How do I git gud at this?

How do I git gud at this?

Tear will tell you to charge people like 130% of base value when selling, and that you should be frequently engaging in arguments over an acceptable price.

Tear is a short-sighted, antisocial loan shark who wants to take Recette's house away.

Sell things to people for like 105% base price instead. Get "Just PIN" or "Near PIN" bonuses, rack up a combo of them, and customers will start having more cash to spend at your shop. Then you'll actually be able to sell more valuable things consistently, and get larger amounts of cash more easily.

Buy low, sell high.

This should help.

Jew harder

I'm actually amazed game purposefully teaches you wrong like that.

>mfw no other games like Recettear

Kamidori kinda comes close, I think.

it's not "wrong", it's just that it comes from a jew fairy who just wants good quarterly reports.

I guess they wanted people to do it in 2+ playthroughs

The older Atelier games can resemble recettear at times, but they're very different beasts.

Kamidori does come close, but it's a sRPG primarily with shop selling as how you gain money in the game. Also it's an Hgame where you spend 4 hours not seeing any puss then suddenly everyone's panties drop.

Well, one character teaches you wrong. There are other scenes where characters give you alternate advice on how to deal with selling. Hell, it's Tear who teaches you that selling for around 110% is something people do for combos.

victoria 2 seems kinda close

>dominate in arm selling, tanks and airplanes production
>AI doesn't bother to start them because you cover all demand and new factories end up in profit loss
though I wish viki 3 had more in depth trading system

Fug, I just thought about playing this again. I kinda found it funny that you could buy shit low from the Guild Master and sell it to him at your shop for a much higher price a short while later.

harness your inner jew

Buy weapons, candy and foot in bulk when low.
Sell them when high.

You don't ever have to leave your shop.

Play hardball

You mean you never have to go into the labyrinth
But you should for Charme

sell your body

Capitalism Ho, friend.

Just be yourself.

10/10 would read and fap again

They should properly specify that during a recession, the maximum prices drops by half, not 50%. Otherwise, good image.

Just played it the other week

>try to jew out everybody out of their last coin for the first two weeks because the game told me to
>no combos because I haggle to 131% thinking that makes them accept the next lower 125% offer
>make enough money for two weeks
>shit starts to get real
>no one buys because they haven't got any cash
>barely scrape it for week 3 by crafting some rare item by doing items and having the rich bitch buy it
>around that time realize the mistake I've made and try to increase ratings with people
>survive week 4 barely
>500K next week
>don't see how that's possible
>suddenly all metal things go on sale cheap
>spend first couple of days hording all the swords and daggers I can and just waste my hard earn money
>3 days left
>suddenly all metals double prices
>sit in my shop for the next 3 days making people buy my stuff
>make just enough for the 500K on my last sale of the day on the day of the payment

Capitalism, Ho! indeed.
Now I can just relax and actually explore dungeons.

I did mostly like Tear told me and still beat the game game on single run even if its not the best way, but I can't deny I did adjust the price all the time based on how much money they are spending.

>Metalic items have risen up in price!
>Everyone wants to sell me expensive metalic stuff
>Nobody wants to buy it
>Each day lose thousands of gold and still get EXCEED PERFORMANCE like the game is mocking me
>Didn't manage to pay fairy jew by a few hundreds
fun game tho

>lose thousands

Wait, don't tell me you actually bought the metal stuff?

But muh combos

>buying into a bubble
are you fucking retarded. What did you think would happen, they would have an even bigger bubble with only buyers?


>my grandmother died and left me this to sell if I ever need money
>it's a fucking chocolate bar

I thought I could meet the payment and make some money by selling some of the metallic stuff I had bought
It was a slight miscalculation that I would be 300 hundred gold short

he probably thought the profit of the happy and rich customers would pay for it, well, looks like it didn't

>mommy wants me to sell this

Get out of my fucking shop REEEEEEEEEE

It works if you buy stuff from the guild and sell it because even with double prices, you still make a huge profit selling at 250% from the price you buy at, especially on the more expensive items.
If it's a customer that's selling though, fuck em.


That's because everyone in town is pitching in to help Recette pay off her debt. It's like selling a lemon to a kid for ten cents and buying lemonade at their stand for a dollar, it's a pittance for you but it's enough to make the kid happy.

I want a 2hu fangame like Recettear but with smhup bits in between jewing people rather than that shitty dungeon crawling.

Still better than that treasure-hunter cunt

Hey kid, wanna buy some premium wallpaper?

Yeah, why not, I give 2%.

I enjoyed the fuck out of this game

Sad to say there's nothing like it

Man I love it when booms happen and people just swarm in.

That oniichan creeping at the window.
>Is this the fabled loli shop?

>Don't visit the central area after day 17
>She never appears in my game until postgame where I'm so rich I can just throw 500k at her for some rare carpet without a single fuck given

I got this game because I liked the idea of dungeon crawling while running a shop to sell off my loot, but I've always heard that you should spend as little time with that aspect as possible. Any games similar to this where that aspect is more fleshed out?

kamidori alchemy meister. But there early on you mostly sell just enough to get by as you cannot really jew hard. Then later in the game once you got upgrades for your shop you can sell stuff for such obscene rates money is not an issue.

The sequel Recettwo balances it out.

How has the town not lycnhed this bitch?

Not really.
Also people say to spend little time in dungeons for the "main story" portion of the game because you don't make neat as much profit as just opening shop.
Once that 's done with after about 7-8 hours you go into endless mode and running dungeons is the only way to get the most top tier items.

Although you can still make millions only selling stuff you can buy in town

Because they can't buy directly from the guildmaster

I actually thought there was a sequel. Fuck you for making me search for it and dashing my hopes user.