>Adept DB vs Nargacuga
Is there no greater feel?
Monster Hunter Thread
>Adept DB vs Nargacuga
Is there no greater feel?
Monster Hunter Thread
>expect the urgent quest to get to HR7 be really hard
>it's a fucking Seregios
Should've at least made it a Rajang or something
>tfw you spent $50 on Generations
Feel free to hide this reply to a post in the previous Monhun thread, as I am merely continuing an argument because, emotionally, I do not feel satisfied in having typed out a post and having the thread 404 on me right before I post it.
Because, currently, there is an imbalance in the selection of skills you currently have. The end result being that the only skills anyone wants are those that result in killing the thing faster.
Yes, that's a major fucking issue of game design. Maybe it won't bother someone like you, who always clownsuits for the exact same shit, or as close as possible to the exact same shit, but it'll certainly bother the people MAKING the game, that they put so much effort into adding new skills and new armours and nobody fucking wears them for their skills at all, just to look pretty. Especially since that violates the core design philosophy behind the game, that being restriction.
If you want to look good, you should be restricted in how powerful you can get.
If you want to be powerful, you should be restricted in how good you can look.
It's possible to balance the two, but it takes effort and understanding.
Just because they're making your choices easier for you doesn't mean they're making a better game.
>hyper blonganga
>hyper shogun
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
>Trying to solo a Silverwind
>With GS
I feel rused. It just kept hopping away and shooting Demon Fangs at me
Is there any green palico armor and/or hood palico headgear? I want my cat to cosplay Dr Victor Von Doom
I guess Seltas more or less works for the body, maybe?
>make Dreadqueen set cause it looks rad
>garbage skills
>never use it
fashion isn't as good as you think it is.
Monster Hunter definitely needs to be redesigned on so many levels and Armor and skills are one of them. I'd much rather armor pieces be defined by some other trait like a single inherent skill for wearing all pieces or elemental defense, and upgrading armor could just add slots and more defense - up to 5 slots per armor piece.
Outside of a badly needed redesign, the least they could do is add vanity equipment slots so you can have clown skills under a fashion facade.
>Farming precious super-rare gems just so you can get an extra +10 defense on your armor parts
I mean yeah I really want to do this with items that have a drop rate less than 5% just so I can upgrade that final level for my armor, fuck.
This is forced grinding.
>garbage skills
I'm not sure if you are for real or just messing around now
What is the shittiest deviant armor set and why is it Crystalbeard?
Dreadking is a better status set than Dreadqueen.
Dreadking's Attack up Large mitigates the loss of attack power for choosing a status weapon, HG Earplugs and Wind Resistance Hi means you practically never have to stop attacking which lands more hits for more status triggering hits than Dreadqueen anyway.
Dreadqueen is focused specifically on status and it's not even better at doing status compared to Dreadking.
Confirmed for shitter
>Dreadqueen is focused specifically on status and it's not even better at doing status compared to Dreadking.
You are retarded
ITT dumb faggots
derring or marauder armor and gore hat maybe?
Different user. But I hardly ever clownsuit.
But I'd love to have Dreadkings skills on the Masters set since I really dig how it looks. Why is that so bad?
And frankly, isn't t better to have vanity since that would make people hunt more for the armor that they want to look like? And adding more game time is what the MH devs want?
The shinobi armor has the same skills and its more flexible for an extra skill, so yeh, dreadqueen is garbo
I can't stand randoms that use aerial style and never mount. If you're going to use it, fucking own it. Keep the monster on the ground or use something else.
What's the best style for LS? Adept seems fun
>Status +11, Chain Crit +10, Crit Status +10, 4 single slots
>Crit Status +10, Expert +15, Status +15, Wide-Range +10
Adept loses the roundslash so you can only increase your gauge through adept dodging, I wasn't really a fan
Tried it out, it wasn't so bad
And you only do 3 slashes to get the final cut instead of 4-5
Handy for fast, aggressive monsters
>tfw you spent $4 on Generations
wide range has been nerfed to being as useless as tracker and you know it
>Mfw my Expert +10 OOO charm on that thing
There's no way that small Japanese women is going to eat all those burgs
You are still missing 15 whole points on expert and you have to spend your 4 precious slots getting Status to +15. Chain Crit is also mediocre
I don't get it
I hate Rathian as much as you do, farming her is a pain, but just because you gave up on finishing your set, doesn't mean it's bad
And yet she did. She has a youtube channel full of videos of her eating obscene amounts of food. Can't remember what it is but /ck/ can steer you in the right direction.
What monster wud u fugg??
I watch as Zinogre get's pounded by Mizu, because fuck getting ripped apart by monsters during breeding season
If I were to post a Super Sand Rajang farming room, would you guys join in and experience the hot dickings together? It'll be fun like the good ol' 4 U.
39-4192-9194-2435, pw: 7243
>hit once to get more than ce2
>hit more to get ce3
Chain Crit is pretty good on DB and SnS. It's better than CE+2, and can stack with CE
Super Sayan Rajan is too easy in its current state, it has too much room for error; it doesnt do triple blanka rolls and his beam doesnt one hit kills
>his beam doesnt one hit kills
Wow, you mean I won't instacart again because he lead me with his beam and shot it just far enough ahead of me to murder me after my dive ends?