Why are Sony and Microsoft in panic mode and suddenly releasing updated versions of their consoles?

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It isn't a panic over Nintendo, it's a cashgrab at the 4K and VR hype.

They know Nintendo has a huge influence on the market

Calculated effort to remove Nintendo from the industry. Best bet to kick someone while they're down

I don't think their updated versions have anything to do with the NX.
They've been looking at Apple and taking notes. They now know that people with disposable income will buy the newest thing, even if there's only a couple of years between iterations.

>PS4 one of the best selling consoles ever
>panic mode

Nintenyearolds everyone.

Yes just look at those WiiUs collecting dust in the shelves

It's a cashgrab, just like New 3DS models, but those models are actually worth it if you didn't buy a vanilla model. If the rumours of PS4 Neo price are true, don't even bother

It's just a better business model

Why start from scratch every 7 years when you can keep your momentum and still release new hardware every 3 years

They know it's game over for them if Nintendo gets another hit console.

Yeah, look at Sony's declining sales and profits.

I'm guessing you haven't been playing games very long have you?
Remember the PS2 slim, or how about the Xbox slim?
Remember when Sony removed backwards compatibility from the PS3?
There was a wii mini released by nintendo not to mention the thousand versions of the ds (dsi dslite dsfat).
And what about the gameboy to the gameboy color?
gameboy advanced to the gameboy SP then to the gameboy micro.
Or theres that time sony released the PSP slim, PSP go.

This is nothing new and is to be expected from consoles halfway through their life cycle.

Maybe you should look up the meaning of declining you retard.


Super Mario Bros will pioneer the venture into newfound land inside the gaming community. Just you watch.

You think that's pathetic. We've been given word that Sony is waiting to officially reveal Neo price and date after Nintendo unveils the NX so they can pull another Xbone fiasco. Sony is the shittiest video game company out there and I can't wait for them to fucking die.

first post is always right.
console VR is shit, while normal VR is already just BARELY making it with the HTC VIVE,

oculus is dead before arrival
psVR is just a joke at this point
Microsoft is just meme tier with upscaled res.

PC is the only way to go if you want real shit, and even then PC is barely scraping by.

Sony and M$ have been getting complaints about the fucking PS4 and Xbone being underpowered as fuck from every dev shitting out sub-30FPS/sub-1080p games and felt the need to release stronger consoles
But hey, nice try thinking Nintendo is more relevant than they actually are

>panic mode
>PS4 on pace to be the top selling console ever.

Nintendo actually appears to be the company in panic mode. There is a reason they keep releasing consoles that are nothing but gimmicks. The NX appears to be more of the same. Also Microsoft basically said the age of gens are over. They basically said Sony won and now they will start this whole new no gen shit. So every few years both Sony and Microsoft will release slightly more iiryyiim consoles.

I can't wait for nintendo to die

It's what happens every single time. And when Sony and M$ show their shit Nintendo goes full damage control when they see their new "next gen" console is the least powerful of all.

>another Xbone fiasco
What, Sony going out on stage and saying "We won't shut down every fucking fan game on the internet we see"

>xbox slim

Now THAT I don't remember. Did you mean 360?

>it's a cashgrab at the 4K and VR hype.

I don't get this, neither of those things are really viable right now. How many normies even own 4K TV's, and how many are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on VR let alone going through the process of setting it up?

Because the big strength of consoles is that for seven years you have set hardware that will play every game made and consumers only have one $400-$500 console to buy every seven years. If you update it every three years then suddenly you'll have consoles become obsolete faster, have to tool a game for two or more hardware permutations, and consumers have to fork out $400-$500 every three years instead of of every seven.

That makes it sound a lot like PC gaming which is failing specifically because people don't want to worry about compatability problems, paying $300 a year to stay in the tech loop (or buying an $800-$1000 machine to avoid the loop for a few years), or the shit PC ports that now litter the PC gaming scene.

PS move
Vita back touch
Vita TV

This is the first time a more powerful home console has been released mid-generation, if you don't count add-ons like 32X

Slim models were not more powerful

>main console

Wew lad.

>every single time
wew lad

the PS4 has motion controls, a light bar, a touchpad, and share button. I guess those don't count.

does sony even have fangames?
does sony even have games to make fangames of?

The NX was announced forever and a year ago.
And Microsoft just released their gen.5 console so now Sony has to release theirs with slightly more improvements than the Microsoft one.

The thing is, we're already there anyway. Developers have to worry about "two or more hardware permutations" because every game is a multiplat now that's based on the same x64 architecture. And you don't have to fork out money for the new iteration, it's an option. At some point your 1st gen PS4 will become obsolete, but the 2nd gen PS4 alone won't make it obsolete. It probably won't be until the 3rd gen, minimum, that 1st gen PS4s will start seeing games that they'll refuse to run, and at that point it'll have been 7 years anyway. Then, since your PS4 library will transfer with forwards compatibility, upgrading is no longer an issue. YOu don't lose your entire library because you upgrade, you keep it.

It's better for everyone involved for it to work this way. The "console" paradigm was retarded. It's why it's dead now. 8th gen was the last console generation. We PC now

>Nintendo will die
Mario is the video game industry's Mickey Mouse
For better AND for worse, Nintendo will never die.

They waited for MS to announce their price and then announced the PS4 $100 cheaper.

>They waited
Nigga, M$ fucking signed up to go first at E3, and do you really think Sony planned to just see what M$'s price was when they had planned out the MSRP of the PS4 and the entire conference a month in advanced
Yeah they got to fuck over M$ with the no always online shit but that's because Microsoft gave them an entire head start on that announcement a month in advance

>Nintendo will live as a zombie making terrible games about their IPs forever

Oh boy can't wait

They know that retards will buy new smartphones every year and are hoping they do the same for their fucking consoles.

OR you can take off your tin foil hat and actually look at why they've picked the dates they did. Nintendo is set to unveil the NX at TGS. Sony isn't waiting for the NX specs and price point to fuck over Nintendo. Why do I say this? Because guess what big Playstaion centered event has happened in December for the past three years? Oh that's right. Playstation Experience in Las Vegas.

Sony isn't waiting for some edge in the market. The thing was always going to be announced at PE. It's been their platform for big Playstation announcements for three years now. Thinking that Sony is waiting for Nintendo to reveal shit VASTLY overestimates how much of a shit Sony (or Microsoft for that matter) give a shit about Nintendo.

How many Mickey Mouse movies have you seen lately?

>Be a nintendo fan for a long-ass time
>Play Melee to this day
>Cry everytime nintendo does anything
Why is life suffering, Sup Forums?

>What is a mascot?

>Nintendo is set to unveil the NX at TGS

they can always jump on the bandwagon and realese unfinished games with updates every 2 months to keep the community alive.

they tried it with splattoon, they kinda did it with smash 4 and they will try it again.

>new metroid
>each update is a new 5hours mission

slopes never for mario maker though.

The difference is that Disney is still making money hand over fist. Nintendo is having trouble keeping their head above water and their games over the last couple years having been selling worse and worse (both WiiU and 3DS). Though yeah. If Nintendo sinks they'll probably take their big IPs with them.

>What is a mascot?
Your argument that Nintendo can't die because of Mario is retarded. Mario is hugely recognizable but that doesn't really mean anything if the business he's tied to keeps making retarded decisions and hardware that no one wants

And I didn't say Nintendo would die anyway. I said that it's an opportune moment to release an iteration for a successful hardware right when your competitor is trying to start a new brand from the ground up. Nintendo likes to think they're in a blue ocean but it's complete bullshit

Pokemon GO gave them a shot in the arm. What's a few deaths and critical injuries here and there? It made billions.

>Samus has crashlanded on a planet
>There's a new strain of Metroid here she came to eliminate. They latch on to their host and control them
>The crash damaged her armor and ship, so she needs to repair them
>Nintendo releases the game as the first in their new "First Look" line of games you can play before they're finished

Because the Olympics are confirmed to be in the Mushroom Kingdom.

They themselves are forecasting a loss for FY2016

OKay so I dug a little more and Nintendo is on record saying "sometime late 2016" for the NX reveal. People think it's going to be a Direct either near the time TGS is going on or in November at the latest.

As for Sony they haven't ironed out a date yet, either but they really have only two venues left to unveil the Neo in 2016. TGS and PE. I doubt it'll be at TGS.

I don't get it if Mario is so popular how comes he doesn't have a board like Pokemon?

>suddenly releasing updated versions of consoles
Its like you just started gaming with this gen. Every company has been doing it, including Nintendo. Top loader NES? Game Boy Pocket? PSX? PS Slim? PSP Go? XBOX Lite? New 3DS XL Super Hyper Ultimate International Animal Crosing Edition?

Nintendo isn't unveiling their new baby at someone else's tradeshow

NX will have its own event, even if it's just a digital one

None of those were more powerful hardware except the N3DS

This is the first time we've gotten an iteration that is actually a vastly superior hardware that will run games at higher resolutions and/or framerates

Sony and Microsoft's exclusive content is withering. Microsoft has already given up and is using Xbox as a trojan horse to try to move people to gaming on a Windows 10 PC.

PS4 and XBone have been out for nearly 3 years and they're essentially Fifa/Madden/CoD delivery mechanisms. Eventually PCs will become so powerful and so user friendly that no one will need a Playstation or an Xbox.

In 10 years, if anyone is still making dedicated gaming platforms, it will be Nintendo.

Did you forget that these companies are hoping to sustain their consoles for 10 year cycles. They are updating the consoles, so they can continue using the same infrastructure and hardware for years more. That's all it is.

Because 4K is the new buzzterm, and Sony/MS knows that new and previous buyers alike will shell out tons of cash to buy new versions of their consoles so they can play a game that is upscaled to 4K.

Given how the NX doesn't even touch the specs of the base PS4/Xbone, I doubt they're worried about Nintendo at this point. Especially since we still don't really even know what the fuck the NX is besides some rumors at best.

Whatever it is, I doubt it will be another Wii, and I doubt its gimmick will be enough to persuade people to go out and buy one. Nintendo needs consoles that are on par or better than current gen with better 3rd party support, not novelty gimmicks.

Not true. The goal is to get rid of generations as we know them, and have one standard architecture so you can upgrade every 2-3 years if you want the newest graphics, or just upgrade every 10 if you want to keep your old one until the console just can't handle it anymore.

The New 3DS is the same res as the old 3DS (800x240).

>They themselves are forecasting a loss for FY2016

They burned FY2016 at the stake of FY2017. No big surprise here.

There's no Mario lore, meta game or weekly anime to discuss. It'd be deader than /vr/.

This is how Nintendo has been doing thing for years.

Buy up devs and blow tons of cash on R&D one year, make it all back and then some the next.

Why are nintentoddlers so delusional? Is it fear?

>no Mario lore
Where do you think you are?

>None of those were more powerful hardware except the N3DS

Top Loader NES
Game Boy Color
PSX (an upgraded version of the PS2 with a limited release)
Various Sega re-releases

All of these were upgraded versions of an existing system, but not a whole new console. Sony is not the first one to do it.

Wii was revealed at E3, and the controllers at TGS

Pokemon Go makes Nintendo next to nothing. The majority of the money goes to Niantic. The rest goes to Gamefreak and the Pokemon Company, neither of which is owned by Nintendo. Nintendo just has partial rights to Pokemon. Much like Sony has the rights to Bloodborne even though it's primarily made by From Software.

Lol. Threads like this are gold.

>Nintendo sells a quarter of a billion gaming devices last gen.
>They have a ton of cash and zero debt.
>They have a down generation and only sell 80 million gaming devices.

Sony owns bloodborne complettly so thats not a good example.

which was a decade ago
things are different now, tradeshows, even e3, are basically dying as it's becoming far more effective to communicate directly with your customers. press agents will just watch the same direct feed for writing their articles and they still get press junkets

xbone and ps4 were revealed at exclusive events, ps4 neo will likely be revealed at one too. nintendo isn't going to unveil the NX at tgs, it would be like saying "our shit isn't worth its own event"

>80 million gaming devices.
70 actually. they have lost over 75% of their marketshare. that's kind of a big deal

Nintendo has partial ownership of both the Pokemon Company and Niantic. People who thought they were getting the whole thing are idiots, but they're getting at the BARE minimum, 25%.

>yesterday I made 4 billions
>today I only made 1 billion, I'm pretty much a hobo

While it might not be on the best terms, I hope this is the direction game console take in the future where you might have some degree of forward compatibility but the incentive to upgrade will always be there.

>budd dat's just an theerie! XD

And once upon a time PS2 outsold GameCube by a factor of 6 of 7. The original PlayStation stomped the 64.

I'm not worried. As long as they keep putting out good stuff, the rest will take care of itself.

Why do people generalize all Nintendo fans based on reverse trolls?

Because pokemon is to videogame what MLP is to cartoons. It's a subsect of the furry fandom. And furries are the most rabid and autistic of anyone, and need to be contained.

Dude, as long console exclusives exist so will consoles

>As long as they keep putting out good stuff
Do you honestly believe this is what's happening currently?

>Because pokemon is to videogame what MLP is to cartoons. It's a subsect of the furry fandom.

Dude have you been outside in the past six weeks? Everyone loves Pokemon.

>dood the normalfags are playing the app now. That totally doesn't make pokemon fans annoying hyper-autists.

It's really not that simple
They had 3 years in a row of operating losses due to how poorly the Wii U and (to a lesser extent) the 3DS performed. When you're not selling as much, you have to scale back your expenses to try to break even, and arguably it has affected the quality of their games. I mean, 2016 is basically the year of shitty ports and spinoffs no one wanted. Can you honestly say this is the quality level that you expect from Nintendo?

When 3 out of 4 people who bought you hardware didn't return for the next generation, something is *seriously* wrong. Can you imagine what happens if that trend continues?

Yes user, all children are hyper autists

No, just the ones that play pokemon and then post on Sup Forums.

Yes of course, and those make up the entire fanbase.

Yep, literally everyone who plays pokemon is autistic. Just like literally everyone who watches MLP is autstic.



Who at Nintendo needs to die of cancer or old age in order for anything good to happen?

Exactly, just like literally everyone who likes your favorite game is autistic

At this point I want to say all of them
I think Koizumi and Sakurai are young enough that they can stay, but they need new blood

>hurr the people I don't like should DIE!
Fuck off. All of NoA

Zelda at E3 was amazing.

>i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about the post

VR at this point hinges on the shoulders of PlayStation VR. They are the only ones trying to come out with decent content compared to all the unfinished indie shit on PC.

pokemon sun & moon

Aonuma is one step beyond of Nintendo.

It's funny I've been saying the same thing about the gamepad since it fucking came out and Sup Forums called me a shitposter each and every time.

Now we're glorifying a hack of a man who couldn't make a good Zelda game to save his life for saying the same thing?

Go fuck yourself.

Is VR still a thing?

Seem like the headsets released and completely fucking flopped.


The man is not a demon, and the new Zelda looks miles better than SS. You have to admit, he's making the best Nintendo game this gen. Everything else was a dissapointment. Nintendo in HD was a fucking let down.

they haven't released the console-VR-headsets yet have they? I'm pretty sure that will be some sort of mini-trend