Do you fast-forward in JRPGS? Is it considered cheating to fast-forward through grindy battles?
Do you fast-forward in JRPGS? Is it considered cheating to fast-forward through grindy battles?
Yes and no? I mean, it's not like you're giving yourself an advantage or anything.
Do you think anyone knows or cares?
Do you have two personalities where that would be problematic?
Because obviously if you were against it you wouldn't even ask about it in the first place.
I don't think so. I just feel like I'm ruining the experience for myself.
You can't even fast forward in most emulators that aren't gameboy or Snes as far as I'm aware.
Also no.
You can though.
Depends on the game. In DQ1 and 2 I fast forwarded through thr grindy parts but I played normally for 3 because it was much less grindy. I fast forwarded through FF4 because I hate ATB combat.
I don't know any games with a fast forward option except Chono Cross and FFIV DS. And I didn't fast forward through them.
Funny enough, the game that needed a fast forward option was Final Fantasy III DS. And I quit because it was too slow.
>what are emulators
That's why I love Bravely Default battle system.
OP is probably referring to fast forwarding in emulators.
Yeah, I have fast-forward on for like half the game or so
Fucking this. Say what you will about plot, characters and having to do the same thing like 8 times, but BD's gameplay is top notch.
what game?
Turn based RPGs, Golden Sun 2 currently.
I'm currently fast-fowarding on FFV. Is this ok?
No user, god os watching
I don't consider it cheating.
only when im grinding
first time through an area i always do normal speed
>Is it considered cheating to fast-forward through grindy battles
But you only have so much time on earth. So fuck it.
Mad fucking props to the RPGs that have fast forwarding built in the system.
No not usually because when I emulate games I try to aim for something as close to the original experience as possible, but really, it probably shouldn't be considered cheating the way save states are, you're not making it easier, just saving yourself tedium.
It would be silly not to fast-forward, really. I'd say it should be built-in to modern JRPGs to begin with, but that would effectively be admitting that the gameplay in JRPGs is so bad you can't blame people for wanting to skip it. And at that point, you have to ask, why don't we just try to actually make our game fun because of the gameplay, and not in spite of it?
Every game needs this option. Disgaea has it too, although in the form of completely removing the animation I get it, using planets as pool balls to shoot into the enemy is cool, but its so fucking long I tend to go overboard with the option on ppsspp though. since I can just blast through battles, it makes me feel weird doing it though.
Depends on the battle system. NES/SNES honestly doesn't have much issue with battle speed. It's really PSX era where battle speed made it annoy as fuck to fight. However walking around the overworld and towns tend to feel much more annoying. Some games feel like you are walking in muck and takes a while to get anywhere. Which is why I'm always happy when games let you run in the overworld and towns.
Its the Dev's fault if the random encounters are easy but time consuming, if that's the case no harm done.
Its RPG's fault for long ass animations. Some are really nice the first time but after it can get stale. So again, no harm done. FF is guilty of both of these.
I wouldn't fast forward a boss fight or dialogue though. Or if you find one of those encounters that are worth a damn and need some strategy.
And of course, Fast Forwarding can lead to missing things.
>FF5 was my first FF
>Pick Blue Mage because it sounds cool
>Cant figure it out
>Finding Chimera
>Aqua Rake starts recking everyone's shit
>Barely beat it
>mfw my Blue Mage LEARNS it
>find out I missed a whole bunch of useful spells but luckily got the best one.
ff5 is the best ff
>You aren't decreasing the challenge, just the time spent
I usually only use fast forwarding to skip loading times. Makes FFIX a lot more enjoyable.
>you decide to play video games as your main hobby
>want to play or replay a certain game
>time is a finite resource
>video games especially RPGs are large time sinks
>is it cheating to want to spend less of a precious limited resource on unimportant single player activity
Gee I wonder
>>find out I missed a whole bunch of useful spells but luckily got the best one.
Not even close. Aqua Breath/rake takes a shitload of MP to cast. The real winner for blue mages is Vampire.
Some games are actually harder with fast forward (ATB systems that don't pause when a bar is full, for example), but no game is easier with fast forward.
Lenna is for __________
Its' OK on newgame+ It shouldn't be a default feature.
I've been thinking of going back to Brave Story with encounters turned off since the rate is just insane normally.
I'm never stealing 1/256 items in FFIX without fast forward ever again.
How is it cheating to fast forward? It's not giving you any ingame battle advantages.
I've probably beaten Earthbound 5-6 times with only using fast forward.
My latest try is without fast forward because I finally purchased it on the Wii U.
I don't say it's cheating, but it can ruin the atmosphere and pacing the first time playing.
White Magic and Summoning
I honestly love making females melee and male mages.
You sound like a weak beta bitch boy.
Besides Faris makes a better monk even if her gi outfit isn't as good as Lenna's chinese dress outfit.
no to both your questions
I just find it fun. And stat wise they are all pretty samey anyways. Yeah Lenna has slightly more magic power but in the end it doesn't actually make that much of a difference.
And I'm actually more of a dom against my boyfriend.
>against my boyfriend
>not going mime and going white, summon and double cast
>grinding for double cast
Even with speed up that takes way too long.
Of course I do, I'm just talking about the majority of the game.
The trick is to use Red Mage early on, and once you exhaust all the Red Magic and only have Dual Cast left to learn, forget all about it and then wait way later in the game when you can grind shitloads of JP in that one encounter that can give you like 20 JP each. It should take an hour or so of grinding.
Been playing Lufia 2's Ancient Dungeon recently, and I have no idea how the hell I used to tolerate it on a SNES cart without being able to fast-forward.
>It should take an hour or so of grinding
Or just ignore Red Mage completely. Double Cast is great as an idea but honestly not important enough to ever need to grind for. You are better off just not using Red Mage ever and instead just have one be your white mage and someone else be your black. Red Mage as a class is awful in every way instead of Double Cast in the end and as I said how insane the amount of JP need to get it is too high.
>not grinding for the ultimate end-game team
what a faggot.
There's very little reason to use black when summoner and blue exists.
This whole thread is about using a emulator function to take time away from that shit. Why waste all that time grinding for something that really isn't that useful. Hell the best thing is mastering Ranger and Sword Magic. X-Fight+Sword Magic is broken as fuck.
Summon doesn't show up for a good while and if you know the enemies that use things you can learn you just need to use Blue Mage to gain the Blue Magic skill. It's nice to have Black Mage at the start just to learn the Black abilities since you can combine it with Summoner.
>Why waste all that time grinding for something that really isn't that useful.
Casting two spells is pretty damn useful though no matter how you look at it.
>Hell the best thing is mastering Ranger and Sword Magic. X-Fight+Sword Magic is broken as fuck.
Why did you leave out Dual-Wield though?
>Why did you leave out Dual-Wield though?
Even without it those two combine breaks the game. Adding Dual Wield just brings it to a more insane level. I was just pointing out a good set without the need to farm AP for things like Dual Cast.
And while Dual Cast is nice it's no where near nice enough to grind 1000 AP for. You either have to do what you said and farm for over an hour to get it or spend the whole game as a Red Mage which is equally as bad.
Just seems kinda weird to me you leave out Dual Wield is all. I think Rapid-Fire + Dual Wield is a lot more useful mostly because it requires no set-up and hitting 8 times is ridiculous. It's your preference though, so whatever.
Thinking more against bosses which the bonus Sword Magic is awesome. In the end I tend to master all three and just stop a character from going into any other classes. Since Bare class will have Dual Wield inertly and just add Sword Magic and X-Fight.
hold down the ~ button
Yes. I can't play JRPGs without a turbo button on emulators.
>playing through FF2 for the first time
>The Dreadnought destroys everything
Holy shit, I thought you guys said it was bad
You can turbo in most of the emulators out there. VBA, Dolphin, PCSX2, epsxe and PCSXR, No$ or Desmume. Even PJ64 has one.
I don't play sega emulators or anything else.
Dragon Quest is light on text for the most part, but damn there is so much useless text whenever you want to save or revive or change class. And Fuck you if you think I'm going to hunt metal king slimes at 1x speed.
I think watching sped up anime is heresy, though, so I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite.
As long as it's through regular monsters and grinding, then sure thing bub. No save scumming though.
Was about to post this then I seen your post. Vampire is so damn good you can easily solo the game with Vampire + Flame Thrower or Aeroga with Air Knife.
PS4 release of FF7 has a double speed option.
It's nice.
The plot and OST are the only things that makes FFII good. Breaking the game is just too easy and can even happen to blind runners. The dungeon layouts are also fucking garbage. Have fun descending into the island cave with the increased random encounter rate, and empty rooms with 1 step encounters with zero treasures.
It kind of is. Hell I'm a big FF2 fan and even I said it's flaws are massive. Mostly because his later games the SaGa series takes FF2 ideas and actually does interesting things with it.
Isn't it just the PC port?
>I wouldn't fast forward a boss fight or dialogue though.
>I wouldn't fast forward .... dialogue
You are the cancer.
Especially since in KOTOR, the unskipable is generally what IS memorable.
>Threat: Master, perhaps I did not enunciate clearly last time we spoke: I suggest you should SHUT DOWN, STAY PUT, and wait for rescue
The core reason you don't want to Fast Forward dialogue, is because it means you skip everything. Or the texting is bad.
I.E Deadly Premonition, you can only skip entire cutscenes
great taste
Never played the Steam version, so I couldn't tell you.
i'm literally going to marry Krile
Personally I think if you make a battle system so shitty you make people want to fast forward through them you need to go back to the drawing board.
at what point can you blame them? when they make games from 25 years ago, can you really put the blame on them? they tried and did the best at the time it was. these days? yeah, its garbage, but it at least makes me a little bit nostalgic.
you just reminded me of that part. *shudders*
Even the FF system isn't that hard to fix.
1. Fix the animations, really limit their time
2. If the game as a ATB system, don't allow the player to be behind the queue. In FF6, its possible to be a full 2 rounds behind the queue.
This is like, barebone basics.
If I were doing a letsplay of it, id probably speed it up and pitch correct it back so it wasnt so tedius. Probably turbo if I was streaming and walking across the map or something just tedious.
I haven't played too many old jrpgs that would require any sort of grinding for shit that you don't already get from battles you encounter by playing regularly. So no. I consider it pretty cool if a game has adjustable speed for animations/text scrolling like Etrian Odyssey or Pokemon, though.
I play lots of JRPGs and I don't have any problem with using the fast-forward function in principle. However I generally avoid JRPGs with "grinding" or any sort of simple/shallow battle system where you could just fastforward through fights; those games are garbage.
>2. If the game as a ATB system, don't allow the player to be behind the queue.
This. Disregarding how ATB systems like FF6's fuck up the pacing of the game, it also takes a hatchet to speed for no reason.
I honestly always hated the ATB. It mad the battle so much slower. And honestly too away a lot of the tactics that went into turn base. Since it made melee more stronger because it faster to do than magic without much of a different in damage.
Yeah, I don't think those games would really be worth my time either. I was wondering if I should have tried putting the thought into words in my post , but you already said everything I wanted to.
Nah senpai just ducking do it. You play ff for the story line. Not the grind. Endless grinding was first put in the game to make it seem like it was longer.
That's not a function of ATB, that's a function of shitty balance. Neither FFIV nor FFV had those problems and they both used ATB.
>You play ff for the story line.
No, you don't, this is how you get disappointed over and over again. You play it for the gameplay, which is why you stop bothering with the series after FFV.
I abuse the shit out of fast forward. Hell FF12 zodiac edition even has it built into the game.
Recently I've been playing Fire Emblem 4 again and my hand is almost perpetually on the fast forward key. It turns 3 minute enemy phases into 10 second phases.
While true I still feel class turn base is the base way to do multiple party combat with nice balance for everyone. Adding a real time element feels like it prioritize faster combat than slower. And since magic tends to take longer it makes it weaker.
you brought it on yourself for listening to memes
I think 9 and 13 both have great combat honestly. 7, 8 and 12 aren't bad either.
>which is why you stop bothering with the series after FFV
>turn based
>select run
>watch as the enemies slowly do their attacks
>never attempt to run again because you don't want to risk it
>L1 + R1
>escape after 3 seconds
that alone is the reason I'll take ATB over most turn based games
Why do you guys suck FFV's dick so hard?
because sucking VI's dick to appear cool has grown stale
Why do you suck FFVI's dick so hard?
It's a really good implementation of the job system and a fun game in general.
Wait, wait. I'm new to Final Fantasy. What's the difference between FFV and FFVI? Surely they must be very similar games because they are right next to each other, numerically-speaking.
Are you schizo user? Where in my post did you see something along the lines of:
>I like FFVI
For all you know FF2 could be my favorite.
Because it's a good game
FF9 > FF6 > FF5 > the rest
>fun game
lol. grinding for ap is the worst shit ive ever done in my recent years. i swear you have to be an masochist autist to enjoy this shit