But I do think getting older has a lot to do with it as well.

>shit music
I think Brawl is the worst smash game, but don't lie.

Brawl is shit in competetive Play
However Smash Bros. as a whole was meint to be more of a Party Game or Casual Fighter Kind of like Mario Kart. In this regard Brawl is pretty good because of it's diverse Controller inputs, slower Casual Player friendly Gameplay and the many Items.

Tripping was still a mistake tho

>snake will never get back in smash

It hurts

It's clear Sakurai wouldn't want to remove him but Konami probably wouldn't let him for whatever reason

Even in casual play Meta Knight was completely overpowered


Wolf was by far the best in casual play.

Reflectors were top tier in a game with items because it gave you a chance to negate it.

It's actually Pit. Fucker would always get the smash ball, had great recovery, and two reflectors (mirror shield, HAYAYAYAAAAAAA)
