Most Used Heroes

Post and judge, faggots.

I'm the Lucio who jumps around the payload on defense, and laughs as six people try to feebly kill me, while my team picks them off one by one.

I'm the Lucio who pops my ultimate to save my team when you use yours.

I'm the Lucio who jumps around like a monkey, and gets you to have your back facing a cliff, and pushes you off.

I'm the Lucio you can't seem to kill. Just when you think you have me, I heal boost.

Why are you so angry?

44 hours of mercy here


>I'm like a monkey
Got that party right :^)

Someone post the Lucio HIV image.

You mean why aren't I? Because you aren't that good.

Anyone who has Hanzo in there top 21 heroes played should uninstall the game imo

Because you're bragging about playing a character how 90% of people play it. That's why I'm angry. You're litterally nothing special your post should have stopped at
>judge faggots
Contemplate Suicide.
I play Mei, Zarya, Ana most in that order.
I rate you 1/10 because of that autistic exposition of yours.

I usually play Spy, though Medic can be fun once in a while.

>playing Bastion more than Hanzo or Widowmaker
Kill yourself, faggot.

Sup Forums will hate me.

t. Shitter who can't kill Lucio, even as Mei.

>I'm the Lucio who jumps around the payload on defense

Fuck you asshole.

>mfw every Lucio on defense does this in overtime with 1.50 meter to go.

What is this? Launch Day?

All the Def heroes are shit. Where have you been?




I'm assuming you like being a tank.

I guess you like Australia and/or Mad Max.

Seemingly a useful person. Also an annoying faggot Junkrat player who spams his grenades everywhere collecting eliminations left and right without effort.

name of site?

>healers are required
>no one's willing to play support
it's even worse post-patch
mercy is in every game, and she's fucking useless

translation: i play assault lucio like all the epic MLGs while my team dies all around and then i blame then for losing

>wait for people to choose
>they chose dps and tanks
I can't play other heroes than lucio and zen. At least I'm really good with them.

Please don't bully.

I'm on PS. Mei was my most used in Comp, but I didn't really get into it after getting 57 in the qualifying rounds. I hate playing Dva & Junkrat, but I still don't have Dva's cute.

I'm on the top 1000 Zarya players according to Overbuff.

I can't do it with Mei you're right. But I can do it as Z[spoilers]Ana

pretty much, expect i'm bad
i mean, lucio's hard to fuck up, but i can't play zen for shit

>ok guys ill tank
>picks roadhog

You hate aiming half the time

I'll be your healslut

That doesn't mean shit

First, overbuff and such sites only get data from people playing it (and its like 5% of players)

second, mostly time played matter so you might as well be shit on her.

>40 hours Mei
>Winston 24 hours
Nigga what the fuck?
Yeah I like being a tank. Winston a shit though.

Nope, I always try to stay with a teammate or on the objective. Just a Lucio player who knows how to defend himself and stop the payload.

Before I started playing Lucio, I'd always notice how no one ever tried to just sit on the payload to stop it. They would just try to kill the enemy team, or overextend, while one person moves the payload behind our backs.

Is this format from overbuff?

>I guess you like Australia and/or Mad Max.
neither, i just like leading shots and having great damage output

Fucking healsluts, I'm the only pure Mercy player here, get out.

>Playing Mercy after the most recent patch
>She's ungodly now
>Pull mad resurrections, win the game with one
>Get PotG three matches in a row
>teammates lose their shit every time

I never see that many people good with Zarya, while I average around 2.6 gold medals a game, 66% winrate and calibrated as platinum. I do agree that it's meaningless using those websites as legit sources, but I'm pretty sure I'm better than 90% of the Zaryas I've played with or against.

Sounds like you play in gold

i get carried: the post

>I'm the Lucio that everyone plays
Hilarious, I bet you barely go aggressive and shoot like they all do too, preferring to focus on your "epic MLG" wall riding thinking you're anything more than an annoyance on a point.

If he was being carried, his team wouldn't die in the first place

How does their ranking system even work? For Mei it shows 99th percentile on all the average stats but I'm 7th percentile in quick rank. Am I reading it wrong, or is it only really factor time played?

I can't aim for shit


This is over the course of the past few days, my most played in the Season 2.
What do you think, Sup Forums?

trade stats with me zaryabro

according to the same site im ranked 284

Whats the website you fags

>22 games
