What went right?

What went right?

I'm waiting.

Nothing. Stop shilling this pile of shit.

Dreamgrove for starters

best xpac tb.h

Marketing and tricking cucks into falling for the Legion meme

Demon Hunters are pretty based even though they gutted Warlocks to make them

>I don't like something, so nobody else can

vault of wardens and demon hunters

Allowing flying right away.

Haven't played since Cata

Haven't enjoyed since Vanilla

what has changed?



I really hope that isnt a guy...

just some swedish girl i know


>give out 1.98 character boosts that would cost almost 100$
It deserves the shilling.


I like how the moment legion failed to flop like Sup Forums predicted you fucktards immediately changed your tone



Aszuna for starters

but legion did flop the game is flopping right now?? its floppedyflop flip flop floparoo

Is it really fine to just sell all of my old mog gear?

What am I supposed to do with all this bank space?

they definitely gave her tits jiggles

>it's a get dazed and get stuck on the enviroment and try to run up a five foot high slope expansion


The only complaint I have so far is that every zone feels like a whole other world. None of these places are connected in anyway

>tfw arcane mage

I wield energies comparable to the power cosmic and I am easily trumped by some schmuck with a gun.

Fuck you, Blizzard.

>the moment legion failed to flop

You deserve it for playing the two button EZ mode spec


Do you need to be 110 to find hidden artifact appearances?

Those have been in since Lich King you double nigger.

>mfw I get all six buffs from Roll The Bones

Great burst assuming you time it right - Your burst goes like: Aspect of the Eagle > Bite x 3 > Snake Hunter > Bite x3 > Fury of the Eagle with 6 stacks of Mongoose Fury.
AoE is ok, but very lacking when compared to BM/MM and other classes. Explosive Trap and Dragonsfire Grenade are really good but not spammable, and Cleave is a pretty big focus dump. Fury of The Eagle is really good aoe too, but only with at least a few Fury stacks.

Survival doesn't really have any stuns. They have roots and slows and a hard CC, but no actual stuns.
They have very little mobility outside of Harpooning to enemies (which is fun as fuck) and Aspect of the Cheetah, the 3 minute cooldown.
The big burst combo is easily ruined by fight mechanics or excessive movement.

Cool shit includes:
>You heal for 15% of your health over a few seconds upon killing an enemy
>There's an artifact trait which makes Harpoon reset its cooldown upon killing an enemy
>When you go below a certain amount of health, an Eagle appears and acts as a pet to help you out for a time
>When you die and release, your ghost takes the form of an eagle and you can fly around as a ghost

Do it if you have the money for Legion and/or gold for gametime. If not, wait two months for the general census

should I boost a Hunter, a Mage or a Shaman?

Are you insinuating there are complex rotations in nu-WoW?

fuck, I guess I'll do it since there is literally nothing else to play.

Better than WoD at least

>failed to flop

gonna need a source on this fampai

Best zones since WotLK desu

>Explore "new" zones

>Kill reskinned trash mobs

>Complete "quests"

>Everyone reminds you that you're the chosen one to save Azeroth, like every other mouthbreather in the game

>Rinse and repeat until either max level or you die of insufferable boredom

>Hop on the gear treadmill

>AoE down trash in dungeons

>No team communication whatsoever

>No server community anymore, do everything yourself

>Raids, the ultimate 5 button rotation trash trash boss simulator to acquire better gear to do more trash trash boss simulators while dodging obvious shit

Yeah wow, great expansion. I've never experienced the game like this before! Just kidding, it's the same experience except baddies glow green.

As far as I'm concerned nothing went right. Man babies desperately trying to hold on to their terrible game because of nostalgia are rationalizing that everything was fixed even though it's the exact same shit. The hype will wear off and they'll go back to bitching or hopefully just quitting all together (yeah right).

>Players congregate in a few popular servers instead of spreading to each and every one of them

And if you thought that the expansion would literally fill servers (which happened for a while on few of them, anyway), then your expectations for the expansion were way overtuned.

>Legion flopped so hard Blizzard won't even announce sub numbers

I wish I made this up

Rip you steaming pile of shit

Still pretty bad honestly OP

subs are probably up to 5 - 6 milly again

Everyone thought WoD was super cool in the beginning too.


How quickly they forget

It's too early to tell man, gotta wait for the hype to die down before you can call it a success or not.

unless they're actively trying to kill their game, Legion will be better than WoD

Real question.
I haven't played WoW with any regularity since Wrath. If I bought legion now, would I get at least my 30 days worth of enjoyment out of questing/soloing old raids to justify the $60 expenditure, or is it just nostalgia tugging at me?

Zones are good class hall is good artifacts look nice and have good abilities. Though I wish the resto shaman one was different but oh well. Legions a 8/10 for me

They don't fucking care. As long as they have at least 50000 man children paying them monthly they're fucking loaded. All of you faggots could fucking quit for all they care at least their shit game got another 60 dollars from millions of people AGAIN

It's nostalgia. The game will not give you the warm feeling you get from remembering those good old times. Stay the fuck away from it.

all the queues make me doubt the whole increased server capacity story

All I know is I base things on if I'm having fun or not. And so far I am. So...

They do though.

If they didn't, they'd stop trying

I came back at the end of WoD after quitting since Cata. The game is fun if you go into it realizing it's nothing like pre-Cata WoW

I'm not gonna say you won't have fun exploring some of the new shit but it will get old very quickly and you'll struggle to find motivation to keep playing after a week or two

do you have mates to play with? otherwise no

you wish, they are peaking at 2 mil right now

>they'd stop trying
They already did
Its just about keeping delusional about it and seeing how much cash they can fork out of people until it dies

>there are already Highmountain tauren in Pandaria training to become monks

They finally released some content after 1 year of waiting, behind a 60 bucks paywall but content after all.

I love the look of Highmountain, just finished it today. Fuck me, though, Tauren are boring as hell. It's all the same shit with them.

There were still at least two - three million subs by the end of 6.2. Get better bait, my man

I think you're meaning to post this in Hearthstone and Overwatch general

Especially considering that Pandaria and Peak of Serenity along with it is getting btfo pretty hard. New monks are probably not even being trained at the moment.

>multiple starting areas means less player congestion doing quests
>enemy level scaling around your levels means you can see all the content without winding up over leveled like in old expansions
>artifact weapons mean I don't have to grind a dungeon every few levels hoping the next item level weapon drops
>characters you can get invested in which hurts all the more when they inevitably die
>Class halls are basically the garrisons done slightly better (the DK one feels like a missed opportunity to use the Malkyriss)

Hearthstone maybe, overwatch no way. I'd say most of their resources are going to that game atm. It's the flavor of the year.
Wow is a lost cause.

The game is great, but I just noticed something:

WoW bores me.

Unsubbed and uninstalled

>Wow is a lost cause
>still the most popular MMO after fourteen years


Dont fall for the nostalgia meme like some of us did. The WoW you loved is dead, stay the fuck away and save your money and time.

You fucking niggers better find that Unholy Artifact Skin for me soon.


Can you explain the spoiler, I don't plan on buying Legion anyway

Memes and shitposting aside, seems like they actually starting saying "Yes" to everything where most devs would've said "Nah don't bother."

The amount of detail and consideration put into things is kind of shocking. Just one small example, when I unlocked my Titanstrike's hidden appearance, my artifact pet changed colors. It went from the sky blue of the typical model to dark blue.

That's something the devs could've easily just went "Eh why bother?" but they actually decided to throw that in just to make add a little more reward to people who unlocked that trait.

You see subtle additions like that throughout the game, from the environmental layouts to the quest dialogue to game mechanics and so on.

It's really unlike anything I've ever seen them do before, to the point where I'm wondering who got fired and who got brought in to make this happen after the snoozefest of WoD.

>be 106
>first dungeon excitebike.jpg
>reminded of how shit this fucking poomunity is

they're putting a bit more effort into this expansion than WoD, thats for damn sure

it seems like after wrath, each expansion has followed the shit, great, shit pattern so maybe this is going to be a decent/good expac

I think the Stormheim into quest was supposed to have music right? Something bugged for me and there was no music and stuff was not rezzing in fully and totally ruined the intro for me.

>Runas the Shamed

>he plays with the sound on

Was arcane mage until friend persuaded me to change to fire in legion. As much as I miss arcane it was certainly worth it as the damage is insane in comparison

I believe the shitlords that made WoD were moved to Overwatch, and WoW got a new dev team, which explains a lot.

If i remember right alot of the people that saved Diablo 3 from the shit it was at launch were moved over to Legion. I hope that means they can work on D3 again as im bored of seasons and want a new expansion already.

>he doesn't

you're missing out on some great music lad

gearing 110 in surama

the quests there are tedious
I have no idea what I'm doing there and all those quests try to be innovative but they are annoying as fuck

I realized that in that highschool quest in Aszuna. After fighting the director who was a ghost the whole time and picking up the key I didn't expect anyone to comment on it and they did anyway
there's a good amount of little things spread out that make the whole thing more fun

I like the new loot system

There was a job posting around E3 that implied that Blizz is making Diablo 4 instead of a D3 expansion

They've got the scaling and phasing system down to a science.

Where scaling in MMOs would usually make me feel like no progress was really being made (see GW2), here I still feel the progress and the leveled up mobs don't make me feel cheapened.

The Reaper of Souls team got moved to fix WoW, thats why that mage in Aszara drops wizard meteors and why you have keystone mythics. Meanwhile Diablo is kill

>I have no idea what I'm doing there

follow the quest line, its about as long as all the leveling zones combined, it should help you get your artifact up. make sure you also do the world quests for gear and rep with the various factions

but yeah i agree the quests are fucking annoying and shit seems to hit really hard

If fire and water are elemental forces, does that mean fire and frost mages are actually shamans of a sort?

Absolutely nothing.

Well if they are i hope a portion of the people that fixed D3 are still working on it. I know people give it shit still but it improved so much and is a really fun loot grinder now.

AFAIK, Fire and Frost mages warp the elements through arcane power while Shamans are essentially priests of the elementals

Until Lost Ark comes out.
And btw the mmo genre is dieing.

If that's so, why are shamans not frowning upon such enslaving of the elements?

yeah I'm planning on doing them
to get world quests you have to be friendly with the meth heads

>What went right?
