So what is your rank, and how to git gut at SOLO comp

So what is your rank, and how to git gut at SOLO comp.

2223, no clue what that even means though.

As for how to get good, there is only so much you can do in a game without a team that wants to actually use voice chat since the game is 90% ult stacks for pushes, and 10% having a team that's willing to cooperate and act together rather than 4 flankers, a healer, and a that don't want to move past the front door.

In solo comp you have to pray to get on the competent team, which you probably won't half the time

I played solo comp all day yesterday and at total went down 100 points, played for less than 2 hours today with 2 friends and went up 200. It's ridiculous how bad random shitters are.

I went up 200 points yesterday and went down 200 today.

I love playing Lucio, but every time I do I get so fucking frustrated with my team for not pushing or whatever. I'm legitimately considering learning McCree or another offense character just so I can carry a little bit more.

I like playing comp, but I get put on some fucking retarded teams; namely ones that have no idea how overtime and KotH work.

Platinum 2641
>Solo queue
>Git gud
This cannot be done. Get some friends, loser.

Solo queued and placed 2540, you just have to carry and do shoutouts on the mic


I doubt I can rank up. It's always up and down for me.

but people make fun of my girly voice

Are you a cute trap?

this is how i feel when i play support in literally every game ever. games with good players feel so good, but the bad games are such a bitch.

Solo comp is your ability to carry bad players
"Finding competant players" is another way to say finding another player to help me carry or to carry me

Exactly. I don't even mind losing if the game was close, but most of my losses have been because of my team not even bothering.

Platinum 2813

It's not the easiest thing in the world to carry. That means you have to be basically soloing the entire enemy team. And chances are you don't get to play a class that have any carrying ability, DPS are always instalocked by retarded mainers.

With OW it's rarely a carry or get carried situation in solo queue, more like "their team was more/less retarded than yours"

I'm not playing again until they fix D.Va. She was perfectly fine before the buff and the only reason they did it was because waifu-fags wouldn't stop complaining that she required at least some tiny piece of skill to play. She's now in literally every game I play on both sides and it's infuriating.

That's why you play Zarya.

She just got nerfed.

cool skins

BTW I'm gold scrub right now, something a little over 2100, only solo.

2850 Plat
Either play rein, zarya, zen or lucio and you are useful in every game.

I have been playing her a lot lately precisely because she is the best carrier. But you still end up with teams who have no idea how to play properly surprisingly often. And don't even get me started on the 3-4 DPS teams.

Again, pray you get a team that isn't filled with special needs children.

Yeah, but thw buff still makes her arguably on of the best tanks. Her damage is more than it should be, her shield is literally the best in the game, her boost gives her more mobility than most of the fucking cast, and her ult was perfectly fine before the initial buff.

post boipucci

>just go tracer, bro

>shat on by zarya who is in every match
D.Va really isn't that good meta-wise

I think I'm fucked up for the whole season, had 56 SR in season 1 but this "gold" feels like a pool of people trying to get out of fucking BRONZE.

what number range is gold?

under 60

more like under 50, platinium is under 60

Oh shit I thought gold was already under diamond.

Off topic but hope someone still has some input.

Just built my computer, 1070 and i5-6600k. I set to ultra in settings and uncapped FPS and I seem to get about 140-150 FPS on average. I noticed though when I go into advanced settings not one setting is on ultra and everything is on either high or medium? What is up with that? And is my FPS going to take a big hit if I manually change everyhing to ultra/epic? People on seem to think that my setup should be getting 140 FPS on ultra/epic.

Solo queuer 3200 (high of 72 in S1) here. You git gud by practice. You should be able to competently play at least one hero in every role. Preferably you should be able to play more, so you can SWITCH when you are tilted with one hero or the enemy team comp is countering what you're good at.
There's really no magical shortcut around practice, and some people are just inherently better at games than others.

Also for those confused about the new ranks, divide your current rank by 500 to get the equivalent of your S1 rank.

Oh I forgot, use your fucking mics. There's no excuse to not have one in this day and age. You can get one for 10 bucks.

What if I don't want to be "that guy" who is the only one speaking on mic and giving orders to everyone else?

fuck the new map btw

everyone is gold/plat its the league equivalent of bronze/sliver
idk doto tho

Why not just change it and try it out?

Why even bother asking people on the internet?

You don't need to take the lead but you do need to make callouts. "Reaper behind", "Zarya is low", "Genji is on me", "Bastion down", etc. People aren't psychic so communication is vital.

I'll take the bait

Pre-patch was incredibly easy to kill with her very high-cooldown defense matrix and her ult was legit the worst in the game before it got buffed

Plus, they nerfed her defense matrix recently so she can't spam it as much

Also you can just pick Zarya and make her irrelevant

I started off 2400, I'm now 2700 after being paired with teams that use mics. Got invited to a pre-made party and we won all our matches through teamwork and communication

First game I played after ranking was an example of how to be shit at comp. Our mercy asked someone to take over mercy and changed to reaper halfway through the match, saying he only plays offense classes.

Needless to say we lost both rounds

>disconnected from game server
>disconnected from game server
>disconnected from game server
>disconnected from game server

Away from computer. Also people online seem to be saying that setting render distance to 100% gave them 40+ FPS boost somehow. I'm not sure if mine was set to that but I'll give it a try next time I'm at my computer.


She's fine, if you sneak up on people you can get like a gorillion kills

I placed 2828. I ended up at 54 in the first season, so I'm a little higher than where I was thanks to the fact they did something about Supports placing much lower.

I did Solo Q and played Support for like 7 of the matches I think it was.

I'm in the top 21% of players, but that could rise as time goes on since placement matches are still ongoing for some people.

>Play Mercy
>Doing really well with her
>On our second round someone tells me to switch since Support is that person's main and they're a Trio
>Switch out
>They switch to Zenyatta
>He does fucking no healing at all

It's like near impossible to carry in this game.

I've had one game were I got 4 golds with Pharah and another game were I got 3 golds as Reinhardt and we still lost out hard. The fact that the game has multiple roles and multiple characters that can counter each other means that you can only do your one role well.

Granted if your team is competent you can be better and help push them to a win, your overall ability to carry is severely stunted.

People are really complaining about I can usually stomp her as either Rein or Zarya.

>Can't do max damage for 3 seconds
>Have to constantly reload/switch targets which drains charge almost instantly
>Shortest fucking range in the game
>Turrets are a joke and are only a threat if there are 6 of them in one spot
>Teleporter is strong on paper but isn't as strong as it should be, instead of moving the entrance to a new spawn when you cap, it just refunds it, and makes a constant "I'M HERE I'M HERE" hum
Symmetra is worse than Mei and Bastion.

I hope you call them out on their bullshit afterwards

Dude shut the fuck up.

This shit is the fucking worst. I almost hate seeing Zenyatta on my team. When you get a good one who actually heals he is awesome. But sadly enough 70% of the Zenyattas I see just try to do damage and only heal if you spam need healing. Same with Ana.

>It's like near impossible to carry in this game.

It's really not.

I went from 63 down to 48, then back up to 64, then down to 58 in season one.

I dropped when I played sleep deprived and drunk. Likewise, I never broke 65, even when I got a string of teams with people better than me.

You know what the constant there was?

I'll give you a hint. Maybe you just aren't as good at this game as you think you are.

Git gud, she's ok

Or maybe you are getting teams that are better than you think?

People who play symmetra and point the exit away from cap need to die
>Walk through teleporter
>Immediately walk off a cliff and die

You first. Maybe Symmetra works against sub-1000 players, but nowhere else.

Kekkkk. Had one on my team that did that yesterday. Half the fucking team walked off the cliff and died

Her level of strength is perfect for a character that doesn't need to aim with shields and a smaller hitbox.

You will eventually balance out, but there will for sure be games where you can be a god and still end up losing because you have incompetent teammates.

I guess the more important thing is realizing that it's going to take a lot of games to average everything out and realize where I actually stand, eventually I should consistantly get teammates that are more on my level and be able to work with them to beat out weaker teams or to just lose to better teams/players.

Solo que in a teamplay game is just frustrating, and considering that I'm coming from CS:GO I'm used to one slightly better player being able to make a noteworthy difference.

I'm giving shitters a couple days to drop down to silver or something, and then going to continue to play comp.

I think everyone will eventually decrease rank by at least 500 after their initial placement score, and then it'll be safe to play.

Until then there's plenty of new changes and Echenwielde to mess around with in quick play.

If you're "carrying" then the enemy team isn't focusing the right target. If a team is sticking together like glue, you walking up on them even if you have better than average aiming skills isn't going to work if you're doing it alone.


>he isn't atleast platinum
Should just head back to QP

Really? I feel like my placement matches put me lower than I should have been. You know considering people left in about 25% of the placement matches I was in

>1400 games of qm and not comp
>play comp season 1 for the first time at the end of season 1
>play season 2
>play qm
>not fun
I can't do it anymore. QM is probably dead for me now.

>Win 2, Lose 2, Win 2, Lose 2, Win 2

At least the pattern started with winning, ended up Plat (barely)

You two have the wrong approach

Seems to get it.

Your mechanical skill only makes up 20% of your team. "Carrying" in solemn silence will only get you so far. But that's not the only contribution you make.

The principle failing I see in people that bitch about being stuck in the 50s has nothing to do with their shooting. In fact, there are a lot of people stuck in 50 that are far better shooters than me.

Instead, they often have poor SOCIAL habits. They don't talk on mic, they don't formulate attack/defend plans, they don't discuss team comp, they don't communicate when they're pushing or falling back based on the team's performance in a particular firefight, they don't switch from their favorite heroes to less fun ones, and they often IMMEDIATELY shit on the weakest player on the team instead of trying to help.

A very big part of your contribution to the team is your ability to create and meld into a cohesive unit. It's more important than your shooting will ever be.

For instance, when you carry as Zarya, it only goes so far if you're silent. You can sometimes get a lucky gravity bomb off, sometimes not.

But if you go "Hey, Reaper, hold your ult, I have a gravity bomb in about 10 seconds, you'll be able to get a team wipe! Stand outside the door for a sec and group. Lucio, speedboost in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." Even people that are bad a viedogames pull that off and secure a critical tactical advantage.

Chat people up before the match starts. Tell a fucking joke. Ironically spout a meme, fucking anything. Once you engage the dialogue, not only will people listen to you, but THEY will start making call outs because they'll feel comfortable talking.

You will get a lot of shitty matchups, yes. But if you win 5% more of the time, you will consistently rise in ranking, until you reach a level where people are consistently around your skill level.

what are genji and hanzo doing

The new Reinhardt skin is pretty boss.

>tfw I JUST bought one rein skin before the pbe patch


>Being this fucking dumb
Symmetra only has 200 HP and has no mobility. Anybody with half a brain can absolutely destroy her before she even gets to max charge.
Her right click is also almost useless.
The fact that she has sheilds only helps her if she can survive encounters.
She's supposed to be able to melt tanks but every tank has an easy way to avoid/kill her.
Winston can hop away or kill her since he deals 200 damage faster than she can deal 500.
Roadhog can heal through it and/or one shot her
Zarya can sheild and kill her/force her to retreat
D. Va can fly away
Reinhards shits all over her in every way because he has LONGER range than she does and the hammer can hit behind him. She's a support character with no way to support her team outside of her ult and the useless 25 HP sheild she can give them.

Got both Stonehardt and Balderich skin.

Rein literally has no bad skins

McCrees Ult is shit now.

Its always been shit
McCree and Junkrat are tied for worst ults in the game.

Exactly. So why did they feel the need to make it even worse?

They think he's still OP even though he was perfectly balanced after the first buff he got after the nerf. Now instead of buffing other characters up to his level they keep nerfing and nerfing and nerfing. They'll come for Zarya next and nerf her into uselessness.

Surely not? Zarya isn't hard to beat. As long as you aren't a fucking retard. Literally just dont shoot her when she has a shield on her or an ally. Thats it.

>zarya is favorite character
>no good skins
>no good emotes
>no good victory poses
>no good potg intros

Zarya is easily the best tank. Her ult alone makes her a sure pick on almost all teams

You can't drop a tier unless you don't play for a long time correct? I'm diamond and I don't wanna lose it but fucking up a bunch

you don't drop from diamond, you only drop from master and grandmaster

It doesn't matter if you lose it, rewards are based on your highest historical level.

She is good but I like Rein better as a pure tank. Expecially when attacking


>Rank 55

I wish I knew people so I can rank up to at least Gold or something higher. I think I'm at least 2900 skill worthy.

Seconding this. The new Einshwielde map or whatever is an example of the power he holds for defending a team. (For attacking you simply are advancing while giving them a barrier). That map's first chokepoint is pretty much exactly a Reinhardt barrier long and he just stands there and takes it all. Zarya can shield one person but she can't stand there and constantly tank all that damage without having people push her back and eventually get through.

Two tanks is no doubt the best way to go; Which is where I think Reinhardt and Zarya works great together. Reinhardt to stop the enemy advance and Zarya to hold them at a stand still while his shield recharges.

3028 Dia

It's really hard to solo and carry, but at least up in Dia I see people who are somewhat willing to talk.

If you get headshots left and right it's not hard to charge up, but like what said.
Because it charges fucking fast as fuck if you can actually aim headshots, which you should be doing as McCree.

>talking to strangers
>telling jokes to people you never met

how autistic can you get

Let's say I somewhat know how to speak proper English, but I have a French accent. Do you guys will hate me if I try to speak on the mic ?

I wouldn't, but I'd ask you to speak again and if I still can't understand I'd ask you to type it

i've come to conclude that since it's so early in the season, everyone's playing like a fucking moron; a literal mish-mash of good players being tossed in with shit players so lots of people getting thrown into the gutters.

yes i'm salty

2650, Silver I guess. Qualified today with a friend. Won 7/10 matches then another after qualification.

Not really much advice to give really, consider playing what your team needs especially if you are solo. You could also just pick something you think will be good for the map and see if any one else picks up support or tank. I played a lot of Varya/Reinhardt and a bit of Lucio.

Though I guess if you are really good with other heroes, just try to bully other people into those roles. Eitherway people will try hard on the enemy team in comp so meta picks aren't a bad idea. Gimmicks work best when you have a team who are on the same page.

I guess you could also just play Roadhoge and not give a shit what the comp is.

Never follow Symmetra into a small room.

This happened yesterday

>game loads up start to pick characters
>someone auto locks in genji
>someones goes on the mic
>hey man can I play genji?
>no response
>dude just let me play genji I have X amount of hours on him
>no response
>we all have our characters selected except for this fuck boy who wants genji
>he starts to get angry and saying how shit this guy will be at genji
>someone tells him to stfu and play a support
>he does some sort of screeching sound and picks tjorb while we are fucking attacking
>manage to get first point, everyone is doing well
>he yells one more time at genji and then leaves
>we lose the match
>lose 70 points in my rank

>2 matches later
>2 people fighting over playing reaper on their mics
>they both get so mad they make sure our team doesn't win
>the rest of us are at least trying to get the point
>both of them are sitting in the spawn room or just fucking around by jumping off the cliff and dying
>we get absolutely ass blasted by the other team and lose
>lose like 50 more points in my rank

I'm ranked in plat and this fucking shit STILL happens in comp play

I'm fucking done.


This tier will filter out soon. Good games and bad. I just crack jokes and play support


>team daycare center

Symmetra turrets aren't really meant to solo people, I spread them out around flanks and choke points, staggering them to cover a lot of area so pushing ahead gets you into another turret. The slow is fucking annoying and when a hero is in your face turning around to kill the turret will kill you so they help that way. The damage racks up.

I mostly main the alt fire orbs with Symmetra and peak out to shoot the orb before going back into cover to charge up again.

The teleporter usually just gets put a bit behind the current point out of the way.

Symmetra is a bit weak because of the downtime between her teleporter, but on the first point she's still workable. Once you lose the first point it's probably better to switch off her but occasionally you can make her work.

Make no mistake you're in Platinum.