Are you ready for the Persona killer, Sup Forums?

Are you ready for the Persona killer, Sup Forums?

>magical girl setting
>yuribait social links
>live high-school life... AS A CUTE TEENAGE GIRL
>instead of being a blank self-insert, main character has a character arc and her own personality
>beautiful character models

She has a fucked up foot.

I'll withhold comments until I see a trailer


Where can I buy a FlayStation?

>mc isn't a self insert
This won't kill anything other than my fapping hand

>play rpg
>can't roleplay as your own character (male)
>instead roleplay as a schoolgirl (female [male])
not sure how I feel about this




That's just a present that comes with the magazine, nothing to do with the game

Persona 3 Portable came out like 6 years ago, user

>Everything must always be an argument
>Something must be perceived to be BTFOing something else even if it has nothing in common with that thing
>Can't just enjoy shit without having to try to put something down at the same time
>Sup Forums

So fucking childish.

When do we get the inevitably shitty anime ad for it by A-1 Pictures?

It's called Winterfell, I think.

Reserving judgment until I see some actual gameplay.

This kind of looks like Tony Taka's art.

Is it?

no tummy window, no thanks

Mel Kishida, so the dude who did the Arland Atelier art.


Ah okay, that was going to be my next guess.

They have pretty similar styles.

Not interested.

>instead of being a blank self-insert, main character has a character arc and her own personality

This is where GUST fucked up. Should've had a character creator and all, but no.

I personally don't care for blank slate characters with the exception of fixed ones like Link. Characters with established backstories and narrative arcs don't bother me at all, and I don't get why people are so divided on the notion.

>yuribait social links
Yuribait is shit, put some actual concrete yuri or nothing at all.

It's all in keeping the fantasy of your actions having any worth in the game and player agency being a thing. I like that a lot, at least in RPGs.

Plus, customizing cute girls is always good fun.

Is there a release date? It's going to be released for PS4 and Vita, right?

Forget a release date, is there any gameplay? If OP is holding this up as a Pesona-killer, this better be at least Caligula tier.

>All female Yurishit

Fuck off

Eh, I guess it's a matter of upbringing for me. I grew up with very few RPGs and a ton of 3rd person action adventures and platformers, so for me fixed characters are the norm.

magical girl is worst type of girl.

It sounds fun at least, and the art is reealy pretty.

Hope someone carries this for translation.

I want /u/ faggots to go away.

>>yuribait social links

Pretty gross. guess I'll have to drop it.

>Sup Forums hates purest love now

The fuck happened to you fags?


I never liked Yuri trash and most people don't.

/u/ hates yuri
They only like ecchi/fanservice/porn shit

With that artstyle, not really.
It looks like shoujo shit.

I don't care if you want to jerk off to lesbians or even watch romance stories about them, but the shit you yuriloving retards spew all over Sup Forums with your "purest form of love" and such scream female supremacy. I wouldn't even care if you were joking about it, and I'm sure a lot of people do, but I've also been on Sup Forums long enough to know that for every retard saying some stupid shit as a joke there's another retard reading it and actually believing it.

I hate the different color eyes meme, it looks like shit. Stop it Japan.

Need some videos or some reassurance that it won't a shit weeb JRPG, user, but you have my attention

Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed? What exactly is your malfunction here?

What the fuck is wrong with you? How on earth have you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personal over it? Just how fucking insecure are you? Jesus, get a fucking grip.

it's shit, right?

Heterochromia will never die. That said, I do wonder how it got popular. Suiseiseki probably helped but I doubt that's ground zero for the concept.


Not that user but i just wanted to let you know that yuri is shit and that girls need a good dicking they were literally naturally designed for it

I don't give a shit about you or your comment. How new or stupid are you to not be aware of yurifags and all the bullshit surrounding them on Sup Forums? Who gives a shit about your stupid little comment? I don't know who the fuck you are. I just pull a random yurishit post out of the bulk and call the person out for the faggot he is.
If you don't want to be called out for jumping in on general threads on the internet then don't fucking post. If go and start spewing retarded memes like datboi xD and harambe I expect people to call me out on it because of all the baggage that shit carries. That's just common sense you low functioning mongoloid.

You forgot to mention

>Japan only


automatically inferior

I really hope this gonna be good. Looks beautiful at least

>tfw no female Yu
>no female P5 dude

Talk about insecure. Really?

It's Beautiful when it's not Stupid bright unnatural colors

How about a game where I can be a cute girl but get dicked by beautiful guys instead that is not an H-game?

Yes, just like Atelier and NoA, right?

Its ok when its not about highschool girls.

Literally only way for people to bump a thread.

>magical girl

Nah, the slice of life part of Persona is a huge part of the appeal. Large part of why 4 was bigger than 3 - much more relatable setting.

Dumb frogcuckposter

>mahou shoujo

Good, they get the most depraved hentai

Any gameplay footage?


This. Does it have fun gameplay?

I can simulate being a young lesbian in plenty other games

I'm betting on less than 4k sales on release.

All Sony gets in Japan is shit-tier kusoge with cute art.
Basically phone games.

Blue/green heterochromia is the only acceptable one.

Combines two greatest eye colors into one.

Green is best eye color


>that garbage ass sameface
Why do people here give endless shit about sameface to nonJapanese artists but nips always get a pass? Just plain Japanophillia?

>nips always get a pass
They don't.
That is the exact same complain on every thread in Japan about this game.

Wrong time of the day for a Yuri thread. Try again in about seven-nine hours OP.

Kishidafags just this delusional.

Sameface is alright if they are all cute and still distinguishable on their hair/body.

>live high-school life... AS A CUTE TEENAGE GIRL
>instead of being a blank self-insert, main character has a character arc and her own personality
so, basically, it appeals to a different crowd than the waifufag fanbase of persona
and this means it will kill persona because ????

Because jap samefaces at least are aesthetically pleasing.

Finally, the Sailor Moon game I've been waiting for.

"Persona Killer" is just a term used to get replies. We don't even know how the game plays yet since it's still months if not years from completion.

calling sameface on model sheets is kinda cheating, I'll wait until we see them talking and interacting in game before I'll call it hard sameface.

More like Madoka Magica of videogames.

>A shitty and boring original with a worthwhile movie sequel that's a Paradise Lost ripoff with cute lesbian girls

Oh no.

>being this much of a memeing contrarian

Who's the artist for this?

The artstyle seems familiar, is it by the same person who drew art for the Atelier games?

Post Kishida.

Anime girls differentiate by hair and boob size.
How new are you?

Mel Kishida, yes.


Game has the best graphics I've ever seen.

no way it will look like this


So this... Is the power... Of the PS4.... Whoa...

Ah so this shit is what Dengeki covers now.

I hate this meme. Dropped

>Game has the best anime graphics I've ever seen.


The animation is really good, watching it on acid was some shit.

>fixing someone's opinion

At least Persona designs aren't that generic

>special snowflake eyes are different colors
Lost my attention already

Yuri is boring as fuck to be honest, its always super love dovey with some comedy or ANGST. Like there's no fucking middle ground.

this is literally the opposite of bl

nothing pure here, only what's rightfully forbidden

Subtle blue-green is okay because that's entirely natural.

Pronounced blue-green like your pic or Yuna from FFX is shit.



>Using bullshots
